The Sun and seven stars seals

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After Naruto's situation stabilized, we begin our next purpose in coming here. After all simply unsealing Kurama wasn't enough.

Kushina handed the unconscious Naruto to me and both she and Minato started walking towards Kurama before they quickly started writing all kinds of seals on his body and the ground almost dying both of them completely in black ink.

We watched the operation of two Fuinjutsu masters in admiration as what they were doing right now is applying the seal that counters Genjutsu.

When someone is under the effect of a Genjutsu, their chakra becomes static and doesn't flow inside their body anymore, so generally, when people try to escape from a Genjutsu they try to create a burst of chakra to allow them to break from this static flow or get outside help by having someone inject chakra into their chakra channels restoring their flow.

From this general knowledge, Kushina and Minato came up with a simple solution and that's to take advantage of Kurama's huge chakra reserves and store a small portion of it in a seal that would activate whenever he's put under a Genjutsu.

After they finished drawing the seals. these seals started traveling directly towards the location of Kurama's heart, and when everything was absorbed, it resulted in a black seal mark in the shape of a shining sun.

Sensing that they were done, Kurama started injecting his chakra into this seal mark until it was completely full before he stopped and asked them "Minato, are you sure this won't allow me to fall under another Genjutsu?"

Minato thought about it a little before he rubbed the back of his head and said "Theoretically, yes"

I thought it was better to test it here rather than to be taken by surprise against an enemy like Obito so I looked at Fugaku and said "Fugaku, please use your Mangekyo Sharingan and your strongest visual powers and see if you can manipulate Kurama"

Fugaku nodded at this but he hesitated when he looked at Kurama who was showing an angry face at my suggestion so he asked "Are you okay with this?"

Kurama snorted and said "Try it"

Once he heard Kurama's confirmation, Fugaku's eyes slowly turned to the shape of three dots followed by three curves spiraling counter-clockwise around the pupil and he couldn't help but remember how he once thought of using these eyes to control the nine-tails and use it to rebel but now he was going to try to control it for a whole different reason causing him to let out a sigh.

Meanwhile, Minato and Kushina looked at Fugaku's eyes with obvious curiosity

'So these are the famous eyes that could shrink space, the Uchiha are really strong' thought Minato then he looked at me with a complicated look and thought about the time Mikoto was about to sacrifice herself to save me, Naruto and Sasuke causing me to use my Mangekyo in anger 'Just what ability is your eyes hiding, I can clearly remember a feeling similar to the death reaper I summoned to seal Kurama...'

Back at Fugaku, he made eye contact with Kurama causing Kurama's eyes to slowly transform into a three tomoe Sharingan. However, before he could admire his success, the seal on Kurama's chest started shining like a real sun, and seal marks traveled from it enveloping his chest like a huge tattoo, causing his eyes to turn back to normal in the process.

A sigh of relief escaped from us, while Kurama quickly put more chakra inside the seal and started laughing "HAHAHAHAHA, I can't be controlled anymore" before he looked at me with his intimidating shining crimson eyes.

I could easily tell that he was feeling grateful and wanted to thank me but didn't know what to say so I just sighed and said "There's one more seal left, wait until it's over before you talk, and stop laughing so loudly, you are going to burst my eardrums, Tch"

Kurama's face turned visibly annoyed but was also excited at the next seal that would make sealing him difficult in the future.

Minato and Kushina simply looked at this in amusement as they knew this is our usual interaction.

As for Shisui and Fugaku, they just looked at this dangerous huge fox in wariness to the point Fugaku almost smacked me in the head for provoking him.

Kurama calmed down again and very quickly we started marveling at the complicated seals Minato and Kushina were drawing all over the place before they finished by doing some hand-seals which caused the seals to start getting absorbed inside of Kurama's abdomen.

When everything was absorbed, a Seal mark in the shape of seven stars connected by thin lines appeared outside of Kurama's abdomen before they quickly disappeared again.

Shisui couldn't help but curiously ask since this is the first time he heard of something that makes it harder to seal a tailed beast.

"Minato-sama, what kind of seal is this and how can it make it harder to seal Kurama again?"

Fugaku thought Shisui was being rude by asking someone's secret as it was the same if Minato was asking if the Uchiha had another trump card.

But before he could reprimand him, Minato looked at this curious Uchiha genius that reminded him a little of his younger self with a smile and said "This is a seal I created with Kushina called the seven stars seal

As you might know, seals are different ways of manipulating chakra to achieve multiple effects. And what this seal does is makes it harder to manipulate chakra in its near vicinity.

Making sealing a tailed beast very difficult if not impossible, however, it also makes it harder for a tailed beast to use chakra to attack so they become restricted to using their physical abilities so this is best used on a worst-case scenario"

Hearing Minato's explanation, they couldn't help but think that both this guy and his wife are geniuses for them to come up with such a seal that doesn't completely immobilize a tailed beast which is made of chakra instead it only restrict them to physical attacks which is Kurama's strong point other than his tailed beast bomb.

Shisui's curiosity ignited even more so he asked "Can a Taijutsu specialist use this to disrupt enemy attacks? If yes this would be perfect for them"

However, this time Kushina shook her head and responded to him "They can, but they will need a huge amount of chakra for them to activate the seal, at least Kage level so it's not possible for individual use, at least not right now"

Shisui quickly understood her meaning ' indeed if this seal is improved the same way Minato-sama improved the second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Jutsu, it would be amazing' and then he noticed Fugaku glaring at him causing him to feel embarrassed and didn't ask any more questions.

"Kurama, how do you feel?" I asked

"I feel great, I can't sense anything negative affecting me from the seals" he responded.

"That's good; can you shrink your size? I could already feel some ninja from Konoha coming this way probably because they heard some idiot roaring and laughing" I said mockingly.

Hiding his embarrassment Kurama quickly yelled "Who are you calling idiot you dumb kid" which caused a few veins to emerge on my forehead but before I could say anything Kurama used the Shape-Shifting Jutsu causing him to slowly shrink in size...


AN: Hello Everyone, the poll I put yesterday in my pàtreon is at a tie. Join in and help us break it!