Young Kimimaro

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


"Stop that man quickly… AGH" Yelled a man that had half of his face covered by a black cloth but he was quickly knocked out from a black-clothed man punching him in the gut before he went on to the next guy blocking his path

"Warn lord Orochimaru, these intruders are too dangerous!" Yelled another one which resulted in him receiving a similar fate to the previous one and Bakorio and Kurama who were following from a distance simply watched Mukai opening a path for them easily through the ninjas working for Orochimaru who didn't stand a chance until suddenly Mukai titled his body to avoid some kind of white pale spear that was thrown at him.

However, he was surprised when he found out that it was made out of bones, but he didn't think too much of it as he sent it back to the direction it came from with a much more terrifying power and speed… and it was going to stab a seemingly normal wall.

But, it quickly morphed as a kid appeared from behind a veil that was seamlessly merging his presence with the wall and barely escaped Mukai's counterattack.

"Oh, well this was unexpected" said Mukai with a relaxed look as he started approaching this boy that was blocking their path.

He had pale skin, vivid green eyes, angular facial features, two scarlet dots on his forehead which all the members of his clan possessed, and white long hair, which he wore divided down the middle on his head (distinguished by an atypical 'zigzag' hair parting) with two separate partings on either side of his face and tied in a loose pony-tail near the middle of his back.

Bakorio immediately recognized this boy who appeared to be around 10 years old and was preparing to fight Mukai fearless 'Isn't this Kimimaro?' he thought before he suddenly stopped in front of Mukai and said

"Let me deal with this kid" said Bakorio before he activated his three tomoe Sharingan startling Kimimaro who immediately took a defensive posture

"Let's see what you've got" Said Bakorio before he retrieved one of his short swords and attacked Kimimaro swiftly.

'So fast' thought Kimimaro while barely dodging the sword slashes that were coming at him from all kinds of directions before Bakorio did a spin and hit him with a kick that sent him flying a few meters away…

But there was no delight in Bakorio's face as he thought 'Tch, it felt like hitting a wall made of steel, this is probably his Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku huh?'

And his guess was right because just when the kick was about to land on Kimimaro, the latter used this Kekkei Genkai that grants its user the ability to generate bones from any part of their body and created a bone armor that covered his skin and absorbed the majority of the damage from the kick.

'This kid is hard to deal with, not to mention that guy…' Kimimaro was about to turn to look at Mukai but he suddenly didn't find him there, no there was nothing around him as even the kid he was facing suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a shadowy figure as he found himself in a desolate land filled with death…

And soon, skeletons started rising from the ground around him in all kinds of shapes and forms "what's going on? Did I fall under a Genjutsu? When?" muttered Kimimaro in surprise as the skeletons started getting up one by one and he knew that if his opponent wished; he would be dead by now so he started fending off the skeleton and was preparing to use Orochimaru's curse seal to break the Genjutsu but suddenly he woke up and found Orochimaru standing beside him with his hands on his shoulder staring at the intruders who were discussing between themselves…

"Wow, Bakorio, that Genjutsu was quick" said Mukai in approval and Bakorio calmly replied "Well, he was dumb enough to look into my eyes from the start so it was quite easy…" Indeed, Kimimaro was imagining the fight happening between the two of them but in reality, Bakorio didn't move at all from his position.

And now, he turned to look at Orochimaru who was staring at his eyes with an intense desire which he didn't even bother to hide prompting Bakorio to say "Yo, Orochimaru, Is this how you receive guests?"

"I wonder what kind of guests keep lurking around my base for months before they directly barge in like this and cause all this mess" Responded Orochimaru with an evil smile while inside he was very wary of this trio, especially seeing Kurama among them and he was ready to make a run for it at any time, but his curiosity held him back until now.

Hearing what Orochimaru said, Bakorio shot Mukai a disappointed look and said "And here I thought you were doing it undetected"

Mukai rubbed the back of his head and said in embarrassment "Sorry I really thought I did it undetected…"

Orochimaru shook his head and said "I must say, you were very skillful in your approach. Unfortunately, one of my bases was already discovered and raided once so I started to take extra precautions just in case and developed methods of detection that can't be sensed using Konoha's Dojutsu"

At this point, Orochimaru looked at both Mukai who had the Byakugan, and Bakorio who had the Sharingan…

'He's probably talking about the incident that forced him to leave Konoha huh? but to think that he could detect Mukai… This guy is really amazing' thought Bakorio and Mukai was having similar thoughts…

"Well, I'm sure you could already guess that we didn't come here to fight but instead I have come to make a deal with you" said Bakorio to which Orochimaru's eyes flickered slightly before he said "You must be that kid Bakorio huh? does Konoha know what you are trying to do?"

"Heh, other than that old senile Hiruzen and Jiraiya, everyone in Konoha wants you dead, you really think they would want to make a deal with you?" Replied Bakorio with a mocking smile which made Orochimaru chuckle slightly as he said "True" before he gestured for them to follow him as he led them to a separate room while ordering his minions to go back to their tasks. However, Kimimaro still followed us and stuck closely to Orochimaru as if to protect him.

'Oh, how loyal' Thought Bakorio before he shifted his attention to the snake in front of him...

After sitting down in front of Orochimaru which Bakorio understood that he was sneaky enough and he suspected that he might actually only be a shadow clone. Ye he still spoke as if he was facing the real one and said "You helped Danzo with the integration of Hashirama's cells to create another wood-style user and you keep gathering all kinds of bloodlines…" At this point, Bakorio shot a look at Kimimaro before he continued "So, I guess your knowledge regarding this subject is top-notch if not the best the world has to offer right now and I want your help in a similar procedure"

Orochimaru's eyes widened in surprise before he suddenly smiled and said "And what makes you think I wouldn't do anything unwanted to your bod-"

However, before he could even finish, a terrifying aura emanating from Kurama and Mukai blasted him and caused the walls of the underground structure to crack as terrible killing intent covered the area and Bakorio calmly said amidst this storm "If you try anything, these two would kill you, and if you keep your greed in check, I could even help you in your research… for immortality"

Orochimaru wasn't fazed by the killing aura, unlike Kimimaro who became worried and started covering his body with bones and he even started activating the curse mark as droplets of sweat fell from his head and kept waiting for Orochimaru to signal to him to take action. But he never expected to see him so shocked to the point that he stood up and yelled at Bakorio "How do you know this?"

"Oh, it seems we might make a deal after all…" said Bakorio with a smile as Orochimaru smiled nervously and said "It seems I'm getting myself involved with a bigger mess than the Akatsuki…"