Reuniting with Mukai

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


The disbelief on Asuma's face didn't disappear even as they were escorting Kazuma and Sora back to Konoha, prompting Kurenai to ask him "Are you still thinking about that Uchiha kid?"

Asuma was suddenly broken from his thought as he nodded to her "Ah, I just can't believe a kid can be this strong, and he even can use the fourth Hokage's famous Jutsu…"

Asuma simply didn't want to accept that someone such as Kazuma who required great effort to defeat him was actually defeated by a small Uchiha kid...

Kurenai simply shrugged her shoulders and said "Maybe someone taught it to him, is this why you are still thinking about it?"

Asuma nodded his head before he simply let out a sigh and said " I just can't imagine how he will turn out when he grows up… and the circumstances around this kid are just too weird. Hopefully, the elders and the Hokage know what they are doing..."

This last sentence silenced Kurenai and brought a thoughtful expression on her face, meanwhile, Guy's eyes simply started shining with his power of youth at the thought of having a stronger rival that was much more talented than even Kakashi!


Back at the inn, the night passed peacefully as the hidden danger was dealt with… As for Mukai, I actually called him to come to meet us here at Golden tree town but he decided he would rather not when he found out that there were many people, and he wouldn't be able to sleep at ease especially with Kakashi around… After all, no one likes to get impaled with a Chidori when he lets his guard down for an instant...

'Tch, my relaxing journey was ruined by these idiots, after this is over I won't involve myself with any more trouble...' I let out a sigh before I looked at the kids who already fell asleep before I too dozed off... but not before summoning a shadow clone to keep guard!

-Early in the morning-

We all got up and had a delicious breakfast at the Inn before we resumed our delayed journey… Ryukai actually had some connections in this town and he got us a new carriage to travel on so we didn't have to resume our travel on foot all the way to the land of tea...

Good thing was that the weather today was sunny, so we enjoyed our trip to the border of the land of tea even though the roads were still muddy from the rain so that delayed us a little, but overall it was better than getting swallowed by a fissure out of nowhere and having to wipe Konoha's ass again and again…

When we started getting closer to the land of tea, a huge body of water started appearing in our view. Its water was crystal clear and it was surrounded by a lot of vegetation, that's why we didn't see it until we got close enough to it. This was the southern lake, the meeting point I made with Mukai.

At this point, Ryukai that was being made fun of by Naruto and Sasuke turned to me and asked with a smile "Bakorio-kun, Should we stop and wait for your friend here?"

'The last thing I want is for that bastard Mukai to be my friend' my eyes couldn't help but twitch a little before I looked out of the window and saw the beautiful scenery of the lake and said " Yes here is fine, he should be waiting somewhere near the lake"

"Okay" Replied Ryukai before he ordered Hotaru who was enjoying his talk with Itachi and Shisui to stop the carriage, then Ryukai noticed the kids looking out of the window at lake southern with their eyes twinkling so he said "how about we eat our lunch at the shore of lake southern?"

'hmm?' Naruto and Sasuke immediately turned to look at me with an excited expression on their little faces and thinking that this was a good opportunity for me to relax too, I nodded and said "That's a good idea"

And that's how we ended eating our lunch while enjoying the breathtaking sceneries southern lake had to offer and to be honest, I didn't mind this kind of relaxation… Anything is better than seeing a lake of blood and corpses...

But as my luck would have it, it was quickly broken when the paranoid Kakashi detected someone trying to approach us stealthily using the vegetation of this area as his cover and immediately shot a kunai in his direction while yelling "Who's there?"

The bushes started rustling and out of them emerged the ever-annoying Mukai with a smirk on his face while holding the kunai Kakashi threw between his fingers and started speaking "Anbu captain Kakashi Hatake… you never change do you? is this how you greet your old comrade?"

Itachi and Shisui suddenly sprung up to their feet as they looked warily between Mukai and me who's still ignoring everything and enjoying the food…

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke looked curiously at how everyone seemed so tense after this man approached us. Sasuke especially was surprised at seeing his brother so nervous which was something he never saw before. If only he witnessed the ass whooping Itachi and Shisui received from Mukai... Ah, what a treat to the eye that was...

Kakashi's looked coldly at Mukai as he unveiled his Sharingan and said "Who would have thought we would meet again under these circumstances after you betrayed Konoha to work for Kiri!"

Mukai simply shrugged his shoulders as he took a sip from the jug that was strapped to his waist and said "Well, life is strange…"

Kakashi was surprised at how casual the usually careful Mukai was acting not even activating his Byakugan so he started monitoring their surroundings warily in case he had any helpers and said "So what are you doing here?"

Mukai looked around until he located me and was amused when he saw that I was ignoring what was going on and simply enjoying the food while everyone was on guard before he pointed at me and said "Hey brat, you are late"

'hah? Don't tell me… the friend he wanted to meet is this dangerous traitor?' Itachi, Shisui, and Kakashi couldn't help but shoot me a weird look which turned much more weirder when they found out that I almost finished all the food while they were distracted by Mukai…

Naruto couldn't hold his anger as he yelled " AAA Bakorio how could you eat everything?"

Sasuke noticed that I was about to pick the last grilled fish so he quickly snatched it away from me and ran away while giggling like an idiot…

"Hey Sasuke, it's rude to steal food like this!" I yelled but everyone couldn't help but have dark lines on their faces as Hotaru said

"And you find it fine to eat everything on your own and leave us nothing, where did all that food go in the first place?"

It was really a miracle how someone this small could eat that much…

I ignored Hotaru and turned to look at Mukai who I sensed way before we arrived at lake southern as he kept tailing us for a while before he showed himself and now he was pretending like he was simply waiting for us all along...

"Yo Mukai , come join us for lunch"

Mukai chuckled a little as he started approaching us which made everyone's nerves tighter and said "Sorry, I'm not a fan of bones, plus why did you bring all these people for our business?"

'What business could he have with Mukai? is it related to the nine-tails! this is bad, I don't think I can take Mukai on my own and protect the kids, and he also might have other helpers lurking around including that kid Bakorio... what should I do?"

I noticed Kakashi was about to attack at any moment so I said "Kakashi relax, he's not a traitor anymore" before I turned to the amused Mukai and said "I only wanted to take the kids for a fun journey and relax a little, the rest are simply tagging along without even being invited"

Kakashi and the rest couldn't help but want to beat me up when I made this comment but it lightened the tense mood a little, especially when Mukai ignored them and looked at the almost finished food

"The view here is indeed great, suitable for a relaxing meal, wait I will get us something to eat"

I smiled at the great acting of this guy and simply said "Oh how generous of you…" And as Mukai started approaching the lake I yelled at the two kids who were fighting for the last grilled fish that Sasuke stole from me "Hey Naruto, Sasuke!"

With their faces full of food, they both turned to look at me curiously and said "What-munch munch you -munch want?"

"Watch Mukai closely!" Naruto and Sasuke tilted their heads and looked at what Mukai was going to do, a scene that would ignite their desire to become ninja even more just so they can be cool…


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis