Kazuma and Sora

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


After sending w warning to Shisui so that he stops observing me like a creepy stalker. I casually retrieved a scroll and walked towards Fudo's body, then I placed it on top of him and did a simple hand sign which sealed the body inside of it.

This is the ninja world's version of a portable inventory. However, it could only contain none living objects inside it otherwise it would have been great...

Afterward, I put that scroll inside my bag and turned to Kakashi who was watching me with a weird expression behind his mask "Thank you so much for saving us, but now is not the time for this, after all we have yet to find the boy that was screaming in agony…"

Kakashi gave me a deep look and before he could respond, two people approached us. They were Hotaru and Ryukai who immediately started thanking Itachi and Shisui for helping them…

"Thank you kids, I can't imagine what would have happened to me if you didn't offer your help"

Itachi whose eyes were now back to normal shot them a complicated look because not long ago he was blaming himself for helping these strangers instead of his brother which almost ended up with him losing him…

Shisui who noticed his friend's dilemma, nodded at them with a smile "Don't mention it, we are traveling together after all so we need to take care of each other"

Hotaru nodded at Shisui with appreciation and they didn't mind Itachi's silence as they simply assumed that he was still shocked by almost losing his little brother…

It was then that Kakashi who was interrupted by them spoke "Bakorio's right, we can't waste our time here, we still haven't found the kid that was screaming, although the sound seems to have subsided…"

Shisui nodded at him and gave me one last sneaky look before he turned around and started walking toward the entrance of the cave "You are right, let's check out this cave, that man seemed to be protecting it when we came"

But then he suddenly stopped as if he just thought of something. So, he turned around and said "I will investigate it with Kakashi, you guys will stay here under the protection of Itachi and Hotaru"

Itachi immediately agreed, clearly not wanting to let his brother alone again, while Hotaru and Ryukai didn't want to face anymore unnecessary danger so they also agreed especially with the presence of an Anbu around...

As Shisui and Kakashi carefully entered the cave while surveilling the area with their Sharingan in case there were any hidden traps...

Itachi turned to me at this point noticing the slightly tattered clothes on my back which reminded him of how I tried to protect Naruto and Sasuke using my body. So, with a grateful look on his face he said "Thank you for protecting Sasuke and Naruto with your body earlier, are you injured?"

'This is what you call killing 4 birds with one stone' I thought smugly at my achievement when i heard Itachi thanking me. After all, I not only helped Sasuke awaken his Sharingan and Itachi awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan, but I also got Kakashi out of his cover and taught Naruto a valuable lesson that in this world, being careless without strength is a sin...

The expression on my face however was full of innocence as I said "You don't need to thank me, after all they are both like my little k- brothers"

'Tch I almost said kids there…'

Itachi simply nodded at me ignoring my blunder which made both Sasuke and Naruto bashful and extremely happy easing some of the heaviness on their hearts from the previous incident…

But I noticed someone kept looking at me secretly with a suspicious look on his eyes from time to time while thinking 'Is this kid really that weak?' this was of course Hotaru who never once trusted me even before the start of this journey...

-10 minutes later-

Kakashi and Shisui emerged from the cave with grave expressions on their faces, and without any surprise, they weren't alone as Shisui was gently carrying an unconscious kid on his back as they slowly approached us.

'So, this is Sora huh? he should be around the same age as us… ' I thought as I looked at Sora, the kid Shisui was carrying…

Sora has straight shoulder-length, dull blueish-grey hair in an asymmetrical style with a single lock of hair falling into his face, and brown-colored eyes, and I couldn't help but think that he was quite cute...

But then I suddenly thought 'But where is that bastard father of his?' I was surprised at how little time they took to locate Sora as they didn't seem to have gone through any kind of battle …

After they arrived at our location, I directly asked them "What did you find?"

Kakashi didn't want to speak as he simply shot Naruto a look while Shisui struggled a little before he said "When we entered the cave, we found a huge ritual room covered in various seals clearly made by a master in Fuinjutsu. As for this kid, he was laying on his back on a raised altar in the middle of the room where all the seals seemed to be converging but we don't know their purpose as of yet. But we are sure that this was the cause for the kid's screaming"

'From the look Kakashi gave Naruto I can assume they already know what was done to this kid but they probably don't want to discuss this in front of strangers especially when the matter concerned the nine tails chakra' there was no change in my expression as I thought of all of this before I said

"Did you find anyone else inside?"

Shisui shot me a weird look as he thought 'Does he know something about these people?' but he calmly shook his head and said "No, other than this kid, we didn't find anyone else…"

"I see…" I said with a calm look with no one noticing the deep darkness swirling in my eyes as I detected someone watching us from afar…


Meanwhile, as we were discussing this, Sora's father Kazuma exited a hidden passage that was connected to the cave and started observing us from the top of a hill with a twisted expression on his face as he murmured

"These Konoha bastards, they actually killed Fudo and now Sora landed in their hands, at least from how very little urgency they seem to have, they probably don't understand that I sealed a part of the nine-tails chakra inside Sora to make him a pseudo-Jinchuriki, I need to retrieve him no matter what and send him to some place where he can grow undetected until the time to use him against Konoha arrive…"

Kazuma was a tall man of tanned complexion, he wore a purple qipao-like garment that was lined with yellow, blue, and grey and straw sandals.

His hair was white and long while worn-out in texture. He also had a pale long scar stretching diagonally across his face, presumably from Asuma's final attack on him.

This wasn't his original appearance as previously his hair was brown and short, and in his current state, even Asuma who knew him for a long time might not recognize him…

When he noticed that we were about to set out on our journey, he started following us silently to prepare an ambush to retrieve Sora.

But what he didn't know is that he already got his feet entangled in the web of a deadly spider and this spide all ready categorized him as its prey...


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis