Creating a clone

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It took Bakorio a few hours to wake up, and he recognized his location to be the Konoha hospital…

"Ugh…" Moaned Bakorio as he tried to stand up but he felt every inch of his body burning in pain…

"Don't move, the damage to your body is terrible, it's unimaginable how you are still alive after all of this…" Said a feminine voice which he instantly recognized as Tsunade's and Bakorio couldn't help but ask "what is the condition of my body?"

Tsunade glared at him silently before she said in an angry tone "All your internal organs are injured and you lost too much blood, the only reason you are still alive is because of your abnormally strong body and regeneration… Just what in the hell did you do to cause such internal damage?"

Bakorio lowered his head and fell silent as he thought 'It seems like this is why there are no dust release clone users… This ability is simply suiciding as it tries to split the particles of the user to create an identical clone of them… However, the damage sustained by the real body during the process is simply too huge and I couldn't even keep my concentration during the process…'

Bakorio let out a sigh which made him wince in pain once more before he said "I was testing a new Ninjutsu but I didn't expect I would end up like this, don't worry I will be fine" then he used another recovery spell on his body that greatly eased his pain and took a minor health potion and to the shock of Tsunade, he suddenly stood up almost completely recovered…

"You are as abnormal as ever" Said Tsunade in shock before she shook her head and said "Get the hell away, I have some work to do"

Bakorio smiled awkwardly at her and said "Sorry for the trouble" before he disappeared back home leaving Tsunade alone in the hospital room with an annoyed look on her face…

On the way home, Bakorio's eyes kept shining brightly as he thought 'this experiment wasn't a complete failure, it could actually help me create a clone, but I simply should tone down the structure of the clone, it doesn't have to be as strong as me, since a clone like this one that's built literally from my own body can grow stronger and with it having a real body it could solve the problem with the recovery of physical energy. However, there still remains the question of how to integrate spiritual energy into it… to make it perfect I will actually need to give it a piece of my very soul…'

Bakorio fell deep in thought while walking back home and he entered a state of enlightenment thanks to his mastery and activated his multitask ability and instantly forgot everything around him as he simply kept walking instinctively and trying to merge all the knowledge he had to create the clone jutsu he desired…

'Soul… the closer Jutsu I know that can affect the soul is the spirit transformation… I wonder, would dust release work similarly if I take a spiritual form?'

After having decided on this idea, Bakorio quickly went back home and after struggling to convince Kushina that he was okay, he quickly went to his room and closed the door behind him…

"Let's see if this is going to work" muttered Bakorio before he sat down cross-legged and instantly activated the spirit transformation Jutsu and left his body…

"First step complete, now then let's try this. Dust release: Clone Jutsu" Bakorio embarrassed himself for the pain however, nothing happened and he couldn't help but frown slightly as he thought 'it seems like I can't use other Jutsu in this state… let's try something else then'

Bakorio returned to his body and opened his eyes showing his majestic Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan… 'My Yomi no Kuni has some effect on souls which was further enhanced with the evolution, let's see if it's going to work…'

After having made his decision, Bakorio activated Yomi no Kuni which made a white chain appear in front of him which he manipulated to latch into his soul and absorb a small part of it 'Just 1% is enough, I can't risk what I don't understand' he thought, however even that 1% still caused him unimaginable pain that he didn't expect at all… It was a literal nightmare that he had to endure…

"AGHH This better works" Muttered Bakorio as he retrieved the white chain from his body before he used the dust release: clone Jutsu and this time he manipulated it to only take 1% of his particles as well and used all of his power to manipulate them into a floating pile of gore and blood… then, he poured a high-quality healing potion on that pile and used his recovery spell empowered with his six paths chakra and watched as the pile of gore started to grow bigger and bigger before it started to connect together and formed the frame of a body that kept getting clearer and clearer the more it recovered…

'Thankfully I have a strong vitality and my cells can handle this much recovery' thought Bakorio with a nod and not long after, a spitting image of himself appeared in front of him, although it was a 10 years old normal version of himself that didn't have his crazy muscular frame…

'Appraisal' Thought Bakorio and information instantly appeared in front of him

[Dead body]

[Attributes: Str 80, Agi 80, Phy 80, Vit 30, Sta 80 Spirit 0]

[Bloodline: Uchiha 50%, Hyuga 50%, Akimichi 30%, Shadow 35%]

[Abilities: Tenketsu release, Blessing of the elements, Nature's blessing, Reinforced heart, Rebirth from the ashes]

'Hmm not bad, it actually has my abilities and bloodlines' thought Bakorio before he checked on the body and noticed however that none of its bloodline was awakened so it only had a normal Sharingan at most 'Still better than nothing but ugh….' Bakorio suddenly held his head and a notification appeared in front of him

[Host has sustained damage to his soul, all attributes -10% for one month]

'God damn it, that's quite the huge penalty, I just hope the pain would disappear sometime soon…' Thought Bakorio before he manipulated the floating white chain beside him and pushed it into the 'dead body' in front of him and instantly felt a weird connection being created between him and the body which after some struggle, it opened its eyes showing the common white pupilless eyes of the Hyuga clan…

Bakorio felt a weird sensation as if he had two bodies, both his and the clone's which left him feeling weird, however he was also relieved since this meant that the clone was completely under his control…

After getting used to the sensation of having two bodies, Yuki started testing the clone's body starting by his system and he noticed that he could see the interface but he couldn't use any of his special abilities like the save and load ability, as for his Kekkei Genkai, he could only use a three tomoe Sharingan and it wasn't the evolved one like his own as well as the all-seeing eye of the Byakugan…

"I wonder if I can reawaken another Mangekyo Sharingan in the future" muttered Bakorio feeling really curious about this possibility, however what he was most satisfied with was that this clone could regenerate its chakra automatically!

"Let's see if it inherited my talents as well" muttered Bakorio and checked its attributes through the system panel which was far more accurate than the appraisal ability but he was disappointed when he noticed the clone's talents were far inferior to his, in fact, he could easily deduce that it only had those talents because of his bloodline and they were as follow

[Talents: Chakra Advanced. Body Advanced]

"I guess it's still acceptable" muttered Bakorio before he covered the clone in darkness and pushed its body to its current absolute limit and watched as it slowly transformed…