Passing the trials, White snake sage

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


"Is this seriously supposed to be their so called trials?" Bakorio muttered before letting out a sigh, he can easily see through these illusions thanks to his eyes, and when he entered that weird shrine, he noticed that the food Tagorihime offered him was all rotten and disgusting garbage which was turned through her illusion into delicious food, and she actually tried to make him it which is why he really wished Manda could have eaten her…

After looking around him with a lazy look in his eyes, Bakorio noticed some lights in the distance and shrugged before he started walking towards them… Soon, the open terrain around him shifted into a catacomb like terrain with many rock pillars and he saw a woman floating around like a ghost using them to hide from time to time.

She has fair skin and dark hair that is tied into two buns on either side of her head. She wears a sleeveless white and blue robe, white sandals, and has a pearl bracelet on her right arm. She also dons a golden tiara and blue tomoe-shaped earrings. She also has red eyeshadow.

Bakorio watched as she kept appearing and disappearing all around appearing to be observing him from every possible angle and asked "What's the next trial?"

Looking at the cold look on Bakorio's face, the woman chuckled slightly and said "You are quite the confident human kid, I can't wait to eat you while you are dying slowly" her face turned into that of a snake, and seeing that Bakorio was only unmovingly observing her... She snapped her fingers causing the terrain to shift again and Bakorio found himself inside a closed room filled with some sorts of gems in all kinds of shapes and colors and one of its walls had holes where those gems could be placed

"My name is Ichikishimahime, you will have to fill that wall with gems around you, it's the only way for you to escape, even killing me will not free you from here…"

Bakorio was thinking 'Should I kill her since it doesn't make a difference?' and shot Ichikishimahime a look as some of his terrible killing intent escaped from him and she immediately distanced herself from him with a startled look on her snake like face as she asked "Kid, you just had the desire to kill me didn't you?"

'I still have it' thought Bakorio as he reined in his killing intent and said with a shrug "I don't know what you are talking about" before he ignored her and begin analyzing the stones on the floor with one glance before chakra strings came from his fingers and slowly lifted the stones that matched the holes in the wall and they filled it one by one in just a few seconds leaving Ichikishimahime speechless

"How in the hell are you finding them so quickly, is it your Sharingan?" she asked curiously as she returned to her human appearance and Bakorio simply responded with a "Who knows look"

"Tch, annoying brat" she muttered while Bakorio finished filling the wall, leaving only one hole he didn't find a match for it

"Oy, little white worm, there's no stone that matches this hole" said Bakorio with a nonchalant look causing Ichikishimahime's pale snake face to turn even paler as she replied with killing intent in her eyes "What did you call me?"

"Ah, never mind, you are useless" said Bakorio before he picked a few random stones that resembled the shape of the hole and easily cut them with his chakra strings and placed them in

"Here, done! Now remove this stupid illusion" said Bakorio and Ichikishimahime glared at him once more and ominously said "Your end will come soon" before she dispersed the illusion…

"Sigh, what a bother" muttered Bakorio before he suddenly tilted his head to the side avoiding a sneak attack lunched by the last hostess of the trials which caught her by surprise since she didn't expect him to dodge with her presence completely hidden thanks to the weird fog covering Ryuchi cave…

But what she didn't expect even more is a punch that landed on her face and sent her flying away "Oh, finally an exciting test, are you here to fight me?" Asked Bakorio with a smile as the woman that just attacked him approached him with a dark face "Human, you are strong, but my test doesn't concern your strength, it concerns your heart and willpower!"

"Sigh, so another boring test huh…" said Bakorio in disappointment annoying the woman floating in front of him.

she has fair skin and dark hair that is tied into a single bun on top of her head, which then transitions into a ponytail reaching her back. She wears a long, loose-fitting white and red robe as well as a long red dress beneath that. She wears a golden tiara and a necklace with three red tomoe. And her beautiful face soon turned into that of a snake as she said

"I'm Tagitsuhime, this is the final test, if you fail, I will make sure to enjoy torturing you and absorb your chakra before sending you off to the pure lands!" She finished her sentence with a hiss before she disappeared…

"Their ego is really something" muttered Bakorio and suddenly, silhouettes started manifesting around him, they were either people he killed and were blaming him for it or the people he cared about telling him how selfish he was for acting without considering their feelings and whatnot, but Bakorio simply stared at everything without even responding…

The three snakes he just met were talking to each other behind the fog "Why's he not moving? Is he too affected by the trial?" asked Ichikishimahime and Tagorihime responded to her "Is that surprising? My test is about self control, something that the people who come here to seek to learn our sage arts usually lack, as for yours Ichikishimahime, you test the resourcefulness of a ninja and if they can think outside the box when faced with a difficult decision… But both our tests are considered simple compared to Tagitsuhime's trial that tests the heart, which is where most of the people that come here fail…"

Tagitsuhime had a smug look on her face as she said to the other two "It seems like I'm going to have a nice meal today…"

But suddenly, a voice drifted from behind them eerily "Can we get this over with, that was so boring" and they heard a yawn behind them… The three of them noticed that the boy they were watching suddenly vanished and they turned around hurriedly only to find him sitting beside them with a disappointed look…

"Y-You, how did you locate us inside this fog" asked the childish Ichikishimahime and Bakorio simply said with a smirk"Secret of the trade"

Tagitsuhime frowned slightly before she said "Congratulation, you passed all of our trials and earned the privilege of training our snake sage art, please follow me to meet the white snake sage"

Bakorio nodded and started following after her as the fog in front of them cleared and they arrived in front of the entrance of a temple, and this one wasn't some mere illusion, it was the place where the White snake sage resides!

"The white snake sage is waiting for you" said Tagitsuhime as she opened the door for him and Bakorio nodded at her before entering…

The temple was dark and illuminated by many candles placed on its dark walls, and there was a long flight of stairs in front of him that led to a huge throne where the biggest snake he had yet to see was sitting on it, or better say curled on…

Bakorio slowly walked up the stairs until he arrived in front of the white snake sage and said "I'm here to learn from you the ways of a sage"

The hostesses of trials appeared beside the white snake sage and listened in shock as the latter asked "Kid, you already learned the ways of the sage from those damned toads, why do you desire our way as well?"

"What! He actually learned those toad's sage mode? At such a young age?" The three of them were actually hoping to get their revenge by watching Bakorio die from his inability to handle the white snake sage's injection of nature's chakra… But it appears that their hopes might not be fulfilled…