Yellow flash and meeting Tsunade

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Minato and Fugaku felt conflicted and didn't know whether to feel happy at the news that Tsunade was discovered, or be concerned that Mukai betrayed Konoha again so they asked at the same. Their answers showing the difference in their personalities!

"Are you okay Bakorio-kun?" "Are you sure you know where Tsunade is?"

Clearly, Minato was the one that was nice enough to ask about my well-being concerned if anything happened to me. Meanwhile, Fugaku asked about Tsunade's location overwhelmed by the feeling that there's some hope for the village surviving its current situation.

However, he quickly felt ashamed when he heard what Minato asked and noticed what he did so he quickly tried to change his question "Is everything oka-" I cut him off.

"Don't. I am fine Minato" I nodded at Minato in appreciation for him worrying about me before I glanced at Fugaku sideways "Mukai is in control now so you don't need to worry about him completing his mission to deal with Kisame.

As for Tsunade's location, she's currently taking residence in the land of tea. More specifically, in the Degarashi port town located on its eastern coast"

Their eyes started shining in excitement and Fugaku asked again to make sure "Are you sure Tsunade's there?"

I quickly summarized to them what happened "Yes, Mukai can't lie to me, He met her there and asked her to heal his son. That's when she told him that his son probably suffers from a terminal disease and doesn't have much longer to survive.

However, she can't simply heal him using medical Ninjutsu and said that she needs some advanced medical equipment that can only be found in the land of lightning, so he chose to betray me"

Hearing that Mukai only did it for his ill son, Minato sympathized with him a little. Still, he could have chosen a better course of action and relied on the village so he can't be forgiven for his actions.

Meanwhile, Fugaku didn't care and said "Good, we should quickly contact her and make sure we bring her back before the war" then he turned to Minato and said "Minato, you will be tasked with this since you are the fastest ninja in Konoha. Please take care of this as soon as possible"

Minato nodded at him with a smile "Leave it to me, I will do my best to convince her to come back"

A voice quickly interjected in their conversation "I will come with you; I can help you in convincing her"

Minato looked at me in surprise but then he remembered Mukai's current state and decided not to ask any question about it and simply nodded "let's get going then"

I found myself getting picked up and before realizing anything...


The scenery around us quickly changed and we were already in a jungle I didn't recognize

"Where ar-" before I could finish my question, Minato quickly threw a Kunai and teleported to it.


When we appeared again he answered me "We are at the south border of the land of fire"

'WHAT! This ability is really broken. We are basically already in the land of tea, and it seems that Minato has this location already branded huh, he really deserves his nickname as the Yellow Flas-'

Again my thoughts were interrupted and we quickly traveled from the north of the land of tea to the middle at unbelievable speed

*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh*

In merely minutes after we left Konoha, we were already in the beautiful port Degarashi. This port is a very popular location for tourists which is probably why Tsunade came here around two weeks ago.

The Wasabi and Wagarashi families controlled local operations and policed the town which led to a conflict of interest between the two, especially with the increasing popularity of the town which led to many skirmishes between them. These conflicts would go as far as to include the town citizens, often causing casualties.

So how can this place be popular for tourism, only God knows...

After we landed inside the town, we both didn't waste any time and quickly used the shadow clone Jutsu to make our search easier.

"Let search all the legal and illegal gambling places first before we search in the inns okay?" said Minato who knew Tsunade's obsession with money pretty well.


"Shadow clone Jutsu" we both used this jutsu to widen our searching scope.

*swoosh* *swoosh*

And so we both flickered away along with our shadow clones to search for her and it didn't take long before one of my clones spotted a commotion inside one of the illegal gambling places.

Curious, he moved closer and he saw some people that looked like thugs begging a woman to leave their place.

This woman is fair-skinned with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead.

Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower back. A violet diamond shape was clearly visible on her forehead, however the most distinguishing feature anyone could notice from a mile away is her clearly big... excuse me ENORMOUS and I repeat ENORMOUS breasts.

Of course, this was none other than the famous Sanin herself and the only Senju still alive; Tsunade, and right now she was drunk and arguing with these thugs while being held back by her apprentice Shizune.

Shizune is a fair-skinned woman of average height and slender build with onyx eyes and jet-black hair; her hair is straight and shoulder-length with bangs that cover her ears and frame her face.

She was wearing a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels.

"M-Madame, please leave our humble place and go gamble somewhere else" said one of the thug-looking men in a fearful voice while glancing from time to time at his friend that foolishly tried to use force against this woman and got punched in the stomach...

'Just why is this trouble maker here of all places' the thug felt like crying while looking at the drunk Tsunade.

"Huuuuh? am I not good enough for your stupid gambl- *HUK* ling pla- *HUK* ce?" said the drunk Tsunade while waving her fist in the air trying to appear threatening but it made her look harmless to the onlookers. If only they couldn't see the thug squirming from pain on the ground...

The thugs looked helpless at this and didn't know what to say but the polite Shizune quickly came to their saving and said "Tsunade-sama please behave yourself"

Then she bowed and said "I am sorry for the trouble everyone, your friend should be fine after some time. Let go Tsunade-sama"

Tsunade tried to resist and kept ranting "Ugh I want to gamble some more..." but Shizune didn't listen to her and dragged her to the direction of the inn they stay in while thinking sadly 'Just why can't Tsunade-sama quit these bad habits'

As they approached a slightly empty street, the drunk look on Tsunade's face suddenly vanished and turned sharp as she stood up straight and looked in the direction of a kid staring at her from the top of a building with narrowed eyes.

'How can I feel such a high level of a threat from a kid!!?' Tsunade was shocked but that feeling quickly disappeared like it never existed and the kid which Shizune also noticed by now jumped from the building and landed in front of them.

Meanwhile, as I was midair I couldn't help but think 'nothing less to be expected from such a legendary ninja, you let off so little bad intention yet you get quickly detected huh'.

"Hi Tsunade, and Shizune I have been trying to find you for a long time" I said with a smile.

Finally, I am about to arrange the last piece of the puzzle...


An: For yesterday's question!: The main plan is actually for Jiraiya to free Yagura from Obito's control and possibly stop the war with Kiri and gain them as an ally, and for Shisui to try to take control of the one-tails with his Kotoamatsukami and use him against Suna!