Fake reality

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'Tch, he got Fugaku with his curse' Thought Hiruzen before he quickly yelled

"Fugaku! I will deal with Danzo, try to break from that cur-" However before he could finish what he was saying I did a hand sign.

Danzo who was now completely on guard, felt his instinct screaming from some incoming danger so without even stopping to think about it, he jumped away from his current position.

Just as he did, shadow spikes emerged from my shadow which was close to him and he ended barely dodging them.

"This is the Nara clan's Jutsu!" Hiruzen couldn't help but exclaim loudly.

The reason the clans in Konoha have specialties like the Nara clan with their shadow manipulations or the Aburame clan with their bug control is not because other people can't learn these Jutsu.

No, the reason is that if you don't have a bloodline that's compatible with these Jutsu, it would be very hard to learn them, even for the most talented Ninja, that's why bloodlines are important.

So, Ninja often tries to master what's best suited for them and refine it as much as they can, whether it be Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu. Otherwise, it would be counterproductive, similar to asking someone like Lee to start learning Ninjutsu or Genjutsu despite his lack of talent in them instead of focusing his Taijutsu where he's immensely talented...

Now however, Hiruzen was looking at a kid who not only can merge with the shadows which is something the Nara clan members can't do but can also manipulate it and turn it into a physical form to attack his enemies which is the highest level the Nara clan's techniques could reach.

"Old man, I will hold him back, help Fugaku break out of the seal as quickly as possible" I said with my eyes focused on Danzo.

"Are you sure you can hold him back?" Asked Hiruzen with a frown as he exchanged a glance with the half-paralyzed Fugaku who was debating whether to use his Mangekyo Sharingan and break this curse.

"Yes, I am" I responded before I calmly walked towards Danzo.

"Your confidence will be your downfall kid!" said Danzo, clearly angry for getting looked down on by a kid.

"Well, we'll see" I said as I rushed at him with my short sword while Hiruzen rushed to help Fugaku. However, not before ordering Enma to assist me.

"help the kid and do your best to hold Danzo for 15 seconds, we should be able to break this damned curse quickly if we work together from both the inside and the outside" said Hiruzen and Fugaku nodded agreeing with him.

"Don't worry I will do my best to keep him safe!" replied Enma before he rushed at Danzo after me.

'Tch I will make you regret this' thought Danzo then he took out 2 shurikens and lifted them in each of his hands before he started blowing on them causing them to start rotating with increasing speed while injecting them with wind chakra that created an extremely sharp disk of wind around them.

Once he finished, I was only a few meters away from him and he directly threw those two wind shurikens at me. One vertical and the other following behind it horizontally and immediately started preparing his next move.

"CAREFUL KID" Yelled Enma behind me in worry knowing full well that if I get hit, it's over. However, there was no hesitation in my blood-red eyes as I looked at this attack and I side-stepped to dodge the first vertical shuriken while simultaneously lowering my body to dodge the second one.

All of this was done with such dexterity that I almost seemed like a snake slithering between the two very fast shurikens which left the people watching speechless.

But it wasn't over, as right after I dodged them I launched a very fast stab at Danzo which interrupted the Jutsu he was trying to cast and forced him to dodge but he quickly retaliated by a very fast kick to my head that I barely reacted to and dodged by leaning back and gaining a little bit of distance away from him.

'The difference in our physical attributes is simply too vast for me to face him with my currently weak body, I can't take him down like this with only Taijutsu...' I thought as I coldly analyzed everything about Danzo.

From the speed of his reaction to the way he reacts to the skills he uses when his enemy is in close or long-range...

'He's very good at Taijutsu especially with his very high mastery of the Sharingan, and then there's his Ninjutsu which makes him probably one of the best wind users in the history of the ninja world so giving him distance is a recipe for disaster with the high chakra volumes he's showing'

Danzo seemed to have realized that I was analyzing him and Enma was approaching so he said "Kid, there's nothing you can do to defeat me, not to mention there will be no help!"

The moment he finished talking I heard Enma yelling while increasing his speed "Quickly stop him" however it was too late and I could see a green light shining from the ground under me and Danzo.

"This is,? I thought I interrupted you" I exclaimed with a surprised face as more green light emanated from the ground quickly in a circular shape before a very strong wind started gushing out from it blocking people from entering.

"You almost did. however, when you live as long as me, you don't need to rely on only hand signs" said Danzo smugly and I noticed some seals on the ground.

"It seems you started preparing this from the moment you got Fugaku huh?" I said with a sigh

"Indeed, this wind barrier can even block Hiruzen for a while, so don't think of escaping and I will make sure to take good care of your eyes " said Danzo with a cruel look on his face.

"I see so it was a trap for Hiruzen" I said and I noticed Enma punching the barrier trying to break it to no avail.

Danzo didn't say anything more and simply started blowing on his hand creating a green sword made of wind before he started rushing at me.

"BAKORIO BE CAREFUL" yelled Fugaku as he struggled even harder to break the seal, but he knew that it would take him a few more seconds with the help of Hiruzen if he didn't use his Mangekyo Sharingan and he was just about to use it when he heard a very calm voice say eerily to Danzo.

"Are you sure these walls are keeping others out, or you in" my voice was dark without any fear which calmed Fugaku down and stopped him from using his Mangekyo Sharingan but it also gave him chills at the same time, not to mention how Danzo felt...

"DIE!" said Danzo as he arrived in front of me and slashed his blade at me and I tried to block it with my short sword. However, the impact was too strong and I lost my grip on it causing it to fly away from my hand.

And then with killing intent in his eye, Danzo slashed his wind sword at my neck with even faster speed and the scene almost seemed to be freezing in time in the eyes of the onlookers as the wind sword eventually hit my neck and my head slowly started detaching from my body.

In this frozen time, Fugaku's eyes started slowly turning into his Mangekyo Sharingan uncontrollably, while Hiruzen and Enma stared with wide eyes in shock as Danzo started slowly smirking.

However, reality isn't always as it seems, and as that head started flying in the air with blood gushing from its neck.

A hand slowly emerged from the shadow of the headless corpse ... bringing with it death to whoever it touches...