Promise of the ages

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After informing the hound sage about the seriousness of the situation, Bakorio decided to make his way back to Konoha alone since he already achieved his goal and Kakashi seems to be going to take a while before he could pass the trial anyways...

'Finally, I'm free to check the changes to the system' thought Bakorio, and the first thing he did was to check what he got from killing that devil Shu whose power level already reached the ranks of super Kage's such as Madara and Hashirama, although this rank is also split into low, middle and high, and this guy was at the low level which is Kurama's level of power…

Bakorio opened his quest tab aand he immediately noticed two completed quests

[Quest ninja killer (High Kage): Kill one high Kage level ninja. Reward: 30000 points, Summon higher undead]

[Quest ninja killer (Low super Kage): Kill one low-super Kage ninja. Reward 60000 points, Ring of the ages]

'Another undead skill?' thought Bakorio as he remembered his skill; summon lesser skeleton which he rarely uses because of how weak it was currently, but this skill might change his opinion on the usefulness of the skill…

[Summon higher undead level 1: Allows the user to summon higher forms of undead by consuming multiple corpses. Level of power depends on the quality and quantity of the corpses]

[Ring of the ages level 130 (Legendary)]

[Type: accessory]

[Description: A ring that was once worn by an immortal and was blessed by its own blood granting it life-prolonging effects]

[Function 1: Increases the host's HP recovery by 100%]

[Function 2: Increases the host's HP by 50%]

[Function 3: Defy the ages: The longer the host keeps wearing this ring, the stronger its previous effects would get ( +10 % to F1 and +5% to F2 each year the host lives)]

'This ring is truly a one of a kind treasure, the longer you live, the stronger it gets… what kind of stupid item is this…' thought Bakorio, amazed by the incredible rewards of the system before he wore the ring without any hesitation and immediately felt as if his whole body was revitalized.

'What a great sensation…' thought Bakorio as he made his way out of Kakashi's house and towards his own while checking his other rewards

'I got many drops this time, and for some of them, it is my first time seeing them…' thought Bakorio as he checked his now larger inventory… He got so many holy potions and holy scrolls as drops, the first item grants the weapons holy attributes that increase the damage against evil creatures such as the devils, while the holy scrolls were single-use items that when ripped apart, would allow him to heal many people at the same time making them a great AOE healing spell!

But this wasn't all because he also got many items, in fact, he got a whole set of armor called devil series that slightly resembled the armor Shu wore after his final transformation! And its effect was terrifying not losing to any of his legendary items despite it only being a unique grade… But this is the magic of a set item.

Bakorio decided against wearing it for now since it was too eye-catching and turned his attention to the last reward he got, they were two skill books… One of them was titled Battle cry while the other was titled poison resistance.

Skill books are extremely rare as drops and Bakorio almost never encounters them, so seeing two of them dropping now excited him slightly and immediately checked out these skills and was delighted by their effects

[Battle cry level 1: When the host uses this skill, all allies' attributes in a 300 meters range would increase by 5% while his enemies' attributes are lowered by 5%]

[Poison resistance level 1: Grants the user increased resistance towards poisons of all kinds. Current increase 10%]

'This trip was truly worth it even without considering the learning of the dog's sage arts which brings me closer to my goal… and I haven't even looked yet at the class system I got…' thought Bakorio with a delighted look on his face as he made his way home


Meanwhile, back at the mountain of Osore, the hound sage was calmly contemplating some countermeasures for their grim-looking future when suddenly, the space rippled near him and a huge monkey walked out of it…

"Wisdom sage, what are you doing here?" asked the middle head of the hound sage and the wisdom sage calmly stared at the gate of hell before it responded "I saw what happened, the situation is turning quite serious and It soon will grow out of you power"

"That I know, I don't need your reminder" Said the hound sage coldly who wasn't pleased by the wisdom sage's actions at all 'he's been watching all along and didn't make a move. What did that mean?' how can he not be provoked when some of his own people died in the fight when they could have been saved!

"I know you are angry at me, but I couldn't interfere with that kid there, I wanted to see with my own eyes if he could shoulder the burdens his destiny is hiding…" replied the wisdom king with a sigh

"How come you are mistrusting your Eyes of wisdom?" asked the hound sage in surprise and the wisdom sage only shook his head and said "After seeing how the great toad sage easily lost his sight, I decided it was better to try and trust on the eyes that see the present rather than those that see the future, especially with how turbulent the river of time is being recently and even the black tortoise sage's abilities are being affected by it…"

"So what brought you here then?" Asked the hound sage and the wisdom sage replied " You should know of our responsibility to the world as we are the creatures blessed by it, you took that responsibility by guarding the gate of hell, although you also have your own personal responsibilities tying you to it—"

"Shut up, don't talk about this in front of me or I will rip your head out" said the hound sage with a terrifying killing intent, something he didn't even direct at the devils which made the wisdom sage frown slightly before he said "What I'm trying to say is that you are weak, although you are talented, but right now you are only using two-thirds of your potential"

The wisdom sage pointed at the right head of the hound sage that had clear nature markings on it, and then he pointed at its middle head which had a terrifying amount of pure chakra concentrated on it… But then he pointed at its left head that didn't have anything special and said "You should know how strong you can be if you trained with hell's energy, and your body is naturally suited for it, yet just because of an order that no one remembers but you, you keep hindering your progress… For how long are you going to keep waiting—"

"I said shut up you damn monkey !" Said the hound sage with a terrifying roar that shook the whole Osore mountain range and blasted his makeshift house into pieces, but the shockwave simply passed through the wisdom sage's body as if he wasn't there as he said "Consider my words, the situation is far more urgent than you think" said the wisdom sage before he disappeared without a trace just like he appeared…

The hound sage snorted slightly and turned his complicated gaze at the gate of hell before he averted his eyes once more…. A promise is a promise, and even if his race forsakes everything… They will never forsake their loyalty and break their promises!
