The true king of hell

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


The location Bakorio and Kakashi were taken to was out of their expectations, they thought they were going to see a place full of evil energy like a literal hell, but instead, it was a normal mountain chain with many trees and greenery, as well as weirdly shaped houses which they guessed were the living quarters of the dogs.

Those houses were built randomly, some were even on top of threes, but one thing that Bakorio noticed is that all the houses were facing a particular direction and they all seemed hurriedly built as if they were only temporary and were there just to keep an eye on something, and the target of that attention was none other than the biggest mountain of this mountain chain, or to be more precise… It was directed at a single revolving portal on the face of the huge dark mountain.

"Where are we?" Asked Kakashi curiously since this was his first time in a sacred ground and he could sense a special air in it which he guessed must be from the high concentration of the natural energy and his guess wasn't wrong, although Bakorio sensed a different presence in the air which made him frown slightly…

Shiroinu glimpsed at the completely black mountain chain and said "This is the Osore mountain chain, and the portal you can see at the base there is the gate of hell"

"Is this the temptation you were talking about?" Asked Bakorio as he felt a weird power similar to his Jikininki trying to affect his emotions, and the more they approached the gate, the stronger that feeling got…

"Yes, we are still far from the gate so its effect should be week, but if you feel like you might lose control over your emotions, please let me know so that we can quickly escort you away from it" said Shiroinu gently…

"Where are the devils you spoke about?" asked Kakashi after not noticing the presence of the terrifying monsters and this time it was Kuroinu who responded and said "Those devils only leave the gate at night, and the tempting effect of the gate will also increase at that time so you should be very careful!"

"I see…" Said Kakashi who was preparing to reveal his Sharingan but then stopped after hearing this response.

"I don't understand… Why are you living this close to the gate? I see that you are keeping some considerable distance away from it but aren't you afraid of losing control over your emotions?" asked Bakorio curiously and Kuroinu responded to him arrogantly

"Unlike you human, our tribe is gifted with strong resistance to handle emotional attacks, but we still keep our cubs in different locations inside the Osore mountain range, as for why we are staying this close, it's because if we don't, some of the demons would escape and we wouldn't be able to react fast enough… although we have some formations prepared for such occasions"

Bakorio nodded at Kuroinu's explanation which only served to enhance his vigilance for what he was about to face before he stared at the sun and noticed that it was slowly setting and night would follow soon and readied himself mentally…

Surprisingly, Kakashi decided to stick around despite him being able to go to the trial directly while saying that he was curious about these beings that could bring harm to the world and it brought a faint smile to Bakorio's face…


Meanwhile, somewhere inside of hell, a woman with two black and curvy horns coming from the sides of her head was enjoying a bath inside a pool made of black water and oozing an aura of evil and decay when she suddenly raised her head and stared into the distance.

"The master said to test out this kid's strength huh?" She muttered to herself as her red eyes flickered slightly and she rose from the weird pool with a contemplative look on her face exposing her perfect naked body… Although there was no one there to see it.

She tired her long white her into a bun before she snapped her fingers and a red aura suddenly covered her body in a red dress, than she snapped her fingers again and a man in butler clothing instantly appeared in front of her.

He had short black hair and yellow eyes that had slits in them just like a snake and one horn stretching from the middle of his forehead that was flickering with lightning from time to time…

"Uwabami, go and test the helper those dogs had brought with this time" Said the mysterious woman with an apathetic tone.

"As you wish your majesty…" Said the man referred to as Uwabami before he disappeared as silently as he appeared…

"Finally something interesting is happening after all these years" muttered the woman with an intrigued look in her eyes as her gaze fell on Bakorio and Kakashi waiting beside the entrance to the gate of hell…


Bakorio didn't feel that he was being watched at all, showing just how great the difference between him and this woman was, not to mention that his presence here was probably going to cause a huge disaster to these dogs… A disaster they would have never expected since they aren't aware that this hell has a ruler and order in the first place…

It wasn't long before the night fell and Bakorio seriously warned Kakashi to be careful since he's been having a weird feeling

"Is there something worrying you?" asked Kakashi and Bakorio simply shook his head and said "I have a bad feeling that's all, the situation might change" These was Bakorio's instincts warning him and Kakashi decided to listen to his advice and got ready for what to come….

"Don't worry, we've handled the situation here for centuries, nothing will happen brat, stop being such a wimp" Said Pakkun trying to get back at Bakorio but the latter simply ignored him and stared warily at the portal and the clearing in front of it where the battle was going to happen…


Meanwhile, inside of hell, just as night was about to fall, a terrifying army of monsters were standing in an orderly formation and ready to set out, these monsters were filled with all kind of abominations… Some had human upper parts while their lower parts were made out of an animal such as spiders, snakes, horses and what not…

Others had human bodies with just an animal part like a scorpion's tail or bat wings… But the majority were just huge beasts with devilish features such as black scales or horns and what not…

Then, there were two that appeared completely human, and Uwabami was standing in front of them as he looked at the troops he gathered with a demonic look in his eyes. These troops despite being thought of as unintelligent as Bakorio was told by Kuroinu, Right now they were standing in a neat formation and didn't seem to struggle to obey Uwabami's orders

The dogs were used to fighting the type with human bodies and small animal and demonic features as their strongest foes which were already at the Kage level, but they never appeared in such terrifying numbers and now there were at least 5 of them, not to mention three completely human looking ones with only demonic features…

"My dear brethren, Under the orders of her highness Amatsu, we have horrors to sow... lives to reap… Let's make this a memorable day for our friend outside…" Said Uwabami with an eerie look in his eyes and the troops consisting of almost 200 devils Immediately responded with a terrifying Roar!

The usual tough fight that the dogs were expecting was about to turn into a battle of life and death…