New team 7

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"I wonder what kind of final test Bakorio sensei's going to make us go through…" Wondered a little girl with short dark blue hair and pupilless eyes while sitting beside a blond boy and a dark-haired boy…

'Who would have thought I would end up with Hinata of all people in my Genin team… Is it because of her weak character?' thought Bakorio while observing the trio from the shadows of a tree before he took out a kunai and shot it at Hinata!

Hinata wasn't expecting at all for the final test to begin without any notice. However Naruto and Sasuke were different as the first lesson they ever learned from Bakorio was to always be on guard no matter what, and it became an instinct of theirs as Sasuke immediately noticed the kunai and deflected it with one of his own causing it to pass by the shocked Hinata and land near her foot, while Naruto rushed at the source of it while summoning multiple clones along the way to help him.

"What's going on?" asked Hinata in surprise and Sasuke stared at her coldly and said "The test has already started, get ready to fight". Then, he rushed after Naruto and used a great fireball Jutsu at Bakorio's location which he detected with his now activated Sharingan…

Bakorio smiled slightly while watching this before he jumped down from the tree to dodge the fireball and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Naruto and his multiple clones…

"I got you" Suddenly Sasuke appeared from under him and Bakorio saw the Sasuke that just attacked him with a fireball smirking at him 'Oh not bad, he actually was patient enough to use a shadow clone far before I arrived while he remained hidden under the ground all this time… These kids are becoming more and more sneaky' thought Bakorio with a smile as Sasuke's punch landed on his stomach.

However, just as the kids smiled in glee, Bakorio smirked at them and said "You two aren't the only ones that can use the shadow clone Jutsu"

Then he simply dissipated in a cloud of smoke while the real Bakorio suddenly appeared from the kunai Sasuke deflected earlier and he immediately rushed to grab Hinata who was still shocked by the sudden turn of events as she suddenly found herself having a kunai pointed at her neck while Naruto and Sasuke stared at Bakorio with annoyed looks on their faces

"How did I not notice that the kunai was the real you with my Sharingan?" Asked Sasuke who was still not believing that his eyes were easily tricked but Bakorio simply stared at them coldly and asked "You two planned very well, however, you thought so highly of yourselves and decided to discard what your third teammate here has to offer. If you relied on her Byakugan, you would have noticed me far before I arrived and could have seen me transforming into a kunai"

Naruto and Sasuke didn't know what to say as they indeed looked down on Hinata's fighting power and they didn't think that she would be of much help which is why they excluded her of their plan… However, they were starting to regret it right now…

They didn't do this out of hate for her or anything, in fact, Naruto liked her very much, but they were simply far ahead of the current students of their generation which made them overlook the unique abilities that others might have…

Hinata didn't like the feeling of being looked down upon and she was barely holding back her tears but Bakorio's next words made their hearts freeze "I will give you a choice right now, you two can choose to either pass the test at her expense or you can choose to fail and she will pass the test alone"

"Ehh, that's not fair" spoke Naruto with a pout but Bakorio simply smirked at him and said "Who said this world was ever fair"

Sasuke fell silent after this, and so was Naruto as they contemplated their choice, but Hinata's eyes suddenly gained some determination before she yelled "I won't accept either choice, I rather fight until the end"

Naruto's and Sasuke's eyes suddenly widened in surprise and they couldn't help but shoot each other shocked looks before Sasuke said "It seems like we were wrong..."

"Indeed, our third teammate isn't weak at all" replied Naruto with a wide grin, before they suddenly stared at Hinata and communicated their thought to her 'Give as just one instant to save you…'

Hinata smiled after seeing that her teammates finally accepted her before she suddenly said "Tenketsu release!"

And Bakorio found his hand that was near her neck pushed away… In fact, all of his body was pushed away from the chakra shockwave Hinata generated and she used this chance to block some of his Tenketsu points with her gentle fist!

Naruto and Sasuke seeing her creating an opening used a pincer attack on Bakorio while each yelling "Rasengan! Chidori!"

Hinata watched in amazement as Sasuke's hand was covered in terrifying lightning and he moved at incredible speeds while Naruto created a rotating orb on top of his hands and they both launched them at Bakorio from each side of his body…

"Not bad kids, you are finally acting as a proper team… congratulations you pass the test" Said Bakorio as he blocked both the Chidori and the Rasengan with his bare hands… although they were covered with a layer of rubber that absorbed the impact…

"Sensei, you are amazing, you can block this kind of attack easily!" Spoke Hinata in admiration especially after understanding that Bakorio had to do that with some of his Tenketsu blocked…

Bakorio smiled at her before he said " You will be able to do the same in the future"

Hearing this, Hinata's eyes lit up in excitement while Naruto and Sasuke smiled widely as they said "We are finally officially Genin huh, I can't wait to start going on missions!"

After this test was over, Bakorio took his team which was numbered team 7 to take a photo together to commemorate this day and met many people along the way including Kakashi, and Guy…

Guy still ended up with the same team of Neji, Tenten, and Lee. However, Kakashi was left with a completely different team except for a certain pink-haired girl… Sakura, Sogetsu and Kazuki…

Sogetsu and Kazuki were two brothers that one of Bakorio's clones met during one of his journeys… They belonged to a small independent ninja clan that some bandit tried to ransack and he ended up saving them and bringing them back to the village after noticing how talented they were and he asked Kakashi to take them in…

'I already have 49 clones which will take care of my various masteries and skills… Now it's time for me to start collecting some other powers and helpers…' Thought Bakorio before he led his team to the Hokage's office and accepted their first mission directly from him

"Bakorio, are you sure it's going to be fine taking the kids with you to an A-ranked mission?" Asked Shikaku who was a little bit concerned and Bakorio simply smiled at him and said

"Don't worry Shikaku, this will be a good experience for the three of them, they have been sheltered for too long… plus they aren't weak after my training and even Hinata reached an elite Chunin level"

Shikaku nodded silently and Bakorio bid them farewell and ordered his team to go prepare some supplies for their mission, their destination was the land of water where the village hidden in the mist was located…