The importance of time

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After settling in my new house alongside Naruto, I finally had some time to clear my mind from all the continuous troubling events that kept happening one after the other in my life…

'Who would have thought my life would change so dramatically like this?' I thought as I laid down on my bed while starring at the ceiling absentmindedly.

From traveling to this new world and gaining a new body, that of a kid no less, then becoming a ninja and against all odds even force myself to go into terrible wars to hone my skills and experience the cruelty of this world in person...

'Well, at least now I can take care of myself and the people around me' I thought with a smile before suddenly my face froze

"I really changed…" I said as I let out a long sigh and got up from my bed and looked out of the window letting the light of the morning sun and the cool breeze wash over my tired mind.

After enjoying myself for a while I went ahead and washed my face to completely wake up before I went downstairs to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for both Naruto and me.

'It's been a long time since I cooked something…' I thought before I recalled that I didn't at all during my time in the war as I kept going back in time and didn't have any appetite in the first place... Once I finished, I went back upstairs and opened the door of the room that was adjacent to mine to wake up the peacefully sleeping Naruto.

He was wearing a grey pajama and a sleeping hat and hugging his cover as he slept on his side…

'How cute I almost don't want to wake you up' I thought with a warm smile before it turned into a wicked one and I suddenly started talking in a loud and urgent voice

"Naruto, Naruto, quickly wake up!!!"

Naruto opened his drowsy eyes and sprung up to a sitting position and asked hurriedly with a concerned face "What's wrong, did something happen?"

Seeing him wake up, the urgent expression on my face slowly vanished, and what replaced it was a mischievous one as I said "Nope nothing, time for breakfast that's all"

I could see his eyes watering a little as he pouted and said "Bakorio you are so mean, I won't talk to you again"

I shrugged at him and said "Okay then, I will eat all that delicious breakfast I made by myself"

I secretly manipulated the wind around me to drive the smell of the food to this room and as I expected the moment he smelled it, all his sadness disappeared and was replaced by a thoughtful expression.

I watched him silently as I thought ' I won't get tricked again like the first time, you little trickster Koala'

Indeed, the reason I woke him in this traumatic way wasn't because I just wanted to have fun at his expense, although that was part of it. The other reason is that the first time Naruto lived with me, I experienced many times how this kid would do anything to extend his sleeping time.

So, this time I decided to destroy his hopes from the start even if I had to use such mean tactics.

Soon enough, I started hearing a growling sound coming from his stomach and I was pretty sure that it wasn't that stupid fox sealed inside it.

"Hmph…" Naruto snorted, and seemed to be going to lay down again on his bed, but just as he turned around, he picked up his pillow and threw it at my face.


"hehehe got you" said Naruto before he run away to fill his stomach

I of course let him hit me to make him happy otherwise he couldn't have landed a hit on me in a million years…

However, just as he reached the door of the room, he found me already waiting outside of it staring at him with a frown

"HAAA ghost!!!" said Naruto and I couldn't help but start getting some dark line when I thought that he's technically not that wrong…

"Tch, go wash yourself first" I said as I pointed to the bathroom and he reluctantly nodded while I went and organized his messy bed before I waited for him downstairs at the table.

Once he arrived, we enjoyed our breakfast and Naruto happily said " Waa so delicious" every time he tried something, and once he finished everything, he rubbed his now full belly with a satisfied expression making me smile again.

Then, I also put down my chopsticks and surprised him as I created a shadow clone and ordered it to wash the dishes

"Amazin, you don't even have to work" Naruto said as he looked at me with envy.

"Yes, it's indeed a very useful Jutsu, I'm sure you will learn it easily in the future" I replied with a smile causing Naruto to nod excitedly…

"Now then Naruto, I want to talk to you parents privately, so stay here for a moment okay?" I said with a serious expression.

Noticing this, Naruto struggled a little, clearly wanting to know what's so secret that he can't hear us talk about, but seeing my serious expression he decided it's better to agree so without further waiting I put my hand on his abdomen and entered the seal space…


Inside the seal space, I found Minato and Kushina staring at me with weird expressions on their faces and I could immediately guess that something was weird especially when even the usually uncaring Kurama was also perking his ears…

"Yo, good morning you guys, what's with the weird faces?" I said with a calm face going straight to the point

'It's really pointless to keep hiding this from him' thought Minato and he noticed Kushina looking at him with a worried face so he let out a sigh before his face suddenly turned calm, this calmness was his biggest strength, never losing his cool even in the hardest of situations.

I calmly observed the changes in their faces and before long I heard Minato's response "Bakorio-kun, can you explain to us why is it that Kurama feels a huge amount of killing intent in your heart?"

'So this is what's going on huh?' I thought as my eyes widened a little in surprise and I shot a glare at this troublesome fox.

'Now how should I explain this?" I started thinking up a lie but I was suddenly cut off from my thinking by Minato who was still looking at me with his eerily calm eyes as he said

"Please don't lie to us Bakorio-kun, we're willing to accept whatever burden you are hiding, please trust and share with us what's going on"

Minato's expression was very sincere at the moment and Kushina also had a similar expression as she held her hands close to her chest and nodded at me agreeing with her husband…

'Tch, this is troublesome, very troublesome…'

I started struggling on my head on if I should tell them or not and this was very clear from how my facial expression kept twisting and this lasted for 10 seconds until I let out a long sigh and said

"You two are very dear to me and I don't want to lie to you"

Minato and Kushina nodded believing me

"However, there are 'two' reasons for why I hold that killing intent in my heart and they are 'both' something I can't disclose easily, this is not because I don't want to tell you. No, it's because the 'time' is not right.."

Kushina suddenly pouted but didn't say anything. Minato's calm blue eyes however flickered for an instant but no one would notice unless they are true masters of reading expressions…

'So my guess was right, it seems Bakorio-kun is more mysterious than I thought' was all Minato could think as remembered the only time I blinked my eyes twice in my explanation.

When I mentioned 'time' …