Encountering Onoki

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


Inside a secure and concealed cave that Orochimaru quickly built using his great mastery of the earth release and showing just how good he is at being a cockroach. Bakorio was sitting on a large stone with Kurama sitting beside him and observing Kabuto and Nono who were looking at him and Orochimaru warily…

"What are you trying to do with us?" Asked Nono and Bakorio simply replied "Didn't you get the news of Danzo's death?"

Nono was surprised but she nodded "I did get news of it, but I was waiting for further orders if I should retreat or not and decided to complete the mission i was assigned in the mean time"

Kabuto was surprised that this woman whose face was covered actually worked for Konoha as well and he couldn't help but say "I'm also a spy working for Danzo"

Nono looked at him in surprise and she turned to Orochimaru and Bakorio for confirmation and seeing them nod shocked her "I'm sorry, The last order I got from Danzo was to accept any missions that require getting rid of spies for Danzo… I didn't expect I would end up hunting another Konoha spy… sorry"

Kabuto stared at the woman he almost killed silently before he turned to Bakorio and Orochimaru and asked the same question as Nono "Why didn't we receive any further orders after Danzo's death?"

Hearing this Bakorio and Orochimaru exchanged a look and they couldn't help but burst into laughter "From where? You want Danzo to order you from the pure land?" Said Orochimaru sarcastically which surprised Kabuto and Nono and the latter ended up saying

"What do you mean? Danzo always said that we were following Konoha's orders…"

"Well, that guy took himself very highly indeed" Said Orochimaru with a smirk before Bakorio shook his head and said "No, you were working for Danzo and Danzo alone, no one even know that you are working as spies in Iwa, we even raided the Root's headquarters and I don't remember seeing any relevant data concerning the two of you so my guess is that Danzo destroyed everything… and you probably already can guess why"

Nono and Kabuto were left speechless as the former said with a weak voice "You mean he probably gave me this mission so that we take each other out?"

Kabuto's eyes widened at this and he couldn't help but look at Orochimaru for confirmation but the latter simply shrugged and pointed at the kid beside him and when Kabuto looked at him, he saw the kid say with a regretful sigh "Not only did he want to eliminate the two of you, but he tried to do it in the worst way possible… Nono, please remove your mask"

Kabuto hearing Bakorio call this woman Nono again kept making him have a weird feeling and he couldn't help but remember a certain woman that saved his life, so all his attention focused on this spy that was in the same situation as him and when she removed her mask… Kabuto was stunned, and the hand that he almost killed her with started shaking uncontrollably because in his sight right now was a woman he knew very well.

She was a young woman with shoulder-length light brown hair and emerald green eyes, and he watched in amazement as she took out a pair of square glasses from the bag strapped to her waist and wore them… A pair of glasses he bought with his own hands and money for this same person so he couldn't help but start approaching her absentmindedly while saying "Nono-san?"

Seeing Kabuto approach her, Nono was suddenly on guard but Bakorio's voice suddenly interrupted her as he said "Don't worry, he has no ill intentions toward you, you too need to catch up…" Said Bakorio before he shot Orochimaru a look and they left together…


"This situation is turning quite interesting, who would have thought Danzo would do such a thing?" Muttered Orochimaru in astonishment after Bakorio told him about how Danzo gave Nono fake pictures of Kabuto's appearance as he grew up since he didn't meet her for at least 5 years and he was 15 right now…

"Yes, and not only that, but we also have some visitors…"

"Oh?" Orochimaru was surprised since he didn't sense anyone near them so he shot Bakorio a doubtful look but when they left from the concealed entrance of the cave, Orochimaru finally sensed that a few ninjas were approaching them, and he could feel a very strong presence among them…

'This kid's senses are astonishing, and that presence that's getting closer, it seems familiar…' Orochimaru thought and the more that certain presence grew closer, the more he found it familiar until his eyes suddenly opened wide and said "Bakorio, a troublesome fellow is coming here, we should leave quickly!"

Bakorio's face didn't change at all as he said "I know, how could I forget his old rotten smell"

Orochimaru was surprised by this as he thought 'Did this kid meet him before?' He suddenly found himself intrigued and decided to linger a little bit longer and before long, a group of people arrived in front of the two of them.

They consisted of a short old man that was flying through the air wearing the Tsuchikage's outfit, and two men and a girl.

One of them was a large and imposing man, with dark eyes and black hair that spiked out at the back from underneath his bandanna-styled forehead protector. He also has large cheeks and a plump nose which gives him an overall look of constant joviality. He was wearing the red Iwa uniform which has both its sleeves underneath his flak jacket and accentuates it with a yellow scarf which he wrapped around his neck.

The other one was a very tall and brawny ninja. He has dark eyes and short dark-grey-colored hair as well as a beard and a bulbous nose. He wears the standard Iwa ninja uniform with a left sleeve and a right lapel.

The girl has short, black hair and distinctly pink eyes which are accentuated by her eyelashes running upwards at the corners. She wears the standard attire of the Iwa-nin consisting of a red uniform with her right sleeve missing and a lapel over her right leg, the brown Iwa flak jacket, fishnet tights, and a skirt over them. She also wears regular shinobi sandals and a pair of gloves.

Bakorio recognized them as The third Tsuchikage Onoki, His bodyguard Akatsuchi, the famous elite Jonin from Iwa Kitsuchi, and Onoki's granddaughter Kurotsuchi who appeared to be a little bit younger than Kabuto.…

"This is quite the troublesome lineup minus the girl" whispered Orochimaru to Bakorio who was still standing his ground calmly and looking at this group of people and he noticed Onoki's face suddenly turn grumpy when he saw Orochimaru and said "Who would have thought, I would meet one of the Sannin from Konoha while taking a trip to hunt an escaping fly"

At this point, Kabuto and Nono left the cave and approached them and everyone could see the slight tears marks on their faces so Onoki corrected himself with an even bigger annoyed look as he said "It appear that there's more than one fly in my village, I will make sure to extract every bit of information from you"

Bakorio ignored the senile old man and said to Orochimaru "It seems you and this tree bark has many things to catch up, we will take our leave while you enjoy your time"

Orochimaru's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden betrayal and he could even see a hint of a smile on Bakorio's face, clearly enjoying this and not caring at all about the danger they were in right now

'Is he getting his confidence from that fox or is this just a shadow clone… Even that fox might not be able to handle this old man's attacks… what's this kid planning?' Orochimaru's mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts but they were quickly interrupted when he saw the little girl suddenly turning angry and rushing at Bakorio while yelling "What did you call my grandpa!"

"Stop Kuro-chan" Yelled Akatsuchi as he ran after her along with Kitsuchi, one targeting Orochimaru and the other targeting Kabuto and Nono as Onoki watched this with a sigh with no worry on his face as he said "This girl is too hot-headed and careless she needs more training…"

If only he knew that she was heading towards death itself and he was the careless one for letting her and ignoring the danger the kid in front of him could pose, not to mention the fox on his shoulder…