Discoveries on the moon

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'I have two days to work with but I guess it will be just enough time for me to free Kaguya…' Thought Bakorio as a plan quickly formed in his head.

According to what he learned so far from Zetsu, the Gedo Mazo status was originally sealed in the core of the moon, but when Madara awakened his Rinnegan, he summoned it and used it to extend his life span as much as possible until he found someone to inherit his will…which ended up being Obito.

What intrigued Bakorio the most about this was that he can reverse summon the Gedo Mazo back to the core of the moon which would make his job easier so without wasting any time, he summoned his clone that had the Rinnegan and was testing its various abilities as well as Zetsu and said "Let's go"

"Where?" Asked Zetsu in confusion and Bakorio simply smirked at him and said "Of course to the moon"

Bakorio's true clone also shared his smirk before he clasped his hands together and said "Come out!"

Right after his words died down, the Gedo Mazo status appeared after him so he followed up by manipulating it to eat them!

Inside the status, the trio found it unnervingly dark, almost like they were about to get devoured at any time, but Bakorio didn't mind at all and the same was true for the true clone as he activated the Rinnegan again and reverse summoned them to the core of the moon!


At the surface of the moon, a young man with pale skin, shaggy white hair, attractive facial features, and six magatama designs tattooed on his collarbones to resemble a necklace was sitting alone inside of his castle with his eyes closed.

He was wearing a high-collared kimono with a black obi, over which he wears a pale green sash tied at the right shoulder. On the back of his kimono is the Otsutsuki clan branch family emblem of a yellow crest depicting a sun enclosed in a crescent moon. Beneath his robe, he wears black fingerless gloves, long black pants, and black shinobi sandals.

Thanks to his strong senses, he felt something changing near the core of the moon and he couldn't help but wonder "What's going on? Whose presence is this?"

Curious, he ordered his servants to go investigate if anything was wrong with the energy vessel while he himself went to investigate the weird presence he felt near the core of the moon…

Something to note was that all of the servants had their eyes closed, and they moved in a rigid way making them appear like puppets…


Meanwhile, inside the core of the moon, Bakorio as well sensed the weird presence above him on the surface of the moon and it felt familiar to him 'This smell, this presence… it reminds me of the Hyuga' He thought, but something else soon diverted his attention from it… A terrifying amount of energy that he never expected he would encounter in this place and it also felt familiar…

"Zetsu, what's going on? Are there people living on the moon? And what's with this energy?" Asked Bakorio with a cold look and Zetsu knew that he better have a good answer for this otherwise, things won't end well for him so he hurriedly replied…

"I really don't know, this is my first time here on the moon and I didn't expect that it would have traces of life… but I think this is the doing of Hamura, Kaguya's second son… I can feel that the strong energy stored here in the moon resembles his chakra signature…"

Bakorio sensed that black Zetsu was telling the truth so he nodded at him and thought to himself 'This is out of my expectations… However, it might be a good opportunity for me… It's possible that this is what I've been searching for so that my Byakugan can evolve!'

With this thought in mind, Bakorio turned his attention to his true clone and noticed that he appears to have lost a lot of his chakra so he transferred some of his own to him to get him back to full capacity and threw a chakra regeneration pill at him and his clone nodded back at him knowing perfectly what to do!

Meanwhile, Bakorio shot black Zetsu a cold look and said "Stay here, I will go investigate what's going on" and without waiting for the tricky guy to answer, Bakorio directly used his earth release and traveled through the moon all the way to the surface.

Just as he left the ground, he felt a terrifying compressed wall made of chakra coming his way and behind it was a young man that was wearing Otsutsuki clothing, time appeared almost still in Bakorio's eyes as he analyzed his surroundings 'I can breathe, it seems like this moon is far closer to the earth than I initially thought, although it's a bit difficult, and who is this guy? Why's he using a technique similar to the Hyuga?' Wondered Bakorio before he sent a w chakra wall of his own and negated his enemy's attack…

Toneri felt the similar attack of his opponent and he couldn't help but ask "Who are you?" While inside he was thinking 'Is this guy from the Hyuga clan? No, his eyes feel different!'

'Is this guy another pawn of that darkness?' Thought Bakorio with a cruel look on his eyes and Toneri could feel a terrifying killing intent directed at him as if death itself was staring at him…

"Who am I isn't important, what's important is understanding what's going on here on the moon, and I have a quick way to find out" Spoke Bakorio before he disappeared and repapered in front of Toneri and engaged with him in a Taijutsu fight using his gentle fist to immobilize him quickly…

To Bakorio's surprise, his blind enemy was very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and despite Bakorio not going all out, it was still quite clear that the man in front of him had a terrifying mastery in Taijutsu but he suddenly made a big effort to create some distance away from Bakorio and hurriedly said "Wait wait, This is the gentle fist of the Hyuga clan right? Are you a member of that clan?"

"What if I was?" asked Bakorio coldly and refrained from attacking once more as this young man reminded him of Mukai's inhuman Taijutsu mastery…

"I'm Toneri Otsutsuki, a descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki…" Spoke Toneri with a prideful tone, but Bakorio was surprised and ignored his tone… 'Hamura has other descendants? It seems like Zetsu was right… That energy probably had something to do with Hamura as well… what's this guy planning?' he wondered thoughtfully as plans started forming in his head on how to deal with the young man in front of him…


Meanwhile, at the core of the moon, Bakorio's true clone approached Kaguya's seal with Zetsu and they found a huge tablet that had a sun and a crescent moon symbol on them.

However, they weren't that simple as the true clone can tell that those two symbols were made of extremely complicated seals. Not to mention that both of them had six path chakra as well as a weird type of chakra…

The true clone recognized one type of chakra to be similar to the Rinnegan, as for the second one, it resembled the chakra they were sensing here on the moon…

"What do you think? Can you remove this seal?" Asked Zetsu with a worried look and the true clone calmly stared at the seal "It seems like you knew what you were doing thought out history huh… Only a true descendant of Hagoromo or Hamura can remove this seal, and you are in luck since I have both Asura's and Indra's chakra in me" Replied the true clone before he moved into action…