Strange heirloom

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'Hmm, what just happened?' I thought in surprise, because the moment I opened the box, I could swear I felt something wash over me for less than an instant but it quickly vanished without a trace and if not for my terrifying reaction speed, I wouldn't have sensed it at all…

'What's going on here?' I thought as my hands that tried to open the box froze and I turned to look at Naruto who's eyes were still filled with curiosity seemingly oblivious to what just happened and decided to investigate this later. After all, from my experience with that dark mist, I understood that there are some things in this world that most people can't detect, yet they are lurking around in the shadows…

Putting this matter on hold for now, I turned my attention back to the box, and I saw a letter and a necklace, the two items that appeared countless times in the memories I got from Bakorio despite his short-lived life.

After all, before this little Uchiha kid got ill and died, he would always turn back to this little box and hold the necklace in his small hands close to his chest and cry his loneliness and sadness out alone in this little room…

The necklace drew my attention immediately for some reason, and to be honest it was one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry I have ever seen in both my past and present lives!

It was made of what appeared to be a silver chain, and hanging from it was a pale white crystal-like sphere filled with white engravings all over it and a single dark horizontal black line of engraving surrounding it.

However, what drew my attention to it wasn't only its beauty which I already expected…

"Waa it's so cool ,and this letter looks old" said Naruto as his eyes started shining while he was staring at the necklace and felt mesmerized by its beauty.

"This is the momento my parents left me, and according to the letter, it's an heirloom that has been passed down in our family for a long time... Yet no one knows how it was acquired in the first place" I replied to him, basically repeating the story that was told in the letter without even touching or reading it as I already knew its content…

Of course, I can't read yet as I was still a kid, or more specifically the previous owner of my body couldn't as he was just starting to learn how to, and not to mention me, I came from a whole different world. But I knew the content of this letter because the previous Bakorio got this letter read to him by his previous caretakers many times when he was part of an orphanage before he was transferred here to live on his own…

"I think you should wear it Bakorio, It would look good on you!" said Naruto with clear anticipation in his voice which made me smile at this silly kid…

However, for some reason, I kept having an uneasy feeling towards this necklace, especially since I couldn't shake off the previous feeling I felt so I decided to try testing something first

"You know Naruto, The origin of this necklace has always been a mystery in my family for generations, and even though it has all these weird engravings that make it appear almost like some kind of tool, its use was never found out so it was assumed that it was only a precious jewelry but..." At this point I paused before I continued with a mysterious tone" ...but I feel like it might actually be a priceless treasure!"

Naruto was very intrigued by this story and quickly forgot that he wanted me to wear it and excited by this new mystery he quickly said "So, how do we find out what's it for?"

I put out a pondering look before I said "You know what, I think I might know some people that could help us find out"

Naruto's eyes lit up and said "Really? Who are they? Let's quickly go get them!"

'Just how dense can you be' I thought with dark lines almost appearing on my face but I quickly masked them with a smile and said "I'm talking about your parents. After all, they are both masters in seals and they might be able to decipher what these engravings are for!"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and said "That's true I totally forgot about that. Let's ask them quickly"

'I also want to ask that stupid fox, but I know you still don't get along with him so I'm not telling you this hehe'

"Good, here we go" I said as I put my hand on his abdomen and started injecting some of my chakra into the seal and before long, my vision changed to that of a damp and dark sewer-like place that I haven't visited for a long time…

The first thing I noticed is Minato and Kushina who were eying Naruto and I with different expressions, but I turned a blind eye to their weirdness because I missed them a little bit...

Minato had his usual gentle smile on his face and I couldn't help but greet him with a smile too as I arrived beside them and said "Yo, long time no see Minato, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, thank you for taking care of Naruto" replied Minato still with a smile on his face and I replied to him jokingly while giving a side glance at Kushina.

"Oh don't mention it, it seems Kushina didn't drive you crazy yet"

I don't like getting thanked for something I decide to do myself so I quickly changed the subject by teasing Kushina.

However, the angry outburst I was expecting from teasing this usually impulsive woman didn't arrive.

Instead, she appeared thoughtful which made me surprised as I also could tell thanks to the passive of my Jikininki that she was feeling conflicted for some reason but I decided not to pry too much into it leaving them to their own privacy.

What I didn't notice however is that the moment I glanced at Kushina, Minato's blue eyes lit up for an instant before they turned back to normal as if nothing happened…

"Hahaha No, Kushina is as cute as ever, if one thing she's making me feel alive even in the state we are in right now" replied Minato.

"Hey, Hey let's get to the point quickly" Naruto couldn't wait anymore and decided to ruin my happy reunion with his impatience…

"Tch, you can't wait at all can you?" I said as I poked him on the forehead like how Itachi does to Sasuke making him pout a little cutely before I said to Minato and Kushina.

"Well, I guess you guys already know what Naruto's talking about, do you have any idea what those engraving on the necklace are for?"

Remembering the beautiful necklace that I just showed to Naruto, Kushina finally broke out from her thoughtfulness and started paying more attention to our conversation, as she really fell in love with the beauty of that necklace…

"First of all, that was truly a beautiful necklace, you should take good care of it for the sake of your parents" Replied Minato seriously before he continued with an embarrassed look while rubbing the back of his head.

"As for the engravings on it, both me and Kushina were discussing them the moment we saw them. However, unfortunately they don't resemble any seals we know of so they might be simply for decorative purposes"

"Uhhhh father are you sure?" said Naruto who was clearly disappointed by the necklace not turning out as the treasure he hoped for and this time Kushina was the one who apologetically shook her head and said.

"Just like your father said, it's unfortunate but they don't resemble any seals we know of"

As Naruto kept complaining childishly. I actually grew thoughtful for a moment before I said "what about you dumb tails… do you know anything?"

Hearing what I said, Kurama who was laying down peacefully and ignoring us all this time suddenly raised his and yelled at me "What did you just call me!"

His yell alone caused a very strong wind that caused our hair to start flying through the air 'He can be a great air conditioner' I thought as I ignored his outburst and asked again "Just answer me, do you know anything?"

I noticed Kurama's eyes darting up to the right for an instant as he said "Why would I know about your stupid necklace? Don't bother me again" before he laid down once more…

Minato also noticed this and we both thought of the same thing 'He's lying huh? But why?'

We both pretended we didn't notice and I said " Well it's unfortunate but I have to go now and pack my things, talk to you guys later"

"Okay take care" said Minato with a smile while inside he had only one question burning in his mind from the first time I spoke that ignited many of his previous doubts…

'Why did you say it was a long time?... we only met yesterday….'


An: You can't let your mouth slip with Minato...