The entrance to the demon realm

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Convincing the Akatsuki members was easy since Bakorio knew what every one of them desired the most… After showing them his cruel side, he then started negotiating with them. After all, forcing people into doing something will make them refrain from putting all of their potential into it so he had to use both the stick and the carrot to convince them.

For Kakuzu, he was a greedy person that would do anything for money so he used money to tempt him. Sasori was a man obsessed with puppets to the point that he became one himself, and Bakorio decided to show him all kinds of being he didn't see before such as the devils and demons which raised his intrigue and his desire to make puppets out of all of them and maybe even integrate them into his own body…

Juzo was the easiest one to convince as he left his village because of its crazy ruler, and after telling him that the situation was solved over there, he gladly agreed to work for Bakorio, although not before he confirmed what he said to be true…

Nothing was needed to be said about Orochimaru since he was already working for Bakorio, as for Deidara, he struggled at first but in the end, Bakorio was able to convince him by saying that he should work for him until he can beat him… and the latter's eyes ignited with determination as he vowed to create an explosion art that no one could resist… And Bakorio knew that he had the potential to achieve such a thing.

"I will contact you if I ever need you, you are dismissed for now" Spoke Bakorio coldly and the Akatsuki members instantly dispersed, with the exception of Orochimaru and Konan who stayed behind.


"Bakorio-kun, it has been a while since we've last met" Spoke Orochimaru with a weird smile on his face making Bakorio frown slightly "You useless white snake, I had to send more than 10 clones just to help that project advance and you say you didn't meet me for a while?"

Bakorio was really annoyed by the fact that they had yet to find a way to fully integrate Hashirama's bloodline into his own, but they were making fast progress after he started assisting them with his true clones and they will soon achieve the results they have been wanting…

Orochimaru was shameless enough to not blush when getting called out like this by Bakorio and he simply said "I didn't expect you would take over the Akatsuki… That's quite the achievement, but I wonder, what happened to the old leader?" Orochimaru shot Konan a look when he said this since among the Akatsuki, she's the most loyal member to the leader, but now she was following Bakorio and he was afraid… Afraid that Bakorio might be mind-controlling her, and if he could do it to this loyal woman, he will most likely be able to do it to him as well…

"That's none of your business Orochimaru" Spoke Konan coldly making Orochimaru's eyes flicker even more, and Bakorio could clearly sense his doubts so he simply shrugged and said "Stop worrying about useless things, a huge war will soon come knocking on our door, and I need you to hasten the process of our experimentation, I will contact you later for something else as well"

After saying this, Bakorio directly disappeared from Orochimaru's sight and Konan followed after him leaving this wicked snake thinking 'What kind of enemy can make this guy worried?'

With this in mind, he decided to hasten his plans as well, he had to perfect his body-switching Jutsu!

Back at Konoha, Minato and the others finally came up with a plan on how to approach the various hidden villages, and it was through none other than Kurama and his ability to communicate with the other tailed beasts.

They would first communicate with the tailed beast and its Jinchuriki and try to gain them as allies before they try to negotiate with the hidden villages, this was the plan with the highest chance of succeeding, other than using absolute force to make them submit.

Their first target was Iwa, they had two tailed beasts in their procession, the four tails with its Jinchuriki being Roshi and the five tails with its Jinchuriki being Han.

Shikaku was the one chosen for this job, and he easily connected with Kurama before the latter found himself in a dark space with three beasts surrounding him. One of them was Kurama, while the other two were a red-furred and green-skinned monkey, with a body build of a gorilla. It has eyes with yellow irises and white pupils, spike-like protrusions along the length of its tails, elongated blunt fangs, and two long horns curving upwards on its forehead like a crown. This was the four tails Son Goku.

Meanwhile, the other one primarily resembles a white horse, but with a dolphin's head. It has two pointed long horns and three shorter horns in front. The ends of its horns, hooves, and tails are tan, with some of the same-colored spots before the tan areas of its horns and hooves. It also has red markings under its dark blue-green eyes. This was the five tails Kokuo.

Shikaku noticed that the moment he appeared, the air around him appeared extremely tense as the tailed beasts eyed each other before Son Goku broke the silence "Kurama, How come you can communicate with us? Have you finally broken from your seal?"

'It seems like the situation isn't that helpless' thought Shikaku before he cleared his throat and started speaking…

Iwa wasn't the only hidden village that had more than one-tailed beast. However, one of the reasons Fugaku and Minato decided to approach them first was because of Bakorio's encounter with them that laid the foundation for them to possibly have peaceful relations in the future…

As this was happening, Orochimaru finally returned back to his base and the moment he set foot there, he was approached by none other than one of Bakorio's clones that said "Orochimaru, I need your help in reviving a few people"

"Oh, is it in preparations for the war your real body spoke about?" Replied Orochimaru doubtfully which earned him another nod from Bakorio before the latter spoke

"I know you already have remains of both the first and second Hokage, help me revive them first before we try something crazier"

"Something crazier?" Asked Orochimaru with a doubtful look on his face which brought a smirk to Bakorio as he said "Yes, reviving Madara Uchiha"

Orochimaru's heart shook slightly and he couldn't help but shake his head and say "Unfortunately, they won't have their full power, the impure world reincarnation causes the revived people to drop significantly in their power"

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with this problem" Replied Bakorio, of course, he planned to fully revive Hashirama and Tobirama... As well as Madara!


Far away to the west of the land of the earth existed a place called the land of demons, this land was famous for its legendary shrine that was rumored to be sealing the soul of a strong demon for many generations… Many priestesses throughout the ages made it their duty to make sure that this seal remained intact.

What they didn't know however is that this demon they were sealing was simply a disposable pawn by Doji, to keep the attention of the people away from the true danger near them… The entrance to the demon realm.

This realm was full of demons, and if unleashed upon the ninja world, a huge catastrophe would unfold, but now that long-forgotten entrance started to slowly accumulate energy, a clear sign that it was soon about to open and unleash its horrors upon the world!