A Rank Jutsu

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I suddenly found myself trapped inside a three-sided wall made of lightning causing to quickly start going through all the information I collected before coming to this war on the different Jutsu used by the different hidden village, and it didn't take me more than an instant to recognize what's this Jutsu

'This is troublesome' I thought as I realized that this was the Rank B lightning release: Thunder Bind Jutsu!

This Jutsu allows the user to create a three-sided wall of electricity to trap their opponent inside. However, This Jutsu requires the use of three conductors for electricity and in this case, they were the three metallic rods each of the trio planted in the ground in a triangular formation.

Once the enemy is inside, if they come into contact with the wall, they will get fried and electrocuted by the strong lightning.

So, the only way the Jutsu can be broken is if an outside party were to strike one of the conductors with a strong enough attack, which will then disrupt the formation and deactivate the walls.

What makes my situation worse however is that what I'm facing right now isn't just a simple Thunder Bind Jutsu.

No, I was facing a multi-layered Thunder Bind Jutsu!

Instead of one three-sided wall made of lightning, I was trapped inside three layers of walls making the power of this Jutsu rise to the peak of A Rank and maybe even S Rank Jutsu!

I quickly analyzed my situation 'normally people can't break this Jutsu because of the tight space they are held in so if they use a strong attack; even if it can break the barrier of electricity; the shockwave would be disastrous for them!'

I raised my head and noticed that even the usual flaw of the Jutsu not having a cover of electricity above the trapped person was nullified under their collaboration and even if I could jump high enough or fly, now it would be useless.

'They are really cautious huh, I need at least an S Rank Jutsu to break from this, these three must be really happy right now huh' I thought as I looked at the trio observing me...

"Kid, you won't be escaping anytime soon, this collaboration Jutsu can even trap a Kage level ninja for a while, Just wait patiently, when our reinforcements arrive, so will your death" the Muscular man said with a face filled with rage.

The other two had similar expressions filled with hatred and didn't say anything as they focused on their Jutsu to give me no chance to escape.

"Well, I indeed underestimated you but this is as far as you can go" I calmly said in contrast to their rage and hatred after I noted down my lack of high-level Jutsu and then, my eyes slowly changed to their horror into something more than a Sharingan, something they never saw before!

"Yomi no Kuni" an aura of death emanated from my body surprising the trio. Especially the sensor who could feel the danger that was lurking inside that ominous aura so he quickly warned his comrades with a grave face

"Be careful! this kid is up to something" But they didn't think too much of it as their ability was really hard to break and even the sensor didn't understand why he would feel unsafe, but his doubts were soon cleared when he saw four dark chains appearing out of nowhere and breaking their Jutsu in no time!

"W-what's thi-" The overconfident woman finally lost her confidence and simply looked in shock as before they could react. They found the boy escaping their Jutsu and his chains attacking them at a terrifying speed.

The muscular man tried to block the chain with his trusted huge sword. However, to his disappointment, the chain of death pierced through his sword like it was butter and left him no time to react as he got punctured in the head by the chain...


"One down, two to go" I calmly said as I looked at the man that was stabbed by my chain before turning my attention to the smart sensor and woman who decided it was better to dodge such an unknown ability!

Of course, what I didn't know is that this guy stayed behind on purpose to buy some time for his comrades to escape the little kid who they now only saw as a devil and not a human.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the kid's ability and thought that he was only good at dispelling other Jutsu but weak against real materials, especially something as hard as his sword.

'DARAI!!!' Yelled the sensor in his head when he sensed his friend's death causing his hatred for this Konoha ninja to rise to no end and he vowed in his heart to take revenge for his comrades but just as he was making this vow.... a voice came from behind him!

"No, you won't be getting any revenge" was the last thing he could hear...

'Huh? How could he know what I was thinking? and why do I feel so light...' was the last thing he could think of as his head started separating from his still moving body and flying through the air raining blood on the ground.

'Hm!' I quickly drew out my sword and blocked a very fast backstab that was going right to my heart and said "so you didn't flee in the end... what a nice team"

In front of me was a woman with tears falling from her eyes and helplessness filling her face as her last attempt in using her life to rid her village of such a threat which they didn't know about before failed...

So, she resigned herself to her fate as the chains of death already surrounded her body and asked "Who are you?"

I calmly looked at the desperation in this girl's amber eyes and I felt my heart aching at a scary realization 'maybe one day I will be the one in this position, if I'm not strong enough sigh...'

"I'm Bakorio, Rest in peace" I said and before she could reply, I ended her suffering...

'This is really tiring me mentally, just why is it that the people of this world hunger for instead of seeking for peace. Whenever they find an opportunity for war, they immediately jump at it...' I thought while looking at my rising mastery in many skills after these fights and my also increasing emptiness...

'Hopefully, this is going to be worth it when I am done'

And then, I used my strong senses along with my map following my journey filled with blood in this front of Kumo unhindered for a while, until I was interrupted by a certain Pain resulting in another epic fight between us that wasn't interrupted this time by Killer B or A.

'It seems Kurama's heading my advice and isn't giving any chance to A to use the Kohaku no Johei, that's good' I thought as I looked at my injuries as well as the various destroyed bodies of the six paths of pain.

'let's try this again' I thought as I raised the palm of my hand and started gathering a small amount of chakra in it while rotating it in multiple directions and when I felt it getting more and more stable, I started increasing the volume and the density of the chakra resulting in the creation of a blue revolving orb!

"This is the Rasengan! so this is what you were trying to master throughout our fight!!" Pain was shocked as he realized this was the same Jutsu that his master Jiraiya uses.

Meanwhile, I completely ignored his surprise as I was simply thinking about this great achievement while looking at the revolving chakra ball in excitement 'Finally I mastered my first Rank A offensive Jutsu'

And with this I started a new fight with pain, now having even more offensive options!