The power of the Uchiha

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Seeing the desperate situation his friend Danzo was in, Hiruzen started to get soft hearted and said "Danzo, surrender now and accept your judgment".

"And what is this judgment you speak of?" I said.

Hiruzen looked troubled and said "Danzo is a very good asset to the village, we can imprison him and use him when needed".

The battlefield turned dead silent with everyone looking at Hiruzen with stupefied faces , including Danzo 'What a useless Hokage' they thought as they felt disappointed and even the people close by in the Hokage tower and the street felt the same.

"Hiashi-san, Fugaku-san I suggest both the Uchiha and Hyuga leave the village if it's still ruled by this incompetent person, what do you too think?" I said with a serious face.

A fast reply to my question followed but not from Hiashi and Fugaku but from Hiruzen "Kid what are you saying, are you trying to cause the fall of the village?"

"No , I am leaving that for you to do , and you already did , now shut up and deal with this guy in front of us , or are you buying him time to think of a plan" I had a suspicious look and I really felt like it's possible.

"Yo-" Hiruzen felt frustrated with a kid telling him to shut up but he knew it was his fault, he's just acting selfish to spare his friend uncaring of others feelings or what harm he will cause ... what a great Hokage he is...

"Enough Bakorio , we need to focus on dealing with Danzo" said Fugaku with a disappointed look on his face while looking at Hiruzen , the same look was on Hiashi's face , and it reminded Hiruzen of Minato's and Kushina's faces that he just saw causing him to feel that guilt again and focus properly on dealing with Danzo.

"We will talk about what the kid said later , get into formation" Hiruzen said and so they started attacking Danzo the same way as before but this time something was different, Danzo indeed formulated a plan during this pause ...

Usually the moment Hiashi attacks Danzo with his gentle fist, Danzo will either retreat or counter it with his own Taijutsu or attack back with sharp wind blades and bullets.

This time however as Hiashi attacked and was expecting Danzo to dodge like usual , he saw that his fist connected with Danzo's right shoulder but at the same time Danzo hit him back with his left hand and sent him flying away.

As Hiashi was sent away, Fugaku took the opportunity with Danzo's right arm currently immobilized thanks to the effect of the gentle fist and attacked from that direction while Hiruzen created a distraction with his staff by attacking from the left.

Danzo leaned back and evaded the staff but he saw two shining red eyes from his right peripheral vision so he tried to jump away but a dark flash passed and his right arm started flying in the air while rotating slowly...

All of this happened instantly. From Hiashi's attack to Hiruzen distraction to Fugaku taking advantage of the unexpected situation, their team work was almost perfect.

'This is experience, even if they never fought together before they quickly knew how to get the best out of the situation' I thought as I looked at the events unfolding.

Danzo quickly followed by inhaling deeply and sent a sharp air wave that seemed to target Fugaku but he quickly changed the direction of the attack with the target being the now standing Hiashi, and I instantly understood that something was bad.

Hiashi was both surprised and fearful because he found out he can't move his body as dark seals started appearing around his body and expanding towards his face and both Fugaku and Hiruzen were away from him.

'Was it when he sent me away' Thought Hiashi as he felt his fear growing looking at the very sharp wave getting closer and closer to him and knew he couldn't free himself in time.

'Is this the end' Thought Hiashi for one last time... or so he though because a kid with terrifying reaction speed and reflexes quickly took out a huge shield that covered his whole body and jumped in front of him! Causing Hiashi's eyes to widen in shock.


A weird sound of something trying to cut metal was heard as that air wave connected with the kid's huge shield causing sparks to start flying everywhere and pushing the kid along with the person he was protecting back.

Unfortunately that shield didn't hold for long and split in half but it served its purpose weakening the air wave, so next the kid took out a double edged short sword and held it with both hands from the hilt and tip horizontally in front of him intercepting the air wave again.

This time he was pushed back but there was no sparks and after going through many houses leaving them split in half and destroyed he finally stopped and his appearance looked really bad.

Clothes tattered, body drained, legs injured and fingers broken. This is what happens when a Chunin level body blocks a kage level attack and he was lucky having such hard swords that didn't break easily.

'Thank god I got that shield while training the past week, but this is really bad' I thought as I looked at the man that was sent away with me.

Hiashi shot me a grateful look before he focused all his attention on his chakra and quickly sent it out of his body from all of his 361 chakra nodes, an ability unique to the Hyuga clan, finally dispelling the curse seal and regained his body movement again and quickly said "Are you okay Bakorio-kun?".

"Yes don't worry about me, quickly go help them and be careful next time that Danzo is very sneaky" I said with a calm face so he believes I was fine.

"Okay , I will be back soon!" said Hiashi before he quickly rushed towards Danzo but what he saw was way out of his expectations , the usually calm Fugaku was very angry and his normal Sharingans changed to Mangekyo Sharingans and he was easily thrashing him left and right with very fast movement.

'Something is not right' thought Hiashi as he saw how Fugaku's speed wasn't because of moving his body, he saw him take a normal a step and he would appear right in front of Danzo.

'No, he's not moving fast, he's shrinking space!!' Hiashi was shocked before he looked deeply at Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingans ' is it from the change of his eyes?' as he was thinking, Fugaku flashed by Danzo and his head was separated from his body.

By now the people that were inside the Hokage tower started arriving and they looked speechless at this one sided battle , 'this is the power of the Uchiha...' they thought as I also arrived back at the fight scene thanks to a shadow clone carrying me on its back and quickly yelled " Fugaku-san calm down!".

After all if he continues like this , yes he can deal with Danzo easily but he will pay a price ... his eye sight and he indeed calmed down when he saw me alive and deactivated his Mangekyo while the fight with Danzo quickly reached its end with the help of the rest of the jonin ...