Hunter and the land of the dead!

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I quickly flickered in the direction of the forest where the most dangerous battles were going to take place following after Konoha's forces and my eyes slowly started transforming into my Mangekyo Sharingan...

And then!

*swoosh* *swoosh*

Projectiles started flying in the air heading directly towards every fatal spot of my body and they hit their target before I could react causing me many grievous wounds and start falling from the air... or at least that's what my two attackers thought.

Two people were hiding using the trees as their cover and thinking their sneak attack succeeded. They were wearing Kumo's standard attire which consists of a long, grey top which gathers just at the waist to give a sash-like appearance, with a matching colored bottom. Over this, they wore white, one-strapped flak jackets and arm as well as shin guards.

They both smirked and nodded at each other signaling that the job here was finished and they were about to start finding another target to assassinate, however, soon the boy they thought they killed transformed into a tree stump!

This was the magic of the substitution Jutsu.

With incredible speed, I appeared behind one of them and coldly stabbed him with a lethal Kunai in the back of the throat before I quickly retrieved it causing him to close his wound in panic with his hands to no avail as his blood slowly drained from his body as he made gurgling sounds and started falling to the ground.

Then I threw that same Kunai in the direction of the other ninja and took a deep breath while doing some hand signs.

'Great breakthrough Jutsu!'

I exhaled a surge of strong wind in the same direction of the kunai enhancing its speed even more.

The Kunai flew in a blinding speed leaving this Chunin no time to react before he was stabbed in the head leaving a gaping hole in it with blood and brain matter exploding everywhere and then I simply tugged a chakra string attached to the Kunai to retrieve it while already flickering to my next target.

Two corpses slowly started falling down from the trees. However, before they could even touch the ground, I was already in front of my next target which happens to be another Chunin trapped in one of Konoha's traps and was trying to break a barrier using a blade coated in lightning release chakra.

Without hesitation, I sent 4 normal Kunai's with explosives attached to them, and before long; the barrier along with the Chunin inside of it went BOOM and were blasted into smithereens.

'Let the hunting begin' was the only thought in my mind as I left behind three corpses in a very short amount of time, and like an apex predator, I quickly checked my map for the next close prey.

I noticed that a small team of 4 people was heading my way. Clearly having heard the sound of the explosion, and while carefully bypassing some of the traps in the area they quickly arrived where the explosion just happened.

They were a group made of one Jonin and three Chunin, and from the way they dodged the traps, they are probably very good with Fuinjutsu!

Seeing the torn Kumo attire as well as the corpse that was blasted into many pieces made some of the inexperienced Chunins retch in disgust and almost throw up. However, the Jonin leader quickly became very stern while checking the area around them and said with a serious voice

"Don't let your guard down; the enemy might still be near!"

The three Chunin who heard their Team captain slightly flinched that the enemy that could cause such a scene might still be nearby but even their strong captain couldn't sense him so they quickly nodded nervously and put their guard up and used a simple formation to cover for each other as lightning started covering their blades but they still had some flaws that could be exploited.

However, unfortunately for them. Death already had them as its target!!

I watched silently while using my Yomi no Kuni ability to completely hide my presence while using the passive of my Jikininki which made me realize one thing very clearly.

'If I couldn't feel emotions, I might have truly put my guard down a little and attacked their clearly flawed formation while they are in this nervous state. What sneaky and dangerous people, the battlefield is truly not a simple place'

Indeed, there was no emotion of nervousness in those three Chunin. It was all an act from the start to draw out the one who caused the explosion and to make themselves seem like an easy target!!

Understanding that no one should be underestimated in war and things aren't always as they seem. I quickly chose the perfect time when that Jonin surveying the surroundings was about to look in the direction I was in.

The moment he did, I shifted my position catching him by surprise and leaving him no time to react as he looked straight at my blood-red eyes!

The moment we made eye contact, I directly put that Jonin into a Genjutsu which he wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

'Not good' was all he could think before he found himself in a very dark grey land covered with white ashen skeletons.

This scene creeped him out to no end, but it only increased much more when the hollow eyes on the skulls of those skeletons begin shining with a pale green light and a shiver seemed to have run through the still bones covering the grounds.

"No, NO I need to wake up this is just a Genjutsu, they will soon break me free from it" the Jonin tried to raise his confidence however no matter what he did, he couldn't break from this Genjutsu on his own and he started praying for his comrades to free him.

However, he was soon cut off from his prayers as a cold and bony hand slowly caught his leg. It was a feeling that sent shivers down his spine so he quickly tried to struggle away from it.

But more and more hands started catching him and the skeletons in the distance started rising up and he noticed to his horror that they had all kinds of different shapes.

From animals to humans to giants that reached the sky of this land to demons with horns and creepy aura still revolving around them even in their death!

It was anyone's worst nightmare, and soon those skeletons held him in place and what followed next was indescribable...

Meanwhile, the three Chunin could hear their captain freeze with absolute terror on his face and they quickly understood that they were under attack so they quickly adjusted their formation hiding any of its previous apparent flaws.

Next, two of them simultaneously attacked the direction their captain looked at while the last one tried to free him from the Genjutsu.

One of the Chunin quickly did some hand signs

Monkey → Ox → Boar → Tiger

"Lightning Rat Violent Quake" He released a strong discharge of electricity in the form of several destructive disks that were homing in on my position while cutting anything in their way.

Meanwhile, the second Chunin did different hand seals and then put his hand on the ground!

Dog → Dragon → Rat → Ram

"Lightning Release: Spider Web" Once his hands touched the ground, a giant web made of electricity covered the area surrounding them while avoiding touching any of his comrades.

This web would electrocute anyone that touches it which will immobilize them forcing them to be careful about their positioning and leaving them with the best option of attack being from the air.

'Not bad, but it's not enough!' I thought as I looked at the attacks flying my way before I stepped very hard on the branch of the tree I was sitting on destroying it in the process and disappearing from their view.