Saving Himawari and meddling in the mission

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Once the darkness faded away , I started seeing the situation in the room clearly again and I sighed in relief causing Hiashi and Hinata to look at me in surprise because just an instant before I was saying I wanted to focus and now I was sighing as if a huge burden was leaving my shoulders.

I ignored the looks they gave me and I started explaining again the ways I figured out to save her life and Hiashi agreed again in the end after hearing Hinata so I turned my focus on the sleeping Himawari.

Now knowing how hard it is to both control the chakra and transform it to physical energy and then helping merge with her current physical and spiritual energy I came with a simple but perfect solution.

'if two hands aren't enough use four, and if that's still not enough , use six' I thought and that's what I did as I quickly did a + hand sing and used the shadow clone jutsu to make two more clones to the shock of both Hiashi and Hinata but they didn't say anything when they saw the focused look on all of the clones.

I quickly pointed at one of the clones and said " you will be responsible for transforming chakra into physical energy" then I pointed at the second clone " you will be responsible for injecting chakra and I will deal with manipulating the rest , stay in sync with me and help if needed"

They both nodded and all three activated Sharingan and put their hands on Himawari's abdomen before the first one started injecting Kurama's chakra at my signal.

The second clone quickly started transforming it into physical energy and because this time we injected the right amount we weren't overwhelmed by the spiritual energy nor was it too much to overload her shrunk chakra vessels.

I tried my best to keep both energies balanced and before long chakra started being generated again , this time chakra that contains some vitality and it slowly started being absorbed by Himawari's body restoring some of her lost vitality and before long her pale complexion begin to gain some color on it.

Seeing that her body was functioning properly I stopped helping in keeping the balance since her body can do it automatically again and I dispelled my clones.

I turned to Hinata and Hiashi and smiled " it worked".

"GREAT!""AMAZING!" They both said ,with faces full of happiness and excitement as they rushed to Himawari's side and looked at her rosy complexion.

"Thank you so much , I really don't know how to repay you" Hiashi said with a grateful look.

"Thank you nii-chan" Hinata said with a happy and shy look.

"You are welcome, but this only helps her for a while , it's still a long way to cure her completely so make sure she's doesn't have any more kids until then" I said as I gave Hiashi a weird look.

"Ahum, of course we will make sure of that" responded Hiashi seriously to hide his embarrassment.

"Well , she should wake up soon and I still have some things to do , let have a proper talk later" I said intending to leave them some privacy.

"Thank you I will send for someone to contact you" said Hiashi, accepting my offer since he really wanted to have some time with his wife and daughters after all this pain he's been through.

Leaving the Hyuga clan I couldn't help but think ' family huh...' as my thoughts drifted to the family I left behind before this clone also dispelled bringing with it all its memories to the real body.


Next day I went to ask Fugaku about Shisui since I was worried that Danzo might act recklessly but I was surprised at what he said " he's not in the village , Itachi asked him for help to complete a mission".

'So it's finally here huh' I thought as I started remembering something I read about in Itachi's life story but I asked to confirm it " oh , Itachi can't complete something with his current power?" after all Itachi was already at jonin level at this age.

Fugaku nodded " according to what I know , it's an S rank mission given by Danzo but I don't know the details "

"I see , I am sure those two together will be fine as long as they are not fighting a kage level ninja" I said to reassure him.

"I hope so" Fugaku sighed as he knows he can't keep holding his son's hand forever.

"I am going to train with Naruto and Sasuke for a while , call me if they come back" I said

"Sure" he responded and I quickly flickered away while sending a clone to go with Sasuke and Naruto while my real body quickly arrived at a blind spot I always use to leave the village and for the first time I left the village with my real body.

If I am not wrong Itachi was sent to assassinate Mukai Kohinata , a man who was previously an Anbu. But after one of his kids got ill , he started working as a double agent and leaked a lot of top secret information to the village hidden in the mist (Kiri) for money to help treat his kid's illness.

Eventually Danzo somehow found out and sent Itachi to eliminate him as a test , and he was allowed to choose only one helper and Itachi chose Shisui.

In the original story once they find Mukai's meeting with Kiri-nin , they quickly dealt with those ninja but when it came to fighting Mukai both Shisui and Itachi were outclassed and he simply manhandled them with his superior Taijutsu skill losing only because he didn't expect Shisui's terrifying Mangekyo Sharingan causing him to fall under possibly the strongest genjutsu -Kotoamatsukami-.

Because Mukai left a trigger in his body to commit suicide if he falls under a genjutsu , he ended up killing himself before Shisui could completely control him with his ability.

Once I sorted all the information I have on the man, I used my strong senses to track Itachi's smell and traces and I quickly started following them.

'I need to hurry up otherwise I won't arrive in time' I thought as I sped up as much as possible.

-Three hours later-

As I was jumping from tree to tree , I finally heard some fighting sounds and I quickly went in that direction and was just in time to see Mukai immobilizing Itachi using the Hyuga's gentle fist jutsu and Shisui was rushing from behind Mukai to save Itachi.

'Just in time' I thought as just moments after this in the original Mukai will grab Shisui by the neck and strangle him and Shisui would retaliates with his Mangekyo Sharingan's ability; Kotoamatsukami.

As Mukai was about to catch Shisui I quickly started using hand seals and sent a great fire ball jutsu at him which he split with his high mastery of gentle fist , but it was only for a distraction for Shisui to retreat as I landed beside the immobilized Itachi and picked him up.

Itachi was shocked by my presence and Shisui was the same because even though we never met before he still knew of me from Itachi.

" Yo Itachi , I never thought I will see you like this" I said to the shocked Itachi with a grin while carrying him on my back.

Mukai looked at this weird development with a frown and felt he really needs a cigarette and drink to help go through this day.