Unique Dojutsu

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Seeing how Bakorio was clearly underestimating him despite knowing of his identity as an ex-ninja swordsman of the mist was a huge blow to Raiga's ego and pride. So, he stopped caring anymore and directly used his ultimate attack, lightning Dragon Tornado Jutsu.

This Jutsu takes advantage of his swords Kiba and their ability to conduct lightning… He starts by sending a huge current of lightning into the clouds which turns them into thunderous clouds before he uses Kiba as a Lightning rod to attract the newly formed lighting from the sky and uses it to launch a terrifying attack on his enemies!

The downside of this Jutsu is that he carries Ranmaru with him on his back at all times, so he can't use this freely since he risks electrocuting him to death…

Ranmaru being a weak kid currently suffered extreme pain and he couldn't even let out a scream… thankfully, the thing Raiga was carrying him on had special isolating abilities that helped him avoid the full brunt of Raiga's outburst.

Meanwhile, Bakorio watched all of this calmly before he said "Not bad, but not enough" then, to the shock of Raiga, he simply waved his hand at the lightning in slow motion… Yet, that lightning Dragon somehow started splitting in half wherever his hand passed and it eventually passed by his body without touching him…

"Impossible!" Yelled Raiga, but he found Bakorio's fist greeting him before he could even dodge and it instantly blocked tens of his Tenketsu and completely immobilized him.

Staring at Raiga who was splattered on the floor in pain, Bakorio nodded silently while staring at his hand and thought 'It seems like using the gentle fist with the different elements manipulations I got is working wonders…'

This was a recent addition to his fighting style, since someone experienced enough with the gentle fist naturally understands how to negate Ninjutsu based attack, and coupled with that the ability to manipulate elements that aren't born from his chakra made Bakorio a terrifying person to fight.

This is why he was able to give so much trouble to the hidden village of the dead despite his clones having weaker bodies than the original, especially the early created ones that only had Advanced Body talent.

'Thankfully, that brat is still alive…' Thought Bakorio as he stared at the pained groans coming from the back of Raiga and he slowly unfolded the cover to reveal a small kid with chin-length purple hair that was parted in the middle and had distinct red-colored eyes and appeared quite feminine in appearance.

"It's good you are still alive" Muttered Bakorio coldly before picking up Ranmaru and dispelled any remaining traces of lightning coursing through his body and frowned slightly 'His situation is worse than I thought…'

"L---L----Let h-him g-g-go" Stuttered Raiga as he tried to stand up to his feet but Bakorio didn't even bother staring at him and simply stomped him on the head and buried his face deep into the ground and said "Little kid, I have a question for you"

"DON'T HARM RAIGA" was the first thing Ranmaru said after having recovered some control over his body before he extended his neck to bite Bakorio, However, he almost broke his teeth without being able to do anything, so he started begging "Please let Raiga go…"

"Sigh, I don't care about this guy, but I can't let him run loose in this chaotic time and cause more trouble, I will take him to prison and it's up to Konoha to decide how to deal with him, that's as much kind I can be to this type of trash"

"I—I'm n-not trash!" Said Raiga through gritted teeth and Bakorio simply tilted his head and raised his leg to stomp him again but Ranmaru's red eyes suddenly started glowing with an eerie light and he said "I can feel it, you are here to help me… If you harm Raiga anymore, I will kill myself!

"Hm?" Bakorio's leg froze midair before he stomped the ground right beside Raiga's head causing it to crack and sink in a diameter of more than ten meters before he said coldly to Ranmaru "Check again with your ability if you think you are that worthy to threaten me"

Ranmaru's eyes lit up again and he felt a chill as he saw nothing but death clutching him and Raiga by their throats and there was no escaping it and he started hyperventilating until Bakorio retracted his killing intent…

"There won't be a next time… This is quite intriguing though, you can sense emotions… How rare" Bakorio frowned slightly when he saw this and he couldn't help but wonder how could such a strong Dojutsu be unknown to the world?

Bakorio calmly stared at Ranmaru, and seeing the kid nod at him fearfully, he started enquiring about the abilities of his eyes, and he was left shocked to say the least…

This Dojutsu grants its wielder the ability to hear and see things far beyond the normal human perceptive, allows them to see chakra, allows them to cast strong Genjutsu that even if someone is aware of it, they still can't stop it, it allows the user to create some sort of red dust that hide their presence from even the perception of other strong Dojutsu like the Sharingan and Byakugan, and finally, it grants its user the ability to see the life force that people has, and even manipulate their own to revitalize people from near death states! If this isn't broken, what is?

"How could such a thing exist in this world?" muttered Bakorio and he ended up finding himself lost in his own thoughts as this was quite the mystery he found himself encountering, but he also started to understand why he found Ranmaru's body to be in such a unique state…

He can't see the life force in his body, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't properly coursing through the lower half of his body 'It was probably a miracle that he could come into the world… he probably almost died at birth, but he instead ended up using his Dojutsu unconsciously and transferred the life force from his legs to his upper body to strengthen it and survive the ordeal, but it left his lower body in this weak state…'

After some contemplation, Bakorio concluded with a frown 'It's is going to be hard to heal him and complete the quest, especially when considering the strict requirements of this mission as I need to rise him back to full health, this means physically and mentally as well… what a pain'

"Let's go back for now, I will think about what to do with this guy later" said Bakorio before carrying Raiga like a potato sack and held the small Ranmaru in his arms before he started making his way back to the miners that were beating Karachi and he found the young man almost half dead with one foot in the grave…

"That should be enough everyone, any more and he will die for real" Spoke Bakorio calmly to the miners taking them by surprise and they stared at him in shock when they saw him carrying the unconscious Raiga…

"You really defeated him… we are finally free…" Disbelief covered the faces of the miners before it turned into pure joy and they started celebrating but one of them, an elderly man suddenly approached Bakorio and said "Sir, please help our village get rid of the ghosts and the dead hunting it... they are tormenting the people more than the Kurosuki family yet we can't do anything about it…"

Bakorio paused slightly and stared at the man silently before he nodded and waved his hand causing an army made of sand to appear in front of him.

It was made of 10 sand riders, 20 sand assassins, 30 sand soldiers, and 40 sand archers, and they separated into 10 organized groups each led by a sand rider before Bakorio calmly said "Head back with these soldiers, they will take care of the trouble in your village"

The miners started thanking Bakorio again to which he simply nodded and started making his way back to the curry of life shop with a shadow clone of his carrying the unconscious Karachi and healing him.

Meanwhile, Ranmaru's eyes suddenly widened as he finally realized why Raiga found Bakorio familiar 'That weird armor, and now the sand soldiers.. he's part of the infamous dead hunters! Why does he want to help me?' wondered Ranmaru as he kept staring at Bakorio secretly throughout their journey to figure him out but it was to no avail…