Apology and lethal weapons

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'Hopefully, you will listen properly next time and won't return to throw your life away pointlessly in the case we lose' I thought as I felt the two kids hugging me and from the corner of my eye saw the change in Sasuke's eyes.

Seeing that my purpose of awakening Sasuke's Sharingan and teaching them this valuable lesson was achieved, I finally stopped this charade saying "You two crybabies need more training..."

Naruto and Sasuke "yyyyaa!" they both yelped in surprise and jumped away from me with their eyes wide in shock and still wet with tears as if they saw a ghost in front of them and quickly hid behind Mikoto.

"Tch, what are you overreacting for?" I said in an annoyed tone as I left Mikoto's embrace but still felt weak as I didn't recover that much yet so I had to hold on to her to not fall down.

"M-m-mom what's happening" Asked Sasuke with his eyes now back to normal to his mother that was looking at him with an apologetic smile.

Mikoto heaved a sigh before she said "I am sorry Sasuke, Naruto-kun, Bakorio actually pretended to be dead on purpose to help you awaken your Sharingan" and left something unsaid 'and help you understand the pain that comes with weakness in this world'.

They both finally realized that their friend was still alive but before they could rejoice they felt anger at being tricked in such a way and felt their emotions were being toyed with...

I looked at their angry faces and felt like I deserved a harsh beating for letting two kids experience this traumatizing pain but I felt it was really necessary "Indeed, I am sorry, but I wanted you to be ready, ready for the worrying future that is about to come, and I believe you two can help change it, for the better"

Mikoto didn't know what I meant by worrying future, but she too wasn't feeling optimistic after seeing the recent events that occurred one after the other with the village having no time to rest to lick its wounds properly...

"I hate you" said Naruto while he hugged Mikoto and didn't want to look at me as he kept remembering this horrifying scene, and will always remember it in the future and it will be his biggest motivation and drive to grow stronger, and it was the same for Sasuke.

the only difference is that he kept glaring at me and I felt like he wanted to beat me up but hesitated when he saw that I was barely standing on shaky legs with the support of his mother.

'Thankfully, I know you too are very strong mentally even from a young age otherwise I wouldn't scar your childhood like this, but I will try my best to make it up for both of you' I thought as I warmly looked at these two kids that reminded me of something. Something that almost filled the void in my heart before I lost it...

I gently patted their heads before I said to Mikoto "I can sense many fights currently happening inside Konoha and Chaos is everywhere so I will leave my doubts about who those 5 are or any questions you have for later, we need to deliver support to the other Uchiha as I can feel many of them struggling"

Mikoto nodded at me knowing that the situation wasn't yet optimal to waste time even though she was dying to ask about my Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Have you recovered enough?" Asked Mikoto worriedly.

"Yes don't worry, I have strong vitality and with the help of Kurama's chakra that has natural healing properties, I will quickly make a full recovery" I said while inside I thought ' I should really learn medical ninjutsu to not waste time in such situations in the future, hopefully, we will find Tsunade soon with Jiraya and Mukai searching for her at the same time'

Mikoto nodded at me before she hid her concerns and was about to ask something "Where's the clos-"


A huge explosion sounded near the entrance of the Uchiha compound and she quickly got her answer as we both made a shadow clone and let them accompany the kids while we both went to the location where the sound was generated from.

When we reached there, we saw one of the Uchiha Jonin Inabi heavily wounded while fighting a special Jonin and two Chunin and having to protect two old civilian Uchiha couple behind him.

These two were quite famous as they owned a very famous Senbei shop inside the village which Sasuke loves to visit with Itachi; they are Teyaki Uchiha and his wife Uruchi Uchiha.

Inabi and the Uchiha couple lying unconscious on the ground had some burn marks on their bodies and clothes so both Mikoto and I guessed that the previous explosion we heard was because one of those three used a very strong explosion Jutsu or seal in their attack.

And indeed, that special Jonin was special because of his high mastery of sealing Jutsu allowing him to create many variations of the explosion tags.

One of them similar to Minato's ability is to create an explosive seal with his chakra when he touches a target which he then can make explode at any time he wants, but he can only use it on objects that don't contain chakra since it isn't as hard to remove as Minato's.

And what he did was he fought Inabi with the two Chunins while creating explosive traps in many places around them. Of course, Inabi was able to avoid most of them but protecting people while fighting will 9 out of 10 times end badly for you and cause you to mess up and that's what happened as the two behind him got attacked and they ran away in a panic to dodge the attack.

Unfortunately, they ran away to the location of a trap that almost blew them into smithereens but Inabi saved them in the nick of time but ended up getting badly injured from the explosion while those two got knocked out as they didn't escape it completely unscathed.

After that, the situation quickly went downhill for the injured Inabi that loved his clan dearly and would risk his life for its people and started planning a desperate attack to take those three with him but that's when help arrived as a rain of shurikens with impossible angles forced those three to get back as two people landed beside him; a kid and a woman.

He recognized both as the wife of his boss and the new young genius of their clan but they were both bloody seeming to have come from a bloody battle too but he didn't say anything right now and simply nodded at them in gratitude.

I stretched my hand and patted Inabi on the back and sent him some of Kurama's chakra to help him recover quickly as those three were distracted by Mikoto before I started weaving hand seals to cast a great fireball Jutsu to pressure those three even more.

As I dodged out of the way, I took out something I rarely used. Three lethal kunai's I got way back...

I threw them at those three ninjas without attaching any chakra strings to them and only imbuing them with chakra appearing to increase their sharpness.

Being a kid, those three didn't take my attack seriously so they simply dodged but that's when my slithering throwing Jutsu took effect as the chakra imbued on those kunais wasn't simply for sharpening but it caused the direction of those Kunais to change at the last instant when they were about to pass those three not allowing them any time to dodge and they all got lacerated by them.

'Let see how effective this is' I thought as I looked at the grunting ninjas wickedly...


AN: Damn I cut my finger so bad yesterday while cooking, careful when you are using a sharp knife my good people.... As for yesterday's question, Actually the main reason the mc decided to risk traumatizing Naruto and Sasuke is to see how strong their character is and how far he could push them when he goes back in time. After all, having a guess from the anime isn't the same as seeing it with your own eyes...