The secret of sages

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


Seeing how the great toad sage lost his future vision when he tried to predict his future and how panicked he seemed to be for losing such a defining ability of his life.

Bakorio's eyes couldn't help but start flickering coldly 'Two kids fought their own mother because of this little frog, and after it, the huge rivalry between the descendants of one of the brothers continued for more than a thousand years… and even before that, this world was always plagued with wars. Was all of this really a coincidence? No, not when someone can actually absorb negative emotions...'

Bakorio felt that this darkness mentioned in the first prophecy wasn't a simple being…'I can't trust this prophecy anymore, now that I think about it, wasn't the prophecy he gave to Jiraiya wrong? And in the end, the child of prophecy turned out to be not, Nagato nor Minato, It was Naruto! Saying that I hold the power to save or destroy the world in my hands... It's probably trying to make me think that I'm already strong enough. Tch, too bad for you, I know what monsters like Kaguya and her sons could do!'

The machinations inside Bakorio's head started rotating at a terrifying speed as he started to have an idea of the nature of his hidden enemy, but nothing appeared on his face as he said to the panicked toad that was being comforted by Fukasaku and Shima "I will excuse myself then, if you ever regain your vision, we will talk at that time…" Before he turned around and left, leaving behind him the great toad sage's nervous voice repeating in a panicked voice "I'm blind… I'm blind!"


After that incident with Gamamaru, the toads weren't as welcoming to Bakorio thinking that he was the one that did something to the great toad sage which resulted in him losing his vision. So, he ended up leaving mount Myoboku without having the chance to learn anything in it…

"Sorry Bakorio, I couldn't do anything to convince them to let you stay" said Jiraiya with an apologetic look on his face. He suspected that the darkness in the prophecy had something to do with this!

"It's fine Jiraiya, it's not your fault, I wasn't intending to stay there anyways" said Bakorio with a smile, and the surprised Jiraiya couldn't help but ask "Why? Wasn't your purpose to learn sage mode there?"

"You really think this kid has such low goals" Said Kurama in disdain….

"What do you mean?" Asked Jiraiya with some seriousness in his voice and Mukai replied to him with a shrug while pointing at Bakorio.

"This kid wants to learn the best version of sage mode possible and not a mere animal transformation, he said it was something achieved by the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju"

Jiraiya's mouth suddenly opened wide and he couldn't help but shake his head at Bakorio before he said "Kid, according to what I know, Hashirama's sage mode was indeed a high level one, but it's still an animal transformation, only that it was an internal one, so it wasn't apparent as much as mine…"

"Huh? what do you mean?" Bakorio tilted his head as for the first time in a while, he found his conjecture inaccurate and felt like he was about to get schooled…

"Well, Do you know about Shikkotsu (Damp bone) forest?" Asked Jiraiya with an amused smile and Bakorio replied with a nod while hearing the giggles of Kurama and Mukai in the background…

"That's where Tsunade's summon, Katsuyu resides right?" continued Bakorio, and Jiraiya nodded before he said "The first Hokage trained his sage mode there…"

"huh? slug sage mode?" Bakorio was dumbfounded as Mukai and Kurama finally couldn't hold back and started laughing at him directly "You actually wanted to be a slug, ahahaha"

Bakorio felt like an idiot for aspiring so high as he heard Jiraiya explain to him "You see, not many people know about sage transformations because they aren't something easy to train, and according to the knowledge bestowed to me by my teachers, there are many sage transformations depending on the sacred grounds the user trains in which grants different abilities"

At this point, started raising one finger at a time as he explained "Training at mount Myoboku grants you the toad sage transformation which focuses on enhancing strength. Training at Ryuchi cave grants you the snake sage transformation which focuses on enhancing agility, and finally training at Shikkotsu forest grants the slug transformation which focuses on enhancing vitality"

Bakorio shot the two bastards laughing at him an angry look before he said "You mean Hashirama's incredible regeneration comes from this sage transformation? But this doesn't explain why he didn't have animal features… "

"According to my knowledge he did have them at first, but they went away as time passed and he became better at controlling nature's energy until they ended up manifesting as dark markings and nothing more" Replied Jiraiya with admiration in his eyes as even he couldn't master a normal sage transformation, not to mention an enhanced version of it like Hashirama's that became part of him and his crazy vitality lasted to this day with people doing research with his body…

"There goes my high aspirations down the drain…" Said Bakorio with a sigh, but Jiraiya suddenly said "That's not necessarily true"

"What do you mean?" asked Bakorio with his hopes reignited.

"From what I can see, you seem to want to gain the benefits of all sage transformations right?" Said Jiraiya to which Bakorio nodded in agreement.

"Tch, how greedy, but it's not impossible... in theory at least…" said Jiraiya as he looked at the crazy boy in front of him who was staring at him with shining eyes…

"Do you know why there exist different sage transformations?" asked Jiraiya wanting to see how much Bakorio knows about this, but to his surprise, the kid with such high aspirations simply shrugged and said "No I don't, I only know that you merge nature's chakra with your spiritual and physical energies to create a higher form of chakra…"

"Haa kid, you really are crazy and too confident in yourself" Said Jiraiya with a sigh as Mukai quickly said "I agree!" while drinking some of his toad juice…

"Listen, you are correct about merging nature's energy with your physical and spiritual energy. But the location when doing this matters, and the way you do it also matters" Said Jiraiya and Bakorio replied with both confusion and understanding "I believe you mean a location rich in natural energy, but what do you mean with the way?"

"You see, physical energy can take many properties, the property you chose when you merge nature's energy determines the type of enhancement you receive. If you transform your physical energy into strength and merge it with nature's energy, you gain an enhancement to strength. But transforming physical energy into strength makes it harder to control as it becomes aggressive and merging it with nature's energy would require a huge focus and precision, which is why I couldn't master it completely" said Jiraiya with a regretful sigh as Bakorio finally understood the reason this guy failed to master this Jutsu…

"So, because you focus too much on merging nature's energy with your own, you couldn't spare enough attention to absorb more energy huh?" Said Bakorio while rubbing his chin thoughtfully…

"That's correct, that's why I need help from my two teachers to cover this flaw whenever I'm using sage mode…" said Jiraiya in embarrassment and Bakorio surprised him when he said

"So, to increase the other physical attributes, you will have to turn your physical energy into agility or vitality before merging them with nature's energy, agility tend to be swift and would become very hard to control, as for vitality, it tends to reject outside energies… so merging all three of them is simply daydreaming huh?"

'This kid is terrifyingly smart, and it seems like his knowledge of chakra is very high' thought Jiraiya before he nodded and said "That's right"

'Hmm, that would have indeed been hard for normal people, but I'm different...; I have the multi-task ability and I could level my control of them through my system!' Thought Bakorio, but he didn't say this to Jiraiya and only said "Please teach me strength sage mode"

"Fine, but it might take some time since we can't train it in a sacred ground like mount Myoboku" said Jiraiya with a smile

"It's fine by me…" And so Bakorio's training with Jiraiya begin, meanwhile he sent Mukai and Kurama to find one sneaky snake…


Meanwhile, inside a laboratory inside the land of sound, Orochimaru suddenly felt a shiver running down his spine… "What's going on? Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?" muttered Orochimaru as his hand froze while he was doing an experiment so he turned to one of his assistants and looked at him coldly

The assistant started shivering as he said "Is everything okay, Lord Orochimaru?"

'It seems he's not trying to stab me in the back…' thought Orochimaru before he turned to his experiment thoughtfully…


An: What do you think about this theory regarding the different sage modes?