Time skip and progress

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


One month passed after the revival of Kurama, the situation in the village was stable with so many Kage Level ninja protecting it openly and secretly so it wasn't affected by the loss of Danzo. As for Bakorio, he was enjoying his relaxed life with his new family…

He spent this time training his body since he simply couldn't sit around and do nothing, He also summoned many shadow clones to help him train in the various releases which he amassed a terrifying amount of Justus from each type thanks to his Sharingan, but most importantly he wanted to learn the lightning and earth chakra transformations to make use of his terrifying reaction speed to the best of its abilities and officially master all the releases!

And after this month of constant training while using many clones to help him, he was finally able to use both the lightning and earth chakra transformations which opened up much more possibilities for his future fighting style.

But he didn't spend his time only training in isolation because he also helped Naruto and Sasuke in their training, and even helped Kurama in learning how to control his huge reserves of chakra and learn how to use it more effectively. Because right now Kurama was the same as someone who has a gun, yet he only hits people with it physically because he doesn't know how to use it, but he did know how to use it… good luck to whoever's fighting him.

And this wasn't all, because Bakorio focused some of his time on expanding his food businesses the way he originally wanted and it went on easily with Fugaku as Hokage facilitating the logistics of it and Mikoto and Kushina helping him manage it which spared him a lot of time as his only job became creating various recipes when needed which he did easily thanks to his cooking talent and knowledge from his previous world!

"Let's check out my progress" muttered Bakorio before he said inside his head 'Status'

[Stat Value]

[Name Bakorio Uchiha]

[Level: 25]

[Health: 8620 (+103/min)]

[Chakra: 20564 (+323/min)]

[Stamina: 4000]



[160 150 230 251 400 790]

[Free Attribute Points 145(125+20)


[Close combat fighting: Level 87]

[Swordsmanship: Level 74]

[Throwing art: Level 74]

[Sealing art: Level 23]

[Chakra control: Level 78]

[Meditation: Level 53]

[Fire chakra transformation: Level 61]

[Wind chakra transformation: Level 32]

[Water chakra transformation: Level 36]

[Lightning chakra transformation: Level 10]

[Earth chakra transformation: Level 8]

[Yin chakra transformation: Level 51]

[Yang chakra transformation: Level 56]


[Kekkei Genkai]

[Eye of insight: Level 70]

[Eye of hypnotism: Level 72]

[Yomi no Kuni: Level 41]

[Jikininki: Level 34]

[Susanoo: Level 31]


[Summon: Quintuple Rashomon: Level 41]

[Summon: Lesser Skeleton: Level 36]

[Blink: Level 42]

[General 8]

[Ninjutsu] [Fire 8]|[Wind 10] [Water 9] [Lightning 7] [Earth 9] [Yin 5] [Yang 5]

[Taijutsu 3]- Not used yet [Burning Aura level 35]

[Shurikenjutsu 2]

[Kenjutsu] [Swift sword style: Level 38]

[Juinjutsu] [Dark touch: Level 11]

[Genjutsu / /] [Fuinjutsu / /] [Senjutsu / /]

[Abilities] [Save and load] [Appraisal] [Map] [Tenketsu release] [Blessing of the elements]

[Bloodlines] [Uchiha 50%] [Akimichi 30%] [Shadow 35%]

[Talents] [Body Greatmaster] [Chakra Master] [Cooking/sealing Advanced] [Hunter medium]

'Not bad, but my body is approaching its natural limits…' thought Bakorio, during his time in this world, he understood that talent is needed for the body to grow stronger quickly, but without a strong bloodline, sooner or later you will hit a bottleneck and stop getting stronger…

What comes after that is breaking the limits, but to do it without killing yourself is easier said than done. After all, he currently only knows about the system being capable of doing such a thing safely…

But that wasn't all he gained during this month, he also completed two quests:

[Quest Chakra control 4: Reach level 75 in your chakra control. Reward: 3000 points, blessing of the elements.

[Quest Meditation 3: Reach level 50 in your meditation. Reward: 500 points, Multitask (active)]

[Blessing of the elements: The elements are attracted to you and you were blessed by them which will make controlling them easier. Host gains +5% Additional affinity to all elements.]

[Multitask (active): This skill allows the user to manage their minds and allocate their thinking power to however many tasks they want during its activation. However, each time the user splits his mind, the computing power of those portions will also go down. Cooldown: 1H Consumes spiritual energy]

'I think I'm ready to go meet that pervy toad, I already researched everything about him and his location so it's time I go there' thought Bakorio as he went to his garden where a little fox was laying down and watching two boys fighting in front of him, or to be fair, watching Sasuke toy around with Naruto at ease thanks to his awakened Sharingan…

"Yo, Kurama want to go have some fun?" said Bakorio with a smile and he immediately noticed Kurama's ears perking up as he slowly stood up and said "So it's finally time huh? what took you so long brat, I almost died from boredom…"

"Boredom you say? I wonder who's about to make me go bankrupt from all the food he keeps demanding while he does nothing, tch" Replied Bakorio as he remembered Kurama's first reaction when he tasted his food for the first time and it was just like he opened the gates to hell at that point as he kept pestering him for food all the time… That's when Bakorio understood that maybe Kurama lost his size, but his stomach was still big just the same…

Kurama knew that this was a losing battle since he was at fault so he decided to change the subject and said "So where are we going?"

Naruto and Sasuke suddenly stopped fighting as they both looked at Bakorio with their eyes twinkling and said "Bakorio, are you leaving the village?"

Bakorio started sensing that trouble was approaching so he quickly shot Kurama an angry glare before he said "Yes I have some business to do outside the village, but sorry I can't take you with me this time because it might take me a long time before I return…"

This was the truth because Bakorio was planning to learn how to control nature energy, and for that, he didn't know how long it might take him even though he has Ashura's chakra. So, he decided to better go on his own, especially since he didn't simply want to learn from the toads but he had a theory and an ambition he wanted to fulfill…

"Ehhh, but I want to come, please please" said Naruto while trying to put a puppy face, and to Bakorio's surprise, Sasuke too followed after him and started doing the same, but what got on his nerves the most wasn't these innocent kids, but the little fox behind them that was snickering at his misfortune so Bakorio quickly sent him flying with a kick before he looked helplessly at Sasuke and Naruto until his savior arrived!

It was Minato who heard the commotion of Kurama being kicked like a soccer ball and wanted to check if everything was alright and seeing Bakorio's predicament, he couldn't help but ask "what's going on?"

"Dad, Bakorio's going out and he doesn't want to take us with him" said Naruto, trying to use his cuteness no Jutsu on Minato instead since it didn't work on Bakorio, and Minato was surprised hearing that Bakorio was leaving the village so he asked in surprise "Bakorio is that right?"

Bakorio let out a sigh before he said "Yes, but I believe it's going to take me a long time before I come back so I can't take them with me…"

'Hmm? Well, I guess it's normal for him to not want to take the kids for such a long time…' thought Minato before he turned to Naruto and Sasuke and said "Naruto, Sasuke, I'm sure Bakorio would love taking you with him on a trip like he did before, but this time he must be really occupied…"

Naruto and Sasuke were about to complain but Minato quickly followed by saying "…but I think you can make use of this opportunity"

"How?" Asked Sasuke with a puzzled look on his face and Naruto couldn't help but nod in agreement even though he doesn't like to agree with Sasuke…

"I think you too could train hard during his absence, and maybe while he's traveling outside, you too could actually surpass him!" Said Minato with a smile and hearing his words multiplied by his great charisma, Naruto's and Sasuke's eyes started twinkling as they found a new goal…


If you have any ideas regarding the development of the story or any addition you want to see, Join the Discord server and shower me with your wisdom! The link is in the synopsis