Treating Murata and unsealing Kurama

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


-A few days after Minato's and Kushina's revival-

Tsunade was still staying in Konoha trying to help Mukai heal his ill son, and after doing some diagnosing, she actually found out that his son's situation was almost helpless and Bakorio who has learning medical Ninjutsu from her using one of his shadow clones couldn't help but ask when he saw her deep frown while looking at the emaciated kid that had some resemblance to Mukai and was clearly in pain

"What's wrong, did you find out what's wrong with Mukai's son?"

Tsunade's frown deepened even more and Shizune who was beside her was surprised to see Tsunade actually lose her cool this much, and after some contemplation, Tsunade finally said "This kid has a huge number of abnormally active but dysfunctional blood cells that are being produced continuously which are causing this deterioration all over his body, and I might need some high-quality equipment if we want to kill those cells but this treatment might endanger this kid. Unfortunately, I don't have any other solution and I don't think we have plenty of time to come up with one…"

Mukai's heart was broken when he heard the news that his son didn't have much longer to live and his treatment is close to impossible without killing him.

And to make matters worse. this news was coming from the greatest medical ninja in the world! so, he started clenching his hands and gritting his teeth with so much force that he started bleeding from them before he asked Tsunade "Are you sure there's no other way to heal Murata?"

Tsunade could see the love and care this guy had for his son, and it was something very clear as he went so far as to betray the strongest hidden village and put his life in danger just to get enough money to extend the life of his son… So, she ended up looking at the kid who brought some light to her heart as she remembered the Jutsu he used to heal Minato and Kushina trying to see if he could use the same way to save Murata, and the perceptive Mukai immediately picked up on this and turned to Bakorio quickly and begged him "Please, if you have any way to treat my son, please help him!"

Bakorio fell deep in thought when he heard Tsunade diagnosis and he couldn't help but think about an illness from his old world that had similar effects… leukemia… and this kid probably didn't even have an image of himself when he's healthy so it was impossible to treat him with the combination of Izanagi and Izanami like he did to Minato and Kushina. So, Bakorio ended up shaking his head putting Mukai under more despair…

"Sorry Mukai, but the forbidden Jutsu I can use requires the user to at least remember a point in their lives when they were healthy so it won't work on your son…" Said Bakorio and Mukai couldn't help but fall on his knees beside his son's bed and hold his emaciated hand feeling heartbroken especially when his son looked at him with cloudy eyes oblivious to what was going on around him as he was only 3 years old, but something he understood was that he was in so much pain and would moan from time to time because of It…

Shizune's eyes started tearing up and even Tsunade didn't want to stay anymore and was ready to leave, but Bakorio's following words stopped her in her tracks "But maybe there's a way to save him…"

Mukai suddenly raised his head, his eyes igniting with hope again as he quickly said "Please tell me how and I will do anything!" Tsunade and Shizune were also intrigued and couldn't wait to hear Bakorio's thoughts, although they weren't that hopeful about them since he only started learning medical Ninjutsu not long ago...

However, what they didn't know is that Bakorio knew a lot about this... more than needed because one of his grandsons in his old world had the misfortune to be affected by this disease.

However, his old world was far more technologically advanced and there was a treatment for it…

Remembering his little grandson, Bakorio couldn't help but turn a little nostalgic before he dragged himself back to reality and started explaining his reasoning " Tsunade, you said that Murata's body is producing a large number of dysfunctional blood cells and they are damaging his body, and you think you need all that equipment to kill these cells, but I think you can use another way to achieve a similar effect and you will have better control over it"

"really? there's a less dangerous way?" Mukai's heart was almost leaping out of his chest as he said this…

Meanwhile, Tsunade was surprised at first hearing that she actually can use another way but then she suddenly understood what Bakorio was implying and she couldn't help but frown as she responded to him "I don't know how you know about the effect of my creation rebirth Jutsu, but I indeed could forcefully cause those cells to divide until they die, but that won't stop this kid's body from producing more of them…"

Mukai started to feel his hopes getting crushed again but Bakorio next words stopped it from happening "You are right, but at least next time you can use your seal to stop those cells from dividing and growing bigger, so no matter what, his normal cells will always stay dominant and the small number of dysfunctional cells won't affect the normal functions of his body like they are doing right now, and who knows… maybe in the future we will find a proper cure for it"

Tsunade's eyes suddenly lit up and Shizune understood what this look meant and wanted to confirm "Lady Tsunade, is it really possible to save this poor kid?" Mukai looked hopefully waiting for a positive answer…

Tsunade looked thoughtfully at Bakorio who was looking at Murata with a nostalgic look 'Why does he know so much about his illness…' Before she nodded her head and said "I think it's doable" and Mukai couldn't help but shoot Bakorio a grateful look as he felt a huge weight was lifted from his heart.

Then Tsunade started approaching Murata while black marks started spreading from the diamond-shaped seal on her forehead until they covered her whole face. At this point, she turned to Mukai and said "Use your Byakugan and help me pinpoint the areas that contain the most dysfunctional blood cells"

Mukai didn't hesitate at all as he nodded an activated his Byakugan and started directing Tsunade and to her surprise, Mukai was extremely precise, showcasing his extreme knowledge of the human body and his great mastery of his Byakugan…

Meanwhile, as this was going on, far away from Konoha in an isolated forest, there were three adults and two kids. They were of course Fugaku, Minato, and Kushina, as for the kids they were the real body of Bakorio as well as Naruto…

"Why did you bring me here?" Asked Fugaku not understanding what was going on, and Minato quickly dropped a bomb on him with a smile "We are going to unseal Kurama from Naruto"

Fugaku's stoic face suddenly broke into a shocked expression as he said "Kurama? Do you mean the nine tails? Minato have you gone crazy?"

Fugaku expected many things when he was brought here including that it might be a trap, but he never expected that they were actually going to unseal such a dangerous beast…

"Don't worry Fugaku, Kurama isn't as you expect, just watch the show" said Bakorio before he nodded at Minato to start the unsealing process along with Kushina, and before long a very huge fox appeared in front of them… it was Yang Kurama! And Fugaku couldn't help but look at him warily and was ready to activate his Mangekyo Sharingan and control him at any moment…

"HAHAHAHA I'm finally free!" Yelled Kurama causing a huge shockwave in the area… "Hey stupid fox, this isn't over yet so calm down" yelled Bakorio as Fugaku watched how Minato and Kushina started inscribing the sun seal and the seven stars seal on Kurama one after another and was shocked to hear what their effects were…


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis