A story lost in time...

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"How is this possible? Why would he do such a thing?" asked Shudai still finding the situation unbelievable and Bakorio as well was curious about this so he decided to collect as much information as possible…

"I already suspected that he was hiding something, in fact, I already knew that our fall would be from someone on our side betraying us, but I never expected that it would be from one of the four of us… How disappointing, we really failed our ancestors" Replied Endai with a sigh and he even seemed like he aged for a little bit…

'What's going on here? What does he mean by their fall' Wondered Bakorio and seeing his clueless look as well as Kuma's, Endai's decided to tell them what was going on …

"This is a secret that only those who reach the highest mastery in our sage arts are allowed to learn about and you two can't tell anyone outside of this place once you hear it understood ?"

Bakorio and Kuma nodded at him, and seeing their curious looks, Endai let out a tired sigh and begin telling them about a story, a story of how this world came to be…

"Long ago, far before I was even born, there existed a world ruled by multiple races of beasts… That world was in no way peaceful as the beasts mostly lived following the law of nature, however at least they were free…"

'This is probably the beast world that Genjutsu made me go through to survive…' Thought Bakorio as he continued listening to the wisdom sage

"That world had the ability to give birth to sentient beasts, which is how the current sage clans of this world gained their wisdom. However, there were more than six clans, and they each had their own strengths and weaknesses. But one clan in particular reigned supreme as the overlords of that world, and that clan is the dragon clan… Whether it's in skill, body, or spirit they were far above the other clans and it would take the combination of many beasts of the same rank just to face one dragon…"

'I really don't like where this is going' thought Bakorio who witnessed firsthand the terrifying presence of one of those dragons…

"That balance of power went on for ages, until it was suddenly broken when darkness fell from the sky, and its target was none other than the strongest clan… The dragons… The beasts of old thought that it was a good opportunity to weaken the dragons and take their place as overlords. However, they realized too late how unwise this decision was as the dragons were quickly defeated and the darkness took control of them, then it used them to overwhelm the other races, and this time it became even easier because the dragons were strengthened by that darkness…"

'This is similar to the effect of dark chakra...' Bakorio and Kuma remained silent and the former felt a chill since he already realized that this darkness was probably his enemy…

"The different beast clans were quickly defeated and enslaved one after the other… but in the end, thanks to our sky stone, my clan was able to open a portal that sent us to this world along with whatever beasts that could have made it… Although they didn't realize at the time that they were already tainted somehow by the darkness and it ended up following them to this world as well…"

Bakorio was left speechless after hearing all of this and he couldn't help but ask "How come nature's chakra takes the form of you beasts then specifically?"

The wisdom sage simply shrugged and said "Throughout our time staying here, our bodies developed to accommodate the nature's chakra of the sacred grounds we picked as our residence and the nature's chakra also started to transform and took some of our properties… In reality, the first nature chakra was the same type of chakra the sage of six paths was able to achieve…"

This answered many of the questions Bakorio had regarding the weird relation between these animals and nature chakra and seeing him remain silent, the wisdom sage continued his story

"We never knew where that darkness had originated, but what we do know is that although it left us be, it didn't leave the people of this world, and wars soon after started all around the globe for the pettiest of reasons… As for our clans, they tried to accumulate as much strength as possible to face the overwhelming attack of darkness… although its schemes went far beyond our expectations as it also was gather forces we didn't know existed in this world…"

"What do you mean?" Asked Bakorio and the wisdom sage's eyes flickered slightly and said "The moment it came to this world, that darkness started manipulating certain talented people and gave them enough strength to conquer both the pure lands where the souls of the dead reside as well as hell where souls are judged, and there's also the demon's land… all of these lands are now in the hands of that darkness… and the reason the hound sage keeps defending the gate of hell tirelessly is that his own childhood friend is now the master of hell…

She entered hell to gain strength and asked the hound sage to wait for her outside, and he kept that promise throughout the ages waiting for her return one day… but she never did!"

Bakorio's heart shook slightly at the dedication of the hound sage and he recalled that he didn't have a seed of darkness showing just how clean his heart is despite the passage of time… However, he noticed that these monkeys all had a seed of darkness other than the wisdom sage, and they didn't seem to realize its existence. he also remembered the woman he saw in hell who almost killed him with one glance and knew that the wisdom sage was telling the truth

"So why do you need Kudai?"

"Our only chance in winning or at least escape that darkness is through the sky stone, and to use it we need the cooperation of four sages, one from each clan" Replied the wisdom sage and Bakorio finally had a clear picture of the situation…

"So, we are not from this world?" Asked Kuma curiously and Shudai nodded at him silently…

"Oh, this is amazing, I can't wait to beat this darkness and return back to our world, I hope there are better fruits to eat there hahahaha" Kuma's positiveness affected the rest and they felt a little bit of the weight over their hearts fading…

But Bakorio instantly put some cold water over their hearts once more as he said "Unfortunately, you can never escape that darkness because it already resides deeply in your hearts, and probably already knows all of your secrets…"

Endai's heart shook and he immediately said "What do you mean?" And Bakorio let out a sigh and said "Why do you think Hashirama Senju died?"

Endai fell silent and it was the cold Rendai that answered " Wasn't it because he rushed carelessly into the demon realm?"

'So that's where Hashirama went huh… good to know' thought Bakorio before he responded "No, far from that, in fact he returned back home to Konoha only slightly injured… But after leaving a few warnings, he ended his life out of his own accord…"

Endai's pupils shrunk slightly and he couldn't help but put his hand over his heart and Bakorio calmly nodded at him and said "That's right, he realized that darkness was already in his heart, so he decided to kill himself before it could take control over his body…"

"Impossible—" exclaimed Shudai who had an idea about how strong and good-natured Hashirama was and he couldn't help but worry but a huge monkey with long arms suddenly rushed into the shrine and interrupted them while yelling

"Endai! You better not stop me this time or I will kill you as well"

'He has already lost his sanity' thought Endai and a with a regretful look on his face, he conjured a space blade and separated Kudai's head from his body

"Goodnight little brother…" Muttered the wisdom sage while everyone stared at him in shock and his terrifying powers…

This is the difference in strength between people at the same rank when they control different powers…