Mukai and Primordial Seals

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


An eerie silence surrounded the hidden room Bakorio's main body was training at. He was in a hidden location that was under the protection of countless seals that were a combination of the Otsutsuki's knowledge as well as his own

In fact, the isolation of this location was so strong to the point that even that dark being wasn't able to locate Bakorio's main body and decided to go after his clone that was training dark chakra instead...

"It seems my worries weren't unfounded! that 'Jashin' can manipulate Dark chakra and negative energy to a far higher degree than what I can imagine currently… It's probably fair to assume that wherever there's negativity, that guy has eyes… But who could have expected that he's sealed, who can do such a thing to someone as strong as him?" Muttered Bakorio to himself with his eyes clouded in doubt.

"I need to be careful, he's probably going to stall the current situation of the world as much as possible to hasten his unsealing process… I need to grow stronger, far stronger than I currently am if I want to defeat him!" With this thought in mind, Bakorio simply closed his eyes and reentered the endless cycle of destruction and rebirth that kept making his supreme body grow stronger!

One month later

Bakorio noticed that his sand army wasn't as effective as it used to be as the hidden village of the dead got used to it and created many countermeasures to deal with it, In fact, even the beasts and demons appeared to have gotten instructions on how to deal with it.

"In the end, their weakness is the limitation of their base stats… I need to evolve this skill if i want it to be useful, but unfortunately, it requires my new seal mastery to reach level 10… How am I supposed to do that?" Bakorio was truly confused.

After turning Shukaku into a living seal, Bakorio not only managed to gain him as an ally with a little bit of manipulation, but he also managed to complete his sealing art advancement quest, and he gained a new mastery called Primordial seals.

[Primordial Seals level 1: Primordial Seals are a representation of the laws governing the world, they were born from nothing and can turn into anything, they are natural, conscious, and alive… +10% effectiveness to all seals]

'I barely understand how to make living seals, and now I have to comprehend things equivalent to Laws… These masteries are becoming more and more complicated and ridiculous' thought Bakorio while letting out a sigh as he stared at the dark walls of his cocoon…

However, as he was lost in his thoughts, something suddenly attracted his attention…

In the academy located in the middle of the land of fire, one of Bakorio's true clones was calmly teaching a class of students, among which was none other than Ranmaru.

However, a ninja dressed as an Anbu suddenly rushed to his side and whispered something into his ears and it made his eyes flicker slightly with a deep cold light, but he didn't let it show too much on his face and casually closed the book he was teaching with before he said "Today's lesson ends here, disperse and don't forget your homework"

Then, he started leaving hurriedly with the Anbu… Ranmaru's eyes flickered with a red light as he sat among his fellow students that were surprised by the sudden interruption of their lesson and didn't say anything…

"Oy Ranmaru, what are you being in a daze for?" a blond girl suddenly approached Ranmaru and asked him curiously, she was Ino. Meanwhile, Ranmaru simply smiled awkwardly before he said "Ah, sorry, I just remembered that I have to go to the toilet…" Before he stood up and took off leaving Ino wondering with her head tilted "How do you forget such a thing…"

However, Shikamaru who was listening to this from the side with a lazy look on his face simply frowned, but he didn't want to get involved as he simply thought 'It seems like something serious happened for them to bring the monster out… I better not get myself involved...'

And right he was as Bakorio turned to the Anbu woman that came to him and asked coldly "What happened?"

"S-sir, We were finally able to locate Mukai Kohinata…" spoke the Anbu captain hesitantly and she instantly felt a chill emanating from Bakorio as he simply kept moving and asked coldly "What did you discover?"

"After following his tracks for the past two years, we concluded that he disappeared somewhere in the land of silence one year ago…" Reported that Anbu woman, and she couldn't help but gulp slightly as she stared at the dark killing intent accumulating in Bakorio's eyes before he nodded at her and disappeared into the distance, but a little boy decided to follow after him…


Mukai's one of Bakorio's most trusted friends, similar to Minato…. However, they couldn't be any more different personality-wise, so while Minato was occupied with the overall situation of the world and focusing on mastering his sage arts. Mukai decided to train in his own way and started hunting beasts… S ranked or higher beasts!

And he terrorized the poor beasts to say the least as his hunting record was unmatched, surpassing all of the Akatsuki members that were doing the same task!

However, one day approximately a year ago, he suddenly disappeared from the face of the world and Bakorio wasn't able to find any clues regarding his location, but he was finally getting hints, hints that he was already suspecting.

'It seems like I should have investigated that weird organization sooner… I really hoped I could get them as an ally since they had some decent members, but if they want to die, so be it…' Thought Bakorio as he recalled the weird group that started hunting beasts in the vicinity of the land of silence before Mukai got there, including an SS-ranked beast!

But for them to defeat a monster like Mukai, this is close to impossible, especially considering that bastard's personality, he would rather die than allow himself to get captured, and the least he would do is remove that group from the map with his mastered 8 gates which will alert Bakorio of his location….

'Something's is fishy, I can smell it all the way from here… what's that bastard playing at' wondered Bakorio as he prepared hasted his movement but he was suddenly interrupted by a gentle voice calling him "Teacher, let me help you!"

'This kid… It seems like he wants to repay the favor for allowing Raiga to survive huh? well, he's working his ass off as a beast hunter so it doesn't matter but still, it will be quite problematic to bring him along…'

"I can't protect you where I'm going, but you can be of use to a certain group of idiots… are you willing to take this risk?" Spoke Bakorio calmly and Ranmaru instantly replied with a determined look in his eyes making Bakorio sigh slightly before he stared at his shadow that was extending far behind him and asked "What about you Shikamaru?"

"Eh?" Ranmaru was slightly surprised as he didn't think he was being followed so he didn't find it necessary to use his Dojutsu, a careless mistake he wouldn't have done if he was an experienced ninja, so, and he ended up watching in shock as Shikamaru came out of his own shadow, a technique he learned from Bakorio and replied awkwardly "Do I really have a choice?"

Hearing this, Bakorio smirked slightly before he said while patting him on the shoulder "Nope, take care of Ranmaru for me" Then, he casually summoned a giant falcon and made it pick Ranmaru and the reluctant Shikamaru before it took them to the south of the land of fire, where two crazy brothers and their third teammate were fighting an S Ranked beast of the highest level!

Seeing them taking off, Bakorio turned his attention to his mission and instantly flickered away at a frightening speed in the direction of the land of silence while another true clone simply took the place of this one as a teacher… He was really angry, so he was sending one of his strongest true clones!!