Transforming village

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After Tobi successfully cast the Talk No Jutsu on Koharu and Homura by using their prejudice towards the Uchiha, they agreed to his proposal and finally remembered to ask "What's your name?" said Koharu.

"I am Tobi, pleasure meeting you two" said Tobi,

Currently, the Akatsuki still did not have the same level of fame as in the original storyline since they didn't take action against the different Jinchuriki yet, with their members being Nagato (Pain), Konan, Tobi, Zetsu, Kakuzu, Kisame, Sasori, Orochimaru, and the recently joined Juzo.

But right now Tobi wasn't known as a member even to most of the other members of the Akatsuki and so they didn't react much to his name and only remembered his recent achievement of fighting the fourth Hokage and surviving so they believed someone like this can help them in taking out the Uchiha even with how strong Fugaku seemed to be.

"Well then, please make your preparations to leave the village quickly while I have to go 'convince' Danzo" Said Tobi as he started getting in a vortex again until he fully disappeared.

Koharu and Homura heaved a sigh of relief and looked at each other in determination before they started discussing seriously about what clans to bring with them and who can be trusted for this 'noble' mission before a groan interrupted them as their two guards woke up still shaking from the horrors they just experienced...


Meanwhile back at the Hospital, I just received information from my clone about the current situation of Fugaku becoming the fifth Hokage and Danzo's kidnapping so I turned to Itachi and Shisui that were still accompanying me but now with two more kids in the room and a woman.

They were Naruto, Sasuke, and Mikoto. Naruto was under the protection of some Anbu when the incident occurs and they only let him go when everything was settled, as for Mikoto, she came here with Sasuke when she heard I was hospitalized and kept reprimanding me for getting involved in that fight and was so unhappy that Itachi and Shisui didn't escape her scolding because they a little about the plan.

As I sorted out the new memories I looked at the still angry Mikoto and said "The clone that accompanied Fugaku-san to the meeting dispelled himself just now and I have some good news and super good news. What do you want to hear first?"

I decided not to tell her about Danzo's kidnapping to not worry her and she simply snorted at me and said "Quickly tell us both".

I can see the curiosity in her eyes hidden behind her anger that only increased when she heard me say with a smile " The good news is; our clan will be going back to the center of the village and we won't be under any pressure anymore because the people behind it are dismissed from their jobs, this is the good news".

Everyone in the room felt really happy especially Itachi and Shisui because this was their dream, for the Uchiha to coexist peacefully with the village.

"What's the super good news? Quickly tell us" said Sasuke with stars shining in his eyes from excitement, the same face he showed when I told him I battled a Kage level ninja.

"The super good news is; the village has a new Hokage..." I said and paused to raise the suspense causing everyone to start complaining and Mikoto gave me a death glare so I quickly continued.

"The new and fifth Hokage of the village hidden in the leaf is; FUGAKU UCHIHA!" I said while emphasizing Fugaku's name and they felt like a bomb exploded inside their heads.

"Father is the new Hokage...?" said Sasuke in a low voice before he said it again if excitement as if he just woke up from a dream "Mother, Ni-san, Father is the new Hokage!!"

Hearing his voice they finally woke up from their daze which only Naruto didn't fall in because he doesn't know Fugaku nor does he understand the Uchiha situation that much.

The impact of this news can only be understood by Uchiha as can be seen in Mikoto that started crying while holding her mouth with her hands and said "did Fugaku really become the Hokage?"

"Yes" hearing my confirmation she broke down in even more tears. This same scene was repeating itself between the Uchiha members as the news of the new Hokage traveled around the village...


Meanwhile, inside a different dimension, Tobi was having the same talk he had with Koharu and Homura but this time with Danzo, and the only difference is that it didn't take long for Danzo to agree when he was promised his life would be spared and he will get some Sharingans once they deal with the Uchiha instead he even proposed something to Tobi.

"There's someone that holds a grudge with Konoha, I think we can get his help quite easily" said Danzo with darkness and desire for vengeance swirling in his eye.

"Oh, and who might this person be?"Said Tobi coldly.


'Tell me something I don't know...' Thought Tobi in disappointment while thinking about that weird snake.


-Five days later -

I was finally released from the hospital to the shock of everyone because I recovered quickly thanks to some chakra I got from Kurama. It didn't feel that bad staying in the hospital because I always had people visiting me.

Sometimes it's Mikoto, sometimes Naruto and Sasuke, sometimes Hiashi or his family including the now doing better Himawari and shy Hinata.

Who would have thought that the next time I meet her, I would be the one in bed severely injured...

At the same time, many changes happened throughout the village. The damage from the battle was restored, and craftsmen already started carving Fugaku's face on the mountain chain behind Konoha. The Uchiha clan was relocated close to the center of Konoha and the Hatake clan started taking care of the economy which was one of the worst among the various hidden villages...

The Root Anbu were being integrated inside the normal Anbu successfully and they were grateful for escaping the enslavement of Danzo , as for the research on Hashirama cells and other forbidden things that Danzo was doing including some research on the Sharingan and Byakugan and even wood release that wasn't discovered after the escape of Orochimaru.

One person that also benefited from this is Yamato , the only known wood style user which resulted from an experiment Orochimaru did under the cooperation of Danzo but even after Yamato left the root and joined Kakashi's team, he always had Danzo's curse seal but not anymore and now this kid with code name Tenzo was finally completely free.

But the happiness and optimism didn't last for long, before today to the shock of everyone during the usual meeting held at the Hokage tower. Koharu and Homura dropped a bomb saying that they are going to relocate from the village with their Utatane and Mitokado clans and 5 more clans decided to follow them, including two medium sized clans and three small clans.

Everyone was enraged by this decision including the always pacifist Hiruzen " Koharu, Homura are you two crazy? With the village weakened after the incident 5 years ago you want to leave with 5 more clans?"

Homura stoic face didn't change at all and only felt that he was doing good while no one can understand him "We already made our decision Hiruzen, we will be leaving tomorrow and relocate somewhere else".

Hiruzen tried to change their mind but Fugaku raised his hand to stop him and coldly looked at them "Once you leave, you will never have a home in Konoha again"

'No, you won't have a home in this world anymore soon' thought both Koharu and Homura ruthlessly.


AN: I hate explaining how I write my story, but I will do it this time because people keep on rambling about why certain events are happening without bothering to think about them so you can skip this if you want but it will help you understand my thoughts on the story.

1 - The main character isn't perfect and he can't think of every possible scenario that could happen, and his future knowledge can only help him if he doesn't cause any change to the story which is impossible. For example, the mc saved Himawari's life, this won't let Hiashi become too cold and he wouldn't keep distancing Neji from him to not remember his guilt towards his brother and might even accept him and rethink the stupid Hyuga policy of enslaving their branch members.

2 - Regarding Obito and Zetsu, The main character doesn't have a GPS tracker implanted inside their asses and can track them wherever they go. In the previous situation, They either kill Danzo publicly which was something Hiruzen wouldn't agree to, or execute him in a hidden place like the torture and interrogation department. And that's what they went with, as for guarding Danzo until that time, Only Fugaku can do it and he was busy with the meeting so that situation was doomed from the start.

3 - Obito's hatred for the Uchiha: people are surprised by it but that guy helped Itachi massacre them, You think it's out of love? nope. As for why; I guess it's mainly because of the seal Madara implanted on him to influence his actions without him realizing it.

4 - You can't solve everything by killing, even the Uchiha clan wasn't directly killed no matter how much the elders of the village hated them, the only reason they died was because they decided to rebel and could be labeled as an enemy of the village otherwise on one will agree to the decision of killing them.. other than Danzo of course. Now think what can you do to many clans that try to simply leave the village, they have innocent civilians in their ranks, kids, old people, etc.. you think anyone would accept if Fugaku said let kill them just in the case they decide on betraying us without any hard proof? Fugaku will be directly stripped from his hard-earned position as a Hokage if he makes such a stupid decision.

Anyways I rambled enough, main point is I am trying to make this a realistic story, not something where you can do whatever you want and somehow it solves itself by luck or stupidness from characters and I will say it one more time; the main character can't always devise a plan that works perfectly. He was a human in his past life not a divine Sage or something.