Cutting a legend!

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"Orochimaru, go ahead as planned" Spoke Bakorio coldly after seeing that the situation with Tobirama was now under control.

"Are you sure?" replied Orochimaru hesitantly knowing that their next target to revive wasn't that easy to deal with either, in fact, he was even more troublesome than Tobirama…

"I'm sure" replied Bakorio while Hashirama's eyes flickered slightly but he didn't interfere, and right after, Orochimaru clasped his hands and used Edo Tensei to summon Madara.

The sacrifices they were using to perform this were the bodies of the many white Zetsu that were under Kaguya's control so they didn't have to use real people...

While Orochimaru was doing this, Bakorio occupied himself with restoring Madara's body similar to how he restored Hashirama's and Tobirama's bodies using the king of hell.

At first, Tobirama didn't know what they were doing, but after the king of hell spat out Madara's perfectly fine body, he finally realized what was happening and the danger that it involved so he quickly yelled at Orochimaru "Stop, you won't be able to control him with your current mastery, no even if you fully master this forbidden Jutsu, you still won't be able to control a monster like Madara!"

Orochimaru smiled eerily at Tobirama before he replied "We were never planning to control him, just like how we didn't plan to control you"

"YOU! Brother, we should stop them before it's too late" Yelled Tobirama, yet Hashirama remained unmoved and simply sat cross-legged before he said "I will trust his judgment for now" before he closed his eyes leaving Tobirama angrily pacing back and forth and contemplating whether to attack Orochimaru or not but in the end, he simply stood behind his brother and readied himself to fight…

Meanwhile, Bakorio calmly observed Hashirama and he couldn't help but smile internally 'He says he trusts me, yet he's restoring his nature chakra reserves as fast as possible… tch'. Then, he turned his attention to the new coffin that appeared in front of Orochimaru and the man clad in armor that slowly stepped out of it with his Sharingan in full display…

"Well well well, I didn't expect to be summoned by someone else, it seems like something happened to my plans" Muttered Madara as he left the coffin before he scanned his surroundings and his eyes widened when he caught sight of Hashirama and his face was instantly covered with a battle crazed smile

"Hashirama, I can't believe you were also revived, I can actually enjoy myself right after I got revived, this is quite a treat" But then, Hashirama opened his eyes and Madara instantly froze after seeing that they appeared normal unlike those summoned by Edo Tensei "You are actually fully revived? How?"

Madara scanned his surroundings more clearly and eventually, he laid eyes on his corpse and the two people standing beside it, they had the same appearance, yet one of them had the Sharingan while the other had the Rinnegan. They were of course Bakorio and his clone and Madara immediately had a familiar feeling after staring at those eyes, they belonged to him!

'What's going on? What did black Zetsu and Obito do? Who's this guy?' Countless thoughts flashed through Madara's mind and Bakorio didn't waste too much time and directly addressed him

"I'm sure you have many questions, but I first need you to go inside this body, it's not as perfect as the one you died with but it's still quite good"

Madara narrowed his eyes when he heard this but he didn't move and simply said "Who are you?"

Bakorio replied calmly and said "Bakorio Uchiha"

Hearing this, Madara suddenly smiled and his eyes turned into his eternal Mangekyo Sharingan before he said "A descendant of the Uchiha huh? I wonder how our cursed clan is doing"

Right after saying this, a blue armored Susanoo appeared above Madara holding a sword in its hand which he swung directly at Bakorio.

"Tch, serves you right for summoning this monster" muttered Tobirama while Hashirama prepared to interfere at any moment. However, he didn't have to as Bakorio's eyes also transformed into his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and a pitch-black Susanoo appeared above him and clashed its scythe with Madara's blade

"Oh not bad, it seems like you can dance for a bit" spoke Madara with glee in his eyes as he clashed multiple times with Bakorio before he stopped.

'Hashirama didn't make any moves from the start, does that body has some sort of seal to control me or something?' Countless thoughts flashed through Madara's heart, but in the end, Bakorio started to get fed up with his antics and coldly said "Get into that body and finish the revival process, don't waste my time"

"Waste your time?" Madara's grin turned cold before he said "It seems like people have forgotten what fear is, let me show you"

The moment he finished his words, his normal armored Susanoo instantly grew bigger and bigger gaining a full body and reaching the size of a tall mountain…. And with its hands on the handle of the sword, it was clear that he was ready to do some serious damage

Hashirama instantly stood up ready to interfere but Bakorio's frown only deepened as he dissolved his Susanoo and simply retrieved his legendary sword before said "I guess some people only learn the hard way"

Then, time seemed to stop as a terrifyingly sharp energy covered Bakorio's sword, it was his sharp release fueled by his six paths chakra! And what followed next was him disappearing and reappearing right under Madara's Susanoo before using one of the skills of his sword, Doom slash, and sending it in an upward slash!

A huge dark slash left Bakorio's sword, and to the surprise of the watchers, it cut through Madara's Susanoo like butter all the way to his forehead where his body was leaving his eyes wide in shock as he was also split in two and his body tried to recover but simply couldn't reattach the two halves as the sharp energy still lingered on them!

"Impossible, how could you destroy my Susanoo so easily? Not even Hashirama could do this" muttered Madara with disbelief covering his face… and the same feeling was shared by those watching, although Bakorio didn't care at all and simply used his Yomi no Kuni's ability and created a white chain which he then used to capture Madara's soul and shove it inside of his body…

"This sword… It's terrifying!" Muttered Orochimaru, his pale face growing even paler from the demonstration of power, but while he was focusing on the sword, Hashirama was actually focusing on something else 'That chakra he just used, it resembled sage chakra, but it was far purer and more… complete! I need to ask him about it later!'

With this new determination in mind, Hashirama turned his attention to Madara who just woke up with disbelief still covering his face, for some reason, he was only revived with his Uchiha bloodline… 'I wonder what kind of modifications Kabuto did in the original timeline for him to revive with the ability to use the Rinnegan… either way it doesn't matter' thought Bakorio before he approached the shocked Madara and said "There's a lot of things I need to show you, don't resist"

Madara regained his calm and narrowed his eyes at this, but he didn't say anything after seeing Bakorio's strength as he knew full well that he couldn't take him and Hashirama on his own, although he wasn't going to cower and simply wanted to know what was going on so he calmly said "Show me what's so worth it for you to risk bringing me back to life"

Bakorio nodded at him and simply said "I will show you all what true terror is" Before he used his evolved eye of hypnotism on them to show them a glimpse of the power of those who served the darkness!