A moved Heart

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


Thanks to the help of Minato in recovering his chakra reserves, Bakorio was ready to transplant a new pair of Sharingans with the help of Shizune to begin Kushina's revival. However, he couldn't help but be surprised how easily Minato was able to transfer his chakra to him without seeming to be feeling that big of a strain. Meanwhile, he on the other hand almost fainted after exhausting all of that chakra so it works to show just how insane Minato's chakra reserves are…

'How in the hell he has all that chakra reserves?' Bakorio's thoughts started swirling and he couldn't help but start thinking that the Namikaze family might also be direct descendants of the sage of the six paths, or at least, one of Minato's parents is!

While Shizune transplanted his new pair of eyes and he experienced another wave of intense pain which he could barely tolerate thanks to what he went through in the war. Bakorio couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore and decided to take a peek at Minato with his appraisal ability, but to his disappointment, he only saw question marks on the panel that appeared but surprisingly, his Rank had another thing attached to it, it said World Boss…

'Minato is really amazing to actually have such a title surpassing most of the people of this world, and I really need to focus on raising my level after this…' Thought Bakorio while Minato for some reason felt a weird sensation washing over his body when Bakorio looked at him this time and he couldn't help but wonder 'Am I imagining things?' but then he shrugged it off and decided to give Bakorio the benefit of the doubt and simply think of it as him trying to check his condition now that he could see again…

'Still, that chakra transfer Jutsu is really a thing of beauty, maybe if I learn it I could solve my problem with the system's battery…' Reaching this point, Bakorio decided that he would make sure to do anything in his power to learn that Jutsu from Minato in the near future…

After he was done with his thoughts, Bakorio turned to Kushina and signaled to her that he was ready, and she simply nodded at him before she shared a look with the now revived Minato and immediately entered her old corpse that now had a new pair of eyes that Tsunade transplanted…

After going through the same experience as Minato, and again seeing the shocking scene of her head going flying before suddenly disappearing and reappearing again as a completely recovered body, it didn't stop Tsunade and Shizune from finding themselves speechless, and the former couldn't help but think 'Should I really exchange Jutsus with him?'

Meanwhile, Minato was observing Kushina's completely revived body in front of him with an absentminded look as she checked her body for any problems and she couldn't help but find herself feeling like she was dreaming

"We actually got another chance to be with Naruto…" Muttered Kushina as she looked at the boy sleeping peacefully to the side and tears started streaming down from her eyes, then she noticed Minato carry little Naruto up and approach her with a gentle smile on his face making her tears flow even harder as she quickly rushed and hugged them both, the scene she dreamt of was finally happening for real… and she couldn't believe it…

"I won't ever let you and Naruto down again, I promise" said Minato as he hugged his wife and she found comfort in his words as she understood that they were his first priority this time…

Meanwhile, as this touching reunion was happening, Tsunade was looking at it with an envious and somewhat tragic look in her eyes as she thought about her lover Dan and wished to be in their place right now, so she couldn't help but look at the kid that could make all of this happen…

As for Shizune, she was shedding rivers of tears at this touching scene "Woo, I'm so glad they are back together…" but before she could keep watching the drama, she was suddenly hit on the back of the head…

"What are you doing!!!" Yelled Shizune at the kid who interrupted her from enjoying this touching scene, but the kid simply opened his eyes showing her that he was blind and said "You still have work to do so stop slacking off"

Shizune recalling what this kid went through so that the touching scene in front of her could be realized, looked at him with an embarrassed looked and couldn't help but regret her earlier outburst so she nodded like a good girl and went with him to the side to transplant his original eyes back to him…

"Okay let's begin" Muttered Bakorio before he in one fell swoop removed both of his eyes, now in a more practiced manner and Shizune quickly transplanted his old eyes back to him and started healing him so that he would recover quickly, and before long Bakorio opened his eyes again and finally found that his perfect vision was back to normal as he observed his surrounding and checked if everything was okay before he turned his attention to Minato and Kushina who were approaching him with grateful looks on their faces…

"Bakorio-kun, I can't express how thankful I'm for this new life you granted us to be with our son…" Said Minato with a completely touched look on his face. As for Kushina, she simply shot me a pained look when she saw the traces of blood around my eyes and quickly rushed at me and gave me a strong hug as she kept thanking me while tears kept streaming down her eyes…

"Thank you, thank you so much, you can't imagine how much this means for a mother like me that kept looking at her son every day living on his own without having any power to help him and take care of him…"

Meanwhile, Bakorio seeing these two act like this couldn't help but smile warmly at them and thought that his little sacrifice was worth it as he patted Kushina on the head and said " it's okay now, don't cry, you've got a new chance so make the best of what you can with it…"

Kushina nodded as her heart exploded with happiness at what the future held for her and her family, and seeing his wife like that, Minato knelt beside her and he too started comforting her before he said to Bakorio "At first I never thought you would actually find a way to revive us without a huge sacrifice but we were both ready to help you in any way we could if you kept your promise to take care of Naruto in our place, but right now, things are different…"

Bakorio raised his head at Minato and even Shizune and Tsunade couldn't help but listen to this conversation in intrigue 'So this kid used Naruto to gain Minato's and Kushina's trust huh? what's Minato going to do now that he doesn't need this kid?'

Minato suddenly put on a serious look on his face as he said "I know I promised Kushina that I won't let her and Naruto down again, but that promise wasn't meant just for them, it also concerned you Bakorio-kun, and no matter what trouble you find yourself in the future, I will always be there for you, even if it costs my life, and I think Kushina wouldn't mind it right?"

Hearing what Minato said, Kushina shook her head and said "No, I will also be there for Bakorio-kun no matter what"

Hearing what they said, Bakorio suddenly lowered his head letting his face be covered by his hair as he muttered "Thank you…" only he knows, how touched he was by those worlds…


AN: Another release will be coming later...


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis