The counter for dark chakra

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


After Shinno transformed into his superhuman form, Mukai ended up losing his grip on him, and to his surprise, Shinno decided to target Fugaku out of three of them despite Mukai being the one that just kicked him in the stomach.

'Is he targeting Fugaku on purpose?' Mukai was perplexed, but this feeling was overwhelmed by the transformation the man in front of him had just undergone that granted him a perfect body beyond what any human could achieve!

So, driven by his curiosity, Mukai immediately activated his Byakugan to see the reason for these changes, and both Minato and Fugaku noticed this even though most of their focus was on Shinno and how to catch him without killing him to extract the information they need.

Then, just as Shinno started engaging with Fugaku in close combat surprising him with his immense physical strength and speed while Minato was laying a formation to trap him, Mukai's eyes suddenly narrowed as a hint of a cruel smile appeared on his face as he quickly disappeared from his position and appeared in front of Fugaku to block Shinno's path causing the latter to stare at him smugly and say mockingly.

"What are you doing? You want to tickle me again?" Then, Shinno stared at his shredded body before he glanced at Mukai again haughtily.

'What's Mukai planning?' was the thought on Minato's and Fugaku's head as they stared at Mukai's cruel and playful smile and his activated Byakugan, and then they saw him suddenly move quickly and stab Shinno with his finger in multiple places, yet the latter didn't even bother to dodge and seemed to be unaffected by his attack as the smugness on his face grew bigger and said "Are you done?"

Fugaku and Minato frowned at this, but they could see that Mukai's smile only grew wider as well and before long, to their surprise, Shinno's smugness turned into a frown, and then that frown turned into absolute horror as his huge body started to grow thinner and thinner losing all his previous muscles and size.

"What's going on?" asked Fugaku who could see through his Sharingan that Shinno's chakra was moving erratically and Minato too could feel it as he reappeared and stood beside the two of them to observe what was happening closely.

After some time, Shinno deflated like a balloon and turned into an old man with an emaciated body with his hair turning white and started falling off to the point that he appeared that he might die at any moment so Fugaku quickly asked Mukai with a frown "What did you do to him?" Minato too was interested in this conversation so he listened closely while keeping an eye on what was happening to Shinno's body as dark chakra kept leaking out of it.

Mukai simply shrugged at Fugaku before he pointed at Shinno and said "I noticed with my Byakugan that he uses his dark chakra through certain channels in his body, so I simply blocked the Tenketsu points it uses which stopped its flow resulting in a backlash causing him to turn into this current form, this is probably what happens to someone who's reliant on dark chakra when they are deprived from it"

Hearing his explanation, Minato and Fugaku's eyes narrowed and they couldn't help but frown at such a dangerous double-edged power, especially since they both understood immediately the terrifying point behind this feature as Fugaku said with a cold look in his eyes " So this means that the users of this chakra are required to keep acquiring more of it every time they start running out of it otherwise they would end up like this?"

"What a vicious cycle" muttered Minato with a frown as he could tell that the man in front of him did many evil deeds to acquire this dark chakra to keep his form and even use it for battle despite his identity as a doctor…

"Well, we still have many things to figure out from this man, shall we start?" said Mukai to Minato and the latter nodded in understanding as he started walking to Shinno who was screaming in madness while looking at Mukai

"What did you do to me! Where's my power! No this can't be possible, our power is unmatched"

But Minato ignored all of his crazy talk as he put his hand on his shoulder and turned to Fugaku and Mukai saying "Meet me at the other cave we prepared"

Minato actually considered the possibility that their trap might fail so he prepared another location just in case that could counter this kind of variation!

The two of them nodded as they watched Minato disappear in front of them using his flying thunder god Jutsu before they too quickly disappeared heading to the cave they prepared to interrogate Shinno.

Once there, they found the old an emaciated Shinno tied to a pillar screaming all kinds of nonsense as Minato started putting custom seals all over his body to restrain him even more since he had an idea now how this dark chakra worked. This was to prevent any other accidents from happening, accidents such as him taking his own life leaving them with nothing to gain.

And seeing that the two of them arrived, they finally started their interrogation, asking all kinds of questions, who he is, where did he get this power and learn how to control it, which hidden village or organization this guy belonged to, and so on… yet every time they got no information from him as he kept staring at them with a disturbing crazed smile.

But Mukai's next words finally broke that grin of his as he said "From the way you seemed to hate Konoha to the point that you said I will kill all of you Konoha bastards and you even targeted Fugaku out of three of us, probably because of him being the Hokage, I can assume that this grudge isn't unfounded, and from the information we gathered, you are probably one of the remnants from the village hidden in the sky correct?"

Seeing the piercing eyes staring at him, Shinno finally realized that the trio in front of him knew far more than he had imagined about his situation, and he finally couldn't keep his crazed act especially when he heard Fugaku's next words

"One more thing you should keep in mind is that Tsunade the Sannin is already investigating the village you reside in, I'm sure someone as smart as you that could keep his identity hidden for such a long time wouldn't choose a village to live in so randomly right?"

Shinno's face grew darker and darker seeing that the situation was already going out of hand and at this point they might end up discovering the remnants of their village that was buried near the village and they might even find out their hideout that wasn't that far from there!

"Oh, your face is changing, that's quite the good news for us, so are you going to start talking or should we call an expert and extract this information from you forcefully?" said Fugaku coldly, to which Shinno shot them one last look before he said "Go to hell" and then to the trio's surprise, he actually took advantage of his neck not being tied hard enough since Minato saw his emaciated body and didn't want to risk suffocating him.

But they never expected that Shinno would use this slight misjudgment from Minato to do a forceful movement and he actually snapped his own neck in half with a dark smile on his face that sent a chill to the hearts of the trio

"NO!" yelled Fugaku trying to stop this but it was too late because soon enough, Shinno stopped breathing and they couldn't detect any signs of life from his body even when using the Byakugan and the Sharingan…


Meanwhile, earlier in the land of fire, Tsunade who was blindly investigating the land of sky and if they had any remnants after hearing that they were related to the death of her grandpa suddenly felt a device that Minato gave her vibrating.

"Hm? This is that communication device Minato gave me… what's going on?" muttered Tsunade before she injected her chakra into it and she could hear a familiar voice coming from it, it was Fugaku's voice

"Tsunade, we found information about the land of the sky"

Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes begin to shine brightly as she quickly responded "Tell me everything" and Fugaku obliged as he started telling her everything Mukai told them about Shinno and cloud village.

"A doctor? Cloud village huh?" muttered Tsunade with an unreadable look in her eyes as she started making her way towards cloud village…