Dispelling the Genjutsu

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The link is also in the synopsis


Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata quickly stood back-to-back to protect each other while Bakorio stared silently at Kisame who was holding his famous Samehada sword and eyeing him with a fierce look on his face…

"Kill!" Ordered Yagura and everyone moved instantly… the trio gulped in fear of what to come but suddenly two people blocked their attackers, one held a giant sword which he used to deflect two of the 4 swordsmen of the mist while the other used a Kekkei Genkai that surrounded them in a bubble filled with a corrosive mist that threatened to melt anyone that dared to approach them… These were of course Zabuza and Mei! The two leaders of the revolution happening inside of Kiri…

Bakorio noticed that Zabuza wasn't using his famous sword and concluded that the sword was probably still being wielded by the Akatsuki member Juzo…

"It seems like we came just In time" Spoke Mei with a smirk as more ninjas appeared behind her and faced off against Yagura and his forces

"It seems like the big fish has finally made its appearance" Spoke Yagura with an empty look in his eyes before he started entering his second tailed beast transformation…

"I will deal with Yagura, you guys should deal with the rest" Spoke Bakorio calmly as he approached Yagura and the others couldn't help but yell at him

"Be careful, he's very strong right now!"

However, Bakorio ignored their yells as he thought 'The main benefits of the tailed beast transformation are the huge increase to strength and durability which it provides… The increase to speed however is very minimal which makes it easy to deal with them, especially someone who's only the Jinchuriki of the three tails…'

With this thought in mind, Bakorio calmly dodged all of Yagura's attacks easily and counterattacked with some of his own, and with just Taijutsu alone, he was beating this Jinchuriki… This is of course thanks to his very strong body as well as mastery!

'Amazing, he's actually handling the fourth Mizukage so easily…' Thought Mei, distracted by Bakorio's terrifying show of power, but this cost her dearly as Kisame suddenly cut through the Jutsu she was casting with his Samehada and landed a strong hit on her body!

"You shouldn't be distracted when you are fighting a shark that already smelled blood" Spoke Kisame with a bloodthirsty look, while inside he was thinking calmly 'That guy is beyond our expected level of strength, if this goes on the situation might turn on us eventually…'

Someone who shared this same thought with him was none other than Obito who was watching the fight from a hidden location and he instantly gave Yagura the order to go all out and the latter quickly followed his command by making some distance between him and Bakorio before he raised all of his three tails and started conjuring a tailed beast bomb…

"This is bad, if that thing goes off on the village, it will cause many casualties, we need to stop it!" Yelled Mei while covering her bleeding stomach with her hand.

Bakorio of course wasn't going to allow this to happen so he instantly appeared in front of Yagura using his blink skill and covered his leg in chakra before kicking the tailed beast bomb high in the air while it was still small.

Then he calmly said "Enjoy my Eight Trigrams two Hundred fifty-six Palms!" Time seemed to stop as Bakorio made the famous Hyuga pose before he started targeting all of Yagura's Tenketsu points and the more he hit the more his tailed beast transformation receded until he eventually turned back into his normal appearance which is when Bakorio proceeded to grab him by the neck…

"Lord Mizukage!!" Yelled the ninjas who were still loyal to Yagura despite everything he did and tried to rush to save him but they were blocked by Mei's and Zabuza's helpers…

Meanwhile, during all of this, some people decided to target Bakorio's students to use them as hostages against him which included many Jonins and they were barely holding on as their bodies started to fill up with injuries, but their training with Bakorio these past two years allowed them to manage to survive this situation…

"Now then, wake up" Said Bakorio before he stared deeply into Yagura's eyes with his Sharingan and made sure to dispel the Genjutsu Obito used on him thoroughly…

"What did you do to our lord?" Yelled one ninja who managed to surpass the blockade, but Bakorio simply dodged his attack and sent him flying with a kick at those attacking his students to lessen the pressure on them before he said

"This fight is over, How long are you going to remain dazed Yagura?"

Yagura was in a very emotional state as he was finally broken from the curse of that masked man, the curse that made him do so many cruel things to his own village and tainted his hands red with the blood of innocent people while he couldn't do anything but watch and follow the orders like a puppet… This was a huge burden to carry on his consciousness and he almost didn't want to believe that he was freed since he now had to face it directly…

"Enough" Spoke Yagura emotionally and noticing this, Kisame quickly started running away and disappeared behind a corner without leaving a trace, but Bakorio knew that Obito teleported the two of them away since the situation here was evolving beyond their expectations…

"Lord Yagura, these rebels are…" one Jonin tried to warn Yagura since he didn't trust their enemies but Yagura approached Mei and Zabuza with an ashamed look on his face and said "We need to talk… I'm sure many of you want to know what happened…"

Mei nodded her head and Zabuza glared at Yagura before he punched him and said "You better have a good explanation for everything that happened or I will kill you" Then he pointed his sword at Yagura but Bakorio suddenly stepped in front of him and said "Let the man explain himself"

Zabuza stared at Bakorio silently before he nodded reluctantly and they all went to their conference room where they learned about the masked man that manipulated Yagura….With his Sharingan!

The room full of ninjas stared at Bakorio and his students coldly, especially Sasuke since he was also a member of the Uchiha clan like Bakorio and he couldn't help but retort "Why would a member of my Uchiha clan do such a thing?"

The moment he said this, the room that was already on fire suddenly ignited into more heated arguments including from high-ranking members such as Ao…

"Sasuke shut up" spoke Bakorio calmly, and the room suddenly turned silent since no one could deny that he was here to help them nor could they mess with him after seeing how strong he was

"What Yagura said, you are completely correct… That masked man indeed uses the Sharingan of my clan… However, just how Ao over there has a Byakugan, it doesn't mean that he's a member of my village's Hyuga clan right?"

After hearing this, the people were suddenly hit by the realization that they jumped to conclusion quickly and Mei who was already angry with them apologized to Bakorio "I'm sorry for our people's reaction, they are just too agitated because of everything they suffered…"

"I understand, However that masked man is actually a common enemy of both our villages. After all, he was the one that caused the nine tails to go berserk 9 years ago…"

The room suddenly fell silent as they fell into a bigger sense of shock… The situation seemed much more complicated than what they initially thought, and this is exactly what Bakorio wanted them to feel to make it easy for himself to gain them as an ally in the future…