Seeing through the act

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


Tsunade's interrogation of the chief of the cloud village went without a hitch and she found that most of what the kids told her earlier was true, and she got a better understanding of the illness that plagues that kid Amaru and she couldn't help but be impressed by the skills of this doctor despite her anger towards him.

She also asked the village chief about the weird architecture and layout of this village and it was explained to her that they lived near an old ruin and the inhabitants of the village decided to mimic their style of building which greataly attracted her attention and she decided to give it a visit after she was done here.

But before that, she noticed the suspicious look of the village chief regarding her questioning and indeed, he couldn't hold back anymore and he asked her directly "Lady Tsunade, did doctor Shinno do anything wrong?".

Tsunade could clearly see the worry in his eyes, and it didn't seem to be directed at Shinno but for something else, and at this point she remembered what one of the kids told her regarding why Shinno wasn't here 'So he's worried about his son huh?'


Tsunade could hear the faint groans of someone clearly in pain in another room in the house and after giving it a glance, she turned to the village chief and said "I heard your son was ill, let me check his condition"

Of course, she wasn't going to tell him top secret information related to the death of a Hokage, the strongest one at that, so the best she could do was to directly heal his son to appease his worry, this is the least she could do to pay him back for his cooperation.

"R-Really? I would be eternally grateful if you can help him" Replied the old village chief with some light returning to his despairing eyes. After all, the woman in front of him was known for being the best medical ninja! So, without hesitation, he led her to the room where his son was and the moment Tsunade laid her eyes on him she couldn't help but wrinkle her brows.

In front of her was laying a middle-aged man, his face appeared to be full of pain as sweat fell continuously from it, yet he didn't appear to be conscious so Tsunade stepped forward and started checking his condition before turning toward his father and asking questions like "When did this start? Did he lose consciousness immediately or did it take a while? And so on…"

After she gathered enough information, her frown deepened even further and the village chief couldn't help but ask her worriedly "Lady Tsunade, doctor Shinno said that this is a very rare illness, d-do you think it's curable?" He was still clinging to the hope that Shinno gave him that there's a chance in curing his son's illness but from the look on Tsunade's face, he started to lose that hope too…

However, what Tsunade said next left him in shock as she simply smirked coldly and said "Illness? Your son Is clearly poisoned!"

The village chief felt a bomb exploding in his head before his shocked eyes narrowed dangerously, he was an experienced man and he quickly started connecting the dots between Tsunade's presence here and her weird interest in a supposedly kind doctor, but all of this was overshadowed by his worry for his son as he asked her "C-can you treat Satoshi?"

Tsunade observed the behavior of this village chief before she silently nodded. Of course, she can, after all, she recognized this poison as something used by the people of the village hidden in the sky during their invasion of the land of fire. At that time, countless poisoned kunai were thrown at Konoha's ninja from the sky and they were forced to find a cure...

This poison also made Konoha lose many chances at capturing their ninja for questioning because they would use their advanced tools to inject it into their bodies to take their lives in the case they find themselves about to be captured.

After they researched it, they found out that this poison is extremely deadly in high dosages, but in low dosages, it results in the current situation of the son of the village chief Satoshi, putting the affected person into a coma-like state and causing them immense pain…

So, the moment she saw this poison, it further confirmed her suspicions regarding Shinno's connection to the village hidden in the sky. Or at least its remains…

After explaining to the village chief how to treat this poison, she quickly left and made her way to the home where Shinno stays but she found nothing there. So, she made her way to the ancient ruins near the village hoping she could find more clues there…


Meanwhile, inside a cave, the trio consisting of Minato, Mukai, and Fugaku suddenly started hearing the sound of explosions coming from the distance, and they couldn't help but look at each other seriously since they could tell that something dangerous was approaching.

However, after Mukai did a quick investigation with his Byakugan, his serious expression immediately went back to his laid-back look before telling the other two "That troublesome kid and his ride are here, Tch"

Minato and Fugaku could see the clear jealousy in his eyes and they couldn't help but show a faint smile, and before long they felt something stop in front of the entrance of the cave before it entered, and soon after they could hear the echo of footsteps before the figure of a boy and an orange fox appeared in front of them.

The kid of course was Bakorio and he immediately shot Mukai a cold look causing the latter to shift slightly behind Minato while waving his hand at him "Yo, Bakorio, you came quick"

Bakorio simply ignored him before he turned his attention to Minato and Fugaku and shot them a faint smile as he said "It's been a while huh"

Minato and Fugaku exchanged greetings with him before they quickly turned their attention to Shinno since this wasn't the time for a reunion.

"What do you think Bakorio?" Asked Fugaku since he felt Bakorio had an idea In mind if he asked them to wait for him before they take any further actions.

"I'm going to try something" Replied Bakorio as he approached Shinno and confirmed first with his three tomoe Sharingan that there were no traces of life in Shinno's body before he suddenly closed his eyes and started concentrating, the other three didn't know what he was doing but they didn't disturb him and simply watched calmly.

However, they suddenly saw Bakorio open his eyes with a smirk on his face and a playful look in his eyes as he said "Well well well, I never thought someone could be capable of such a thing, this is amazing!"

The trio had questioning looks as they looked at Bakorio not understanding what he was talking about, and Mukai wasn't one to overthink things when he could directly ask "What are you talking about?"

Minato and Fugaku as well were attracted by his comment but they simply saw Bakorio's smirk widen as he pointed at Shinno's 'dead' body and said "this guy is alive, and whatever jutsu he's using to fake his death can actually hide even from the visual abilities of the Byakugan, how could this be anything less than amazing?"

The trio's eyes widened in surprise and they couldn't help but check again with their different abilities only to come to their first conclusion that he was dead. This was a weird phenomenon, because despite all the medical knowledge Bakorio learned from Tsunade and Orochimaru, he still couldn't find any traces of life in this man's body.

But he used something else, something that couldn't be tricked, and that is his Yomi no Kuni's passive ability, and despite its incredible control and sensitivity towards death, he couldn't sense any death from this 'dead body' in front of him making him amazed at such amazing technique that could even trick both the Sharingan and Byakugan! In fact, at first he was even ready to use Yomi no Kuni and summon this doctor's soul, but now it didn't seem to be necessary...

"Are you sure?" Asked Minato, and Bakorio could see the clear trust in his eyes towards him despite the question and he replied with a nod before he started poking Shinno's half bald head with his finger while saying "Oy, for how long are you going to keep pretending to be dead?"

'IMPOSSIBLE!' Was all Shinno could think hearing the voice of the kid that could see through his technique 'Who's this kid!'


An: Enjoy double release!