Winning against all odds

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


After Bakorio completely studied everything that he had in his inventory and reached level 100 mastery in medical arts and seals he turned his attention to his other masteries and trained his swordsmanship and throwing art to level 100 as well helping him complete many quests…

His medical arts mastery reaching level 75 and 100 respectively granted him the Skill Restoration and the Ability body control respectively

Restoration was a skill that upon casting would regenerate the health of the target be it user or someone else by 2000 and another 2000 would follow over a period of 10 seconds.

Meanwhile, the ability body control allowed him to have certain control over every inch of his body, and with it he could even shift the position of his organs easily which could be very helpful in fights…

As for his sealing arts reaching level 50 , 75 and 100, they granted him Protection Talisman (Low Kage) x10, Explosive talisman (Medium Kage) x10 and a Fuinjutsu called Instant bind…

The first two rewards were self-explanatory, but the last one was actually a Fuinjutsu that could be insta cast just like Minato's flying thunder god Jutsu, and it allows the user to instantly bind his target! Although, the strength of this binding is related to the user's strength.

However, as much as these skills were amazing, Bakorio was still most impressed by what he gained from his throwing art and swordsmanship reaching level 100!

He gained a skill called Undodgeable throw, which once activated guarantees that anything he throws will hit its mark no matter the obstacles in front of it which was terrifying to think about if paired with his Dark rain Jutsu that multiplied anything he throws…

As for his best reward so far, it was an item

Name: Sword of doom (Legendary)

Type: Weapon.

Level: 100.

Weight: 3 Kg.

Description: A sword that was said to bring disaster to both the wielder and his enemies, for its sole purpose is to bring doom.

Function 1: +300% To damage when wielding a sword.

Function 2: Skill: Doom slash.

Function 3: Skill: The end of the path

Requirements: None.

Bakorio's eyes opened wide the moment he laid his eyes on this beautiful sword, it was completely black with a red line running through it, a testament to its desire for blood and destruction!

As for its abilities… Doom slash was an AOE attack that dealt 500% of the damage in the form of a fan-like slash, and it had a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, the skill The end of the path allowed the user to surpass his limits granting them 100% increase to their attributes, but in exchange consumes 10% of their HP every second… A true double-edged sword!

After Bakorio received these rewards, he didn't find anything else to do and a sense of emptiness overwhelmed him and threatened to swallow him whole! But he wasn't sure on what to do to overcome it…

This negativity kept accumulating more and more, so Bakorio decided to try to spend his time completing some of his advancement quests which he had plenty of but were close to impossible just like the trial of this eternal chamber, and he chose to start with his close combat advancement quest…

He was required to fight an opponent that was 10 times stronger than him and 3 times faster without relying on anything other than his close combat mastery! In fact, all of his attributes would be reset as well turning him into a completely normal human…

'I rather go through such an impossible fight rather than wait here like this…' thought Bakorio as he clicked through the system for the mission to start and he immediately felt as if his consciousness left his body and entered a different dimension… Although for an outsider, Bakorio was still sitting in a meditative position inside the eternal chamber…

"This place appears exactly the same as the eternal chamber" muttered Bakorio as he watched a dark fog accumulate in front of him and transform into the shape of a huge muscular man. It looked completely human if not for its lifeless eyes…

Bakorio watched that figure silently before he turned his attention to his body 'I feel weak, and I can't use any of my abilities… this is annoying' he thought feeling disgusted by the weakness he was experiencing as if his body was emptied out which reminded him more and more of his heart's emptiness so he turned his attention to his opponent that was standing still…

"It seems I have to attack you first… so be it" said Bakorio before he rushed at his opponent and sent a fist right to its stomach, but the muscular man easily dodged it showing a terrifying level of agility that didn't match its size…

Bakorio kept attacking consecutively, chaining his attacks perfectly, yet everything was dodged by the muscular man before he sent Bakorio flying with a kick that made Bakorio feel as if he was about to throw up his innards…

"Ughh" Bakorio held into his stomach as he winced in pain 'I can't touch him, he's too fast, and without using any abilities how am I supposed to win this kind of fight? There's a limit to how much mastery can help in a fight when there's an overwhelming disparity in strength and speed'

Bakorio felt depressed seeing that the situation was completely helpless just like the trial of the eternal chamber and he was seriously considering using his save and load ability and find another way to go about learning the tortoise's sage art, but he forced himself to calm down and sat down to contemplate what to do…

'Although I lost all my abilities, I didn't lose my talents… My body talent, Taijutsu talent, and even Hunter talent are all directed towards using the body, I can't keep wasting them like this' thought Bakorio before he closed his eyes and entered a meditative state despite him not using any skill to assist him…

After calming down completely, he resumed his fight with the muscular man…

Days passed, yet he achieved no results until a whole month passed when he saw his first progress… he landed a hit on the man, but right after, he received a beating of his life and was summoned out of the dimension and into his true body, something that happened a lot during this month…

After two months, he landed three hits on the man before getting beaten beyond recognition…

After 6 months, he lasted for one whole minute before losing!

This was his biggest progress so far, as for how he achieved this, he actually stopped attacking all together, and just like a game of a chess, he began learning the attack patterns of the muscular man and calculating all the possibilities that could happen in their fight… Indeed, this whole time his close combat mastery was based on himself and how he should fight, but now he put his focus on his opponent!

It took him a few months because the man kept changing his attack patterns regularly every time Bakorio got used to them, but after a certain time, Bakorio's mind and body entered a weird state, or an instinct should it be called?

A state where he can instantly react and read the movement of the muscular man from the smallest hints of movement in his body and automatically react accordingly!

But even after all of this, Bakorio was still not able to defeat the man and could only last for a minute after 6 months of being beaten…

However, he soon hit the one-year mark and things became completely different…

"Today is your last day buddy" said Bakorio to the completely motionless muscular man before he approached him calmly while tying his long hair into a ponytail so it doesn't bother him…

And when he was only 1 meter away from the man, he suddenly punched Bakorio in the face with a terrifying speed! Yet it missed as Bakorio's head begin moving right before the punch was sent and easily dodged the punch as well as the 10 next punches and kicks the muscular man sent his way.

Then, he picked the right moment and he counterattacked right away with a punch to the man's stomach after getting out of position from throwing a punch.

The muscular man reacted fast enough and blocked with his other hand and wanted to grab Bakorio's hand, however, Bakorio smirked slightly since this was only a faint and his attack immediately turned into a un uppercut that landed on the muscular man's jaw and sent him stumbling back with bleeding lips…

This was where the test was quite fair, the muscular man's durability was only that of a normal human despite his fearsome strength…

"We are just starting…" Said Bakorio as he rushed back at the man and begin exchanging punches with him again, yet he was always three steps ahead of him…

Indeed, this was what Bakorio ended up unlocking, something akin to a future sight coupled with perfect control over his body and a terrifying fighting mastery!! And after a whole minute of fighting, he finally overcome the impossible test with pure skills alone as the muscular man fell down to the floor defeated and a notification appeared in front of the tired Bakorio…

[Congratulation, you have completed the quest]

[Reward Close combat mastery Level 100 > True fighter Mastery Level 1]

[Congratulation, you unlocked the skill future sight]
