Danzo's demise

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After Hiashi and the rest of the clan heads arrived at the now devastated fight scene. They were greeted with a very bizarre scene of Danzo getting obliterated many times before his body disappears and reappears again randomly on the battlefield which now became an unrecognizable place due to the destruction from this Kage level fight!

Buildings and houses of all sizes were flattened to the ground just from the shockwaves these people were making to the point that Hiruzen was forced to erect a huge circular wall to stop the damage from spreading to further place in Konoha, and various clan heads soon reinforced this wall just in case.

And what was even more amazing is how despite Danzo's very dark reputation and strength does solidified his position as one of the strongest Kage level ninja currently alive.

He was no match for Hiruzen using his adamantine staff and his complete mastery of the five elements or Fugaku's showcase of his very high mastery of Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu causing many of them to finally realize how fearsome the leader of the Uchiha is.

'We better not provoke the Uchiha no matter how the village tries to turn on them!' was the thought in the head of some people before they quickly woke up from their shock and started assisting in taking down Danzo.

Fugaku's showcase of strength dominating even someone like Danzo showed these clan heads the meaning of the saying "A starving camel is still bigger than a horse". After all, some of them, especially those who supported the elders started looking down on the Uchiha when they saw them being bullied...

Meanwhile, just as they were about to join in the fight, Hiruzen yelled a warning especially meant for Taijutsu users " Careful everyone, Danzo might lay a trap for you and use a suicide tactic if you get too close to him with your attacks"

After all, the incidents of the explosion I experienced coupled with Fugaku getting paralyzed by the curse seal were still fresh in Hiruzen's mind.

And so, heading his advice, they showered Danzo with all kinds of Jutsu every time he appears until the effect of Izanagi was over…

Meanwhile, as they were dealing with Danzo, Hiashi noticed the various injuries on my body and arrived at my side instantly, and seeing this familiar face, any ominous aura I had emanating from me quickly vanished like an illusion…

"Bakorio-kun are you alright?" asked Hiashi with clear concern on his face, a face that reminded me of the time he didn't mind dying for my selfish wishes and even taught me his clan's secret techniques...

So, seeing him now again without the looming terror of war made me both happy and guilty.

Noticing the conflicted look on my face, Hiashi's concerns grew bigger so he quickly picked me up and appeared beside a medical-nin and that was roaming around the battlefield and searching for any people injured from the battle and said to him.

"Please check his injuries and heal him"

The medical-nin was surprised at first seeing the burns and slashes on the kid's back, however knowing the current situation the village was in he assumed that I was hit by a shockwave from the battle or something and replied "Yes Hiashi-sama" before he started healing me.

"They are just some surface wounds, I will be fine, why didn't you go help the rest?" I finally spoke and was honestly trying to send him away so that I can avoid facing this feeling of guilt that kept eating at my heart.

"That's true, there are no internal injuries" Replied the medic, glad that the kid in front of him didn't suffer anything serious, although he was surprised at my indifference to these injuries.

However, the response that I got from Hiashi only made me feel worse.

"Danzo has no chance of escaping, my help won't be needed so I rather stay here until you are completely healed, plus there seems to be something more bothering you, want to talk about it?"

I didn't know what to say so I silently shook my head and turned my attention to the ongoing fight, using my Sharingan to look through the obstructions as my injuries were getting treated and Hiashi seeing my response, didn't push me any further and simply watched the fight with me using his Byakugan...

A little bit of time later, Danzo finally exhausted all his tricks and was heavily injured but not before he caused many injuries among the ranks of the people who attacked him showing just how incredible he is as he took advantage of the carelessness of some people who didn't head Hiruzen's advice about getting close to him recklessly!

However, this time death was truly knocking on his door as he didn't have a Sharingan to use Izanagi again and change reality so his fate was set on stone.

Meanwhile, thanks to my strong vitality and the medic-nin healing me. My injuries slowly disappeared and I went to the location of the battle where Danzo is chained and on his last breath with Hiashi and I could hear the people arguing.

"What should we do with Danzo now?" asked one of the clan heads and the people present had two answers.

"We should kill him for all his heinous crimes!" some said

While others wanted something else.

"We should torture him and retrieve any valuable information he gained from his research that might help the village"

The former simply wanted justice for all the innocent people Danzo killed while he was doing his experiments with Orochimaru while the latter were clearly interested in the benefits Danzo gained from injecting the First Hokage's cells that granted him immense chakra reserves and the power of Izanagi which they just witnessed its miraculous effect!

During all this, Danzo's eyes started swirling like a pool of darkness and said " I'm willing to share all my research with everyone here to make Konoha stronger"

Hiruzen looked at Danzo coldly knowing that he was trying to cause trouble even at this death bed and annoyed by the two opinions, he looked at the destruction all around him and decided

"Let's imprison him for now, we can decide how to deal with him later after we take care of the current situat-"

However, before he could even continue, out of the corner of his eyes. Hiruzen noticed how Fugaku's Sharingans were still active and he started having a bad feeling and it quickly came true as Fugaku turned into a blur and plunged the Kunai in his hand right at the temple of the surprised Danzo.

Blood and brain matter splashed all over Fugaku's face and body but he didn't mind as he kept watching as Danzo exhaled his last breath and said

"This is for all the humiliation and suffering you caused to the Uchiha clan and the rest of the world"


Everyone took a deep breath before silence suddenly engulfed the area as no one knew what to say, their brains not knowing how to process that the life of a village elder and a Kage level ninja ended abruptly in front of them making them wonder just how close death is!

My eyes flashed a little bit as a certain familiar scent that I've been monitoring since the start of the fight finally started vanishing until my nose couldn't pick it up anymore.

'It seems Obito retreated for now, well I should keep a lookout for him until this whole situation Is over just in case' I thought, my head filled with schemes on how to catch that big masked fish…

Just as Obito disappeared, Hiruzen felt the dark presence that was monitoring them and couldn't pinpoint the location of disappear and he suddenly had a terrifying guess of what its purpose was as he linked it to Danzo's death...

'It seems I'm really too indecisive' thought Hiruzen sadly and after the silence continued for a while, in the end, he was the one to break it as he let out a long sigh and ordered an Anbu captain "Take care of Danzo's body for now, we need to have an urgent meeting to deal with this situation"

The bloodied Fugaku slowly stood up and said " I agree, Konoha requires many changes, I am sure you have an idea of what your hesitation could have led to…"

Fugaku's last words were referring to the hidden presence that was watching them with clear ominous intent, yet they couldn't locate him, and even though Fugaku wasn't a sensor like Hiruzen to sense someone from such a long distance. I already told him that Danzo should be killed and why…

However, Hiruzen didn't know this and only thought while letting out another sigh 'So Fugaku also sensed this hidden danger and even understood his intentions…'

And just like that, a very important meeting that was going to decide the future direction of Konoha was about to take place…


An: Rest in hell Danzo...