Energy control and Rinnegan

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The link is also in the synopsis


"Are you really from the Uzumaki clan?" Asked Kushina while staring at Nagato's emaciated appearance, but what attracted her the most were his purple eyes that had many spirals in them…

'I've never heard of anyone in our clan awakening this kind of eyes… did he get them from a different bloodline of his?' Wondered Kushina while Nagato didn't bother to respond to her and simply stared at Obito and black Zetsu that seemed to have been brainwashed by the young man that effortlessly defeated him…

'Escaping is not an option, but I should at least create an opportunity for Konan to escape…' thought Nagato, but then his eyes suddenly widened in terror as his world turned into slow motion and he watched as Bakorio's focus suddenly shifted to Konan before he disappeared like a flash and appeared right near her and started using the gentle fist on her to block her chakra channels and her ability to use chakra along with it…

Although he wasn't intending to be lethal so he didn't block her necessary channels…

"Bakorio-kun, what are you doing?" Asked Kushina with a frown that soon turned into surprise as Nagato glared at Konan before he said to Bakorio "Thank you…"

Bakorio calmly nodded but his eyes never left Konan 'This girl is quite loyal, she was actually ready to blow this whole place up if I didn't stop her…' Thought Bakorio while watching Konan squirming in pain before he explained the situation to Kushina and eased her worries…


"Nagato, what do you think about joining Konoha?" Asked Bakorio suddenly which surprised Nagato as the latter smirked at him and said "Why would I join you?"

Bakorio smirked back at him and took out a lethal kunai and started waving it in front of his face "Well for starters, it will save yours and Konan's lives"

Nagato's eyes narrowed dangerously before he activated the repulsive force of his Rinnegan in an effort to push Bakorio away, but it didn't work as Bakorio controlled the gravity around him to negate the attraction of the Rinnegan which was only possible thanks to his terrifying mastery…

"Haven't you learned your lesson, that won't work on me" said Bakorio causing a sense of fear to be born in Nagato's heart… The Rinnegan that never failed him was now appearing more and more useless 'What kind of chakra control is that?' This shouldn't be humanly possible!' He thought, and rightly so.

After all, even someone as great as Onoki can only use earth release to negate gravity and make himself weightless but that's only because the attraction force of the earth is almost constant so after constant training, he managed to fine-tune his Jutsu to suit it. Just like a lock having a specific key.

Nagato as a genius who mastered all 5 chakra releases when he was just a kid easily understood this principle which is why he was terrified by Bakorio's ability as he appeared to have the key to every possible lock, and no matter how Nagato changed his attraction or repulsive force, Bakorio would negate them every time.

This was of course all thanks to Bakorio's evolved chakra control mastery. After mastering the six paths sage chakra, he fulfilled the condition for his chakra control mastery to advance which was to create a chakra that was 50 times stronger than normal chakra.

Thanks to this, his chakra control evolved into Energy control and it increased his control of chakra by a factor of 3 directly and it was slowly increasing as it level goes up. Not to mention, in addition to all of this, Bakorio also had his multitask ability…


Seeing that Nagato was still acting foolish, Bakorio decided to cut through the chase and started brainwashing him just like he did to Obito. He showed him the lie of his eyes and that they weren't truly his as well as how foolish his actions were since at their very basis, he was just a pawn in Obito's plan.

Nagato's dream after falling into despair from all the wars he experienced when he was a child and seeing his parents being murdered in front of him was to gain absolute strength to create a world that had no war.

However, Obito mislead him into thinking that the best way to do that was by collecting the various tailed beasts and feeding them to the Gedo Mazo status that can only be controlled by the Rinnegan and that once he collects all tailed beasts, he would gain an unstoppable weapon that would help him achieve his dream of world peace.

But now, Bakorio showed him how everything was a lie, in fact, this chain of manipulation stretched all the way back to Madara who was tricked by black Zetsu…

"Was my whole life a lie?" Asked Nagato with a pained look on his face, and at this point, Minato and Obito approached as well and the latter said with an apologetic look " Sorry Nagato, but what Bakorio said was mostly the truth"

'Was my dream foolish?' he wondered, but someone suddenly yelled at him "NO, our life wasn't a lie! We struggled so much to reach this point, and those struggles can't be faked"

This was none other than Konan who was crying as she stared at the lost look on Nagato's face and the latter was dazed by her until Bakorio smiled and spoke "Indeed, she's right, plus your dream isn't dead yet… We share the same dream after all, and as long as I'm alive, I will make sure to achieve it"

Nagato could instinctively tell that Bakorio was telling the truth, so he calmly closed his eyes before he opened them with a stronger determination than he ever had and he directly stabbed his eyes and took out both of his Rinnegan and said to Bakorio "Take them, they burdened my body for all my life only to keep me blind…"

Bakorio was taken by surprise, but it was a pleasant one as he smiled and thought 'It seems like I don't need to persuade him'

"Nagato!" Yelled Konan with a distressed look on her face as Nagato bled from his eyes and she heard him say "Please spare Konan, she was only following my foolishness" This was the real reason for giving up his eyes... He noticed Bakorio's in them and decided to take the initiative to give them away because in reality, he knew Bakorio could take them forcefully anyways...

"No! if you die, I will die with you!" She yelled while crying and this scene made everyone look at them differently…

Meanwhile, Bakorio didn't waste any time as he handed the eyes to a true clone of his that was hiding in his shadow before it disappeared again.

"If I may say, please spare them both, they can be of great help to whatever you want to achieve" Spoke Obito suddenly which surprised not only Bakorio's group, but also Nagato and Konan as they didn't expect Obito to vouch for them in this situation.

"I agree, but they are very dangerous, and letting them free might be dangerous" Spoke Kakashi as he analyzed the situation coldly but Kushina and Rin who started to sympathize with Konan immediately sided with Obito which left Kakashi speechless as he thought 'You traitors'

Meanwhile, Minato simply stared at Bakorio's shadow before he said "As fellow students, I'm willing to give them another chance"

Bakorio nodded at him since it was also his intention to spare them before he activated his six paths charka mode and knelt beside Nagato "What are you trying to do?" Struggled Konan trying to protect Nagato but Kushina held her back with a smile on her face and said "Don't worry"

Konan for some reason felt like she could trust this warm smile so she watched as Bakorio put both of his hands on Nagato's closed eyes, and not long after, smoke started coming from them and the latter slowly opened them to show the eyes that truly belonged to him, and they were just like Kushina's violet eyes…