New information and reporting the mission

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- If this novel reaches top 10 in the rankings I will release two additional chapters.

- If this novel reaches top 5 in the rankings I will release three additional chapters.

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As I was casting my Talk no Jutsu on Shisui and Itachi. The now controlled Homura finally went back to his own personal tent to rest, or at least this is what the rest of the elders thought.

The reality was different because the moment he was alone we received a signal on our communication device indicating that the final part of our mission is finally about to be completed.

As Itachi and Shisui regained their calm from my previous speech. Shisui's eyes transformed into his Mangekyo Sharingan and at the same Homura started casting a special seal around him in the shape of a circle.

The purpose of this seal is to isolate any sound from leaving the circular seal. This was a very simple sound isolation seal that even someone like Homura could use.

After it was done, Homura's distorted voice finally started coming out of the earring I was holding in my hand under Shisui's control explaining to us everything that happened 5 days ago that caused this series of events" 5 days ago after Danzo was kidnapped by the masked man from Konoha's Torture and Interrogation department, that same masked man visited me and Koharu when we were having a conversation on how to deal with the situation of having an unworthy person as a Hokage and us losing our powers"

The two Uchiha dreamers frowned at the comment of Fugaku being an unworthy Hokage but they didn't say anything for now and only felt disappointed in themselves for respecting such people before.

"The masked man introduced himself as Tobi, and he said that the Uchiha used another ability from their eyes we don't know like we didn't know Izanagi or Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan's ability"

That ability was used on Hiruzen to trick him to believe that his grand student; the fourth Hokage was still alive which should be impossible considering that he summoned the forbidden death reaper to seal the nine tails inside his son so it should have been impossible for his soul to exist inside the Jinchuriki's seal space or any other place other than the death reaper"

At this point, Itachi and Shisui shot me a weird look that said "Just how did you do it" which I simply shrugged at and continued listening since the juicy part is just starting.

"Frustrated at their trickery, we decided to follow Tobi's request and gather the forces that are willing to help us free Konoha from such a Hokage and clan that uses underhanded tricks!"

Frustration kept building on Shisui's and Itachi's hearts, and they kept remembering my previous teachings and without them realizing their hearts slowly kept changing something I clearly noticed from how their gazes turned a little sharper and colder.

However, whether this change was for better or for worse; that's something for the future to reveal...

"Now we are going to make a camp on the land of rain, near the border with the land of fire, and wait for the right time to attack, which will be when Tobi is done with his preparations and gather enough allies, as for our supporters left in Konoha they are ...."


There was only silence between the three listeners when knowing that war was approaching very soon. A worst-case scenario for the weakened Konoha and its people.

Think about it, what will happen if these 7 clans attack Konoha along with a masked man which can contend with the strongest Kages, Orochimaru and Danzo which are at Kage level and can deal with people like Hiruzen one on one, and then there's Kakuzu and Kisame, one can survive a battle with the current strongest Kage in history Hashirama and the other can deal with the 8 tails Jinchuriki on his own and not to mention the involvement of other powers...

As for Konoha? It has Fugaku and Hiruzen at Kage level and that's all, other than them there's only Hiashi and Kakashi at elite Jonin level as for the rest they are merely Jonin. Even if Jiraya and Tsunade were summoned back they won't be enough with two of them having not fought for a long time they were both rusty, especially Tsunade who was drowning herself daily in alcohol and gambling to forget her misery...

And Shisui wasn't good either. With him only having the Mangekyo Sharingan and not the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, At most, he can use his game-changer Kotoamatsukami 3 more times before he goes blind and he can't manipulate multiple targets at once since even one person at a time puts a huge burden on his eyes and manipulating more will than on at the same time will cause him to go blind faster, so him using Susanoo is a better option and same for Fugaku unless they have Hashirama cells implanted in them like Obito...

I noted this in my mind as I said to Shisui and Itachi that were still dazes by the news of the upcoming war "Let go, we need to report this information and think of how to deal with this mess".

They broke out of their daze with worried looks on their faces as Shisui said "You are right, let hurry back, the sooner we inform them the better"

And so just like this, our difficult mission was over, unfortunately, we felt no happiness or accomplishment after we discovered the horrible news and confirmed Konoha's worst nightmare.

Our way back didn't take us too long because we didn't want to waste any time as we traveled at our top speed and only stopped from time to time to plant some transmission seals. And so by the dawn of the next day, we were already in front of a huge familiar gate; the entrance to Konoha...

No one questioned us since we didn't go on an official mission in the first place so we directly headed in the direction of the village center; the location of the new Uchiha compound and directly entered the clan head's house to report the mission to Fugaku.

Surprisingly, Fugaku was awake, and seeing the flustered looks on our faces he started having a bad feeling on his heart, a feeling that was quickly confirmed when Shisui quickly followed the normal ninja protocol without any greeting which was to kneel on one leg and hurriedly started reporting the mission and Itachi was the same even though it was his father but right now he was working...

As for me, I wasn't going to kneel for any protocol or whatever and only watched Fugaku's reaction hearing the report about the formation of death, our plan, the spies left behind, and finally the information about the incoming war.

The moment Shisui finished his report; Fugaku quickly got to his feet and said "Thanks, you three did unbelievably well, especially not allowing Shisui's ability to be discovered allowing us to still have it as a trump card. Please keep this information as top secret, I need to quickly gather everyone trustworthy and apprehend the spies left in the village"

Fugaku quickly body flickered away while creating some clones to inform specific people to meet secretly.

Soon the village that was stuck in its old ways was going to experience another inevitable change, but was it the only village changing...?