New training

While I was planning my future and 'recovering' under the watch of Mikoto and Sasuke , a conversation was ongoing between Hiruzen who just got back to his office and a frail old man using a cane to support himself. He had black, shaggy hair, and his right eye was bandaged concealing a Sharingan underneath. On his face he has an x-shaped scar on his chin, something he had ever since his youth. He wore a white shirt, with a black robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder. The robe conceals his right arm which was bandaged, and covered with three large golden braces, an arm that would be implanted with Uchiha eyes in a normal future. This was the titled 'Darkness of the shinobi' Shimura Danzo.

"We can't let the jinchuriki stay close with those Uchiha kids , who knows if they were trying to draw him inside their compounds or not and with the village weakened , this is a great opportunity for them to rebel against the village" Danzo said with anger apparent on his face.

No matter how much Danzo is hated , he is a very smart and shrewd person, for the Uchiha in the future will really plan to use the nine tails in their rebellion and control it through Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan , unfortunately Itachi betrayed them and relayed this information to the elders directly...

"Danzo , you shouldn't be too distrustful , after all the Uchiha are our comrades in arms but you are right we can't allow the jinchuriki alone in the Uchiha compounds so I will ask Kakashi to be careful and talk with Shisui and Itachi to act as backup if needed since they can be trusted. Now that I think about it, I was planning on inviting Itachi into Anbu when he grows up a little more but it seems like I have to do it earlier, he's more than qualified with his current strength anyways, what do you think , Danzo" said Hiruzen.

"NO! Hiruzen you are taking a huge risk relying only on the strength of a few kids to protect the jinchuriki and they might even betray us. It's better if you give him to me , I will train him and make sure he's loyal to the village and we won't need to worry about all these things" said Danzo trying to take Naruto into his root and brainwash him.

"ENOUGH! you think I don't know who's spreading all those rumors on the kid , you already made his life hard enough by isolating him like that and now you want to ruin it completely, I already failed my promise to his parents but I won't fail it more than it is already" Hiruzen replied with anger.

"You sh-" Danzo tried to make a case for himself but Hiruzen quickly cut him off and dismissed him while saying " this is an order , Danzo , don't do anything stupid right now , the situation in the village is already bad enough"

Danzo snorted and left without saying anything with a cold look in his visible eye 'if you don't want to act I will act myself' thought while remembering the information he got on the kid who caused this situation...


Next morning I had a talk with Fugaku about the preparations for the business and he said that he's in the process of choosing workers from the clan and I can start selecting from them starting tomorrow making me surprised at how fast he works , but maybe he's very stressed from the situation even though he keeps a stoic face. for the shops , we decided on 4 , three to expand the pastry business and the remaining one to start a new business , I was planning to make it an Italian restaurant which is something new here and would cause a huge impact.

After we were done with our discussion I asked Fugaku if I could visit the clan library and he accepted without hesitation making me excited at the different jutsus I can learn there, then I insisted to Mikoto and Sasuke that I was fine and left to my home but not before promising to come back to train with Sasuke.

When I got back home the first thing I did was to use the new jutsu I got from minato , the shadow clone jutsu and I with my jonin level chakra and very low mastery I was barely able to make two shadow clones .Looking at the clones in front me and seeing the similar curious looks in their eyes reminded me of just how magical and different this world I was currently in.

I quickly snapped out of my daze and gave each clone his tasks "first clone go back and visit the Uchiha clan library with Sasuke and learn as much as you can from there, and keep an eye on Itachi if you meet him, second clone go and reopen my pastry shop and when you are done visit Naruto and learn as much as you can from minato and Kushina "

" Understood" they replied at the same time before each left to do his tasks.

' I need to fix the problem of my shop not working without me there. Hopefully I will find trusted workers tomorrow to pass on some of my recipes 'I thought

"Now that I have nothing holding my real body back , the real training shall begin " I stealthily left my house undetected thanks to my map and senses towards a deserted area surrounded by trees. Opening the shop function I quickly bought new weights since the old ones weren't useful anymore and focused all my energy on testing and training.

First I wanted to see how hard my body was so I retrieved a sharp kunai from my pocket and started stabbing it slowly in my arm and it took all my effort for it to puncture my skin but I couldn't push it further through my muscles , and the moment I removed it only took three or four seconds for my skin to go back to normal making me excited at the effect of my high physique and vitality.

With that out of the way I put on my weights and started a grueling training regimen for my body and chakra control.

Training my body is obvious as for chakra control I started walking on a pond each time with different weights on me and when I get used to them I start jumping and doing all kind of movements on the water and thanks to my huge talent and perception my control kept rising at a dramatic speed and so is my physical strength.

With the increase of my body talent to greatmaster level , one day of training is the same as 16 days by my previous talent .Add to that I am training almost double the time since I am free thanks to my clones. Just this one day of training is equivalent to all my hard work this past month.

At the evening both my clones returned home and dispelled themselves and I got all of their knowledge and experience but I ignored it for now and started focusing on training something else.. My shadow clone jutsu. So without hesitation , I started using it and analyzing the way I am doing it causing it's level to start rising quickly signifying I am wasting less and less chakra and my clones are becoming more durable and by the time night fell I was capable of creating four clones.