Descent of monsters

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Minato observed how some of the ninjas surrounding him seemed to have felt different and they started acting as if a huge a burden was removed from their hearts which brought a smile to his face 'It seems like Bakorio's plan worked' he thought while noticing that Bakorio suddenly closed his eyes for some reason…

But before he could contemplate what was happening to Bakorio, he suddenly felt a disturbance in the space of the area and a chill engulfed his heart as he immediately ordered "Be careful! Something is coming!"

Fugaku and the other ninja were surprised but they trusted in his judgement and immediately put up their guard.

One Jonin from the Inuzuka clan couldn't help but grin and say "What are we scared of? We have so many Kage level ninja here!"

However, a rift soon opened in space and a man walked from it, he had red-orange hair and green eyes that shined with an eerie light, and behind him followed the death reaper…

"Who are you?" Asked Fugaku while feeling his instincts screaming at him to run away…

The man glanced at Fugaku calmly and said "My name?" he couldn't help but wonder how long was it since he needed to say his name in this world before he said "I was once called Izumo"

'Who's this guy? Why's the death reaper following behind him?' Thought Minato before he instantly activated his Jinchuriki transformation and said "What's your purpose here?"

Izumo stared at Minato's transformation with an eerie calm before he pointed at Bakorio and said "I will take him with me, do you plan to stop me?"

"I'm sorry but we can't let you take that brat" Said Jiraiya as he entered into sage mode with the help of his frog masters…

"I see, you can die then" Replied Izumo before a terrifying aura of death gushed from his body similar to Bakorio's and a giant hand formed from it and slammed into the crowd

"DON'T LET THAT HAND TOUCH YOU" Yelled Endai and the ninjas instantly cast all kinds of Jutsu to stop that hand…

However, no matter what they threw at it, it was as if they were throwing small pebbles at an abyss, and eventually, Minato interfered and created a giant Rasengan which he slammed into the hand and it finally had an effect and stooped it in its tracks…

Minato's eyes flickered slightly before he yelled "Only sage empowered attack works against his power!"

Izumo smiled slightly and said "Not bad, how about you deal with this" with a wave of his hand, 10 black meteors appeared into the air and rushed at the crowd, but a voice suddenly echoed from behind Izumo surprising him slightly

"Don't underestimate us" It was Fugaku who appeared behind him using his Mangekyo ability and tried to slash him with his kunai but Izumo dodged him at the last second, but multiple attacks soon followed by the other ninja as well… Meanwhile, Minato created 10 red chakra hands from Kurama's chakra and with each, he created a tailed beast bomb which he sent at the 10 meteors and destroyed them before he took out tens of his special kunais and sent them to the air all around Izumo while exchanging a look with Shisui at the same time…

Izumo was distracted by the countless attacks heading his way which were blocked by a dark shield made of the same energy that created the palm and the meteors and it left him unscathed and he seemed relaxed throughout the ordeal until Minato suddenly appeared in front of him from one of the kunais that were near him with Shisui in his hands and he couldn't help but lock eyes with the weird eyes of the kid…

'Kotoamatsukami!' muttered Shisui in his head and Izumo's eyes widened slightly as Fugaku yelled "NOW!!! Attack while he's still immobilized!"

But to their terror, Izumo smirked slightly and said "That was a dangerous one, it would have been risky if this was my real body"

The heart of the onlookers shook, they were just fighting a clone all along?

Ugly looks covered the faces of the ninjas, while Bakorio's eyes still remained closed for some reason which further worried many people as he was unresponsive even when they talked to him…

However, things soon turned even worse for these ninjas as another portal appeared above them, and this time it was a woman that came out of it. She had long white hair and red eyes, but the most striking feature she had was her horns…

"Izumo, why are you wasting your time with these people?" Asked the woman to Izumo and the latter smiled slightly and said "Amatsu, it's best to give them some hope that they can win before I crush them, otherwise it wouldn't be enjoyable"

Amatsu chuckled slightly and said "As sadistic as ever huh? but I don't like wasting my time" before she turned her attention to the ninjas below her and a red energy gushed from her body like a shockwave and rapidly passed through the ninjas and they started falling slowly one after the other leaving only those at the elite Jonin level standing!

"What just happened?" Asked Fugaku in disbelief while staring at the hundreds of elites from his village that fell to the ground never to stand up again…

"Damn it this is far worse than we thought" Muttered Endai before he signaled to the other monkey sages to get into formation as he suddenly summoned none other than the sky stone, and under the cooperation of the four sages, they sealed Amatsu into a cage and yelled "We will take care of this one, quickly deal with the other one a soon as possible!"

"Oh, that's the infamous sky stone, not bad but I need to take this kin now, Amatsu can get the stone on her own" Said Izumo who wasn't worried at all that his ally had just gotten sealed and simply moved into Bakorio's direction but suddenly a man blocked his way and asked with a smirk

"Where do you think you are going?"

Izumo observed the man in front of him who had a Byakugan in his left eye and simply sent a death blast at him to kill him. Mukai glared at Bakorio before he analyzed the blast and determined a weak spot in its structure and calmly used his terrifying mastery of the gentle fist to split it in half!

Izumo stared at Mukai with some appreciation and said "It seems like there are some talented people left in this world, your level of Taijutsu is quite impressive" Before he moved at unimaginable speed and instantly appeared in front of Mukai and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying before he could even react "It has been a while since I tested my Taijutsu, hopefully you won't disappoint me"

"Mukai!!!" Yelled Minato while watching Mukai flying through the air at a rapid speed while smashing into multiple trees before stopping…

Then Izumo continued to make his way toward Bakorio and Kurama who was standing on his shoulder readied himself to make his move but he suddenly stopped when a terrifying chakra blasted the area where Mukai has just crashed and the people still standing only saw a silhouette moving at a terrifying speed and crashing at Izumo sending him flying through many trees

"Two people can play this game buddy" Said Mukai with a smirk.

"Mukai!" Muttered Minato in delight, and Mukai calmly nodded at Minato and said "Leave this guy to me, you guys should deal with the rest of the trouble" Despite his show of confidence, only Mukai knew that if he didn't release his chakra fast enough to block Izumo's kick, he would have been dead by now… This was going to be a fight to the death, which is why he already opened all 7 gates directly!

"What do you mean?" Asked Fugaku but two presences suddenly became visible not far from them and Kurama couldn't help but growl especially when he sensed one of them, his animal instincts were screaming at him and telling him that an apex predator was approaching them!