Mukai's state | Rasenshuriken

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After he was defeated by Isshiki, Bakorio got transported to a weird base that was located in an isolated dimension similar to Obito's Kamui or the ones Kaguya can create with her powers.

There, Isshiki went through some weird halls until they arrived at a prison-looking structure that was filled with countless seals, and the moment they approached it, Bakorio was able to hear the sound of howling beasts from inside it…

However, not long after he suddenly frowned as he could hear a human roar mixed among them and he felt his heart shiver slightly so he turned to Isshiki and asked coldly "Is this where you keep the beasts you captured?"

Jigen tilted his head slightly before he responded "You mean test subjects? Yes this is where we keep them, and you are going to join them as well"

"What about Mukai?" Asked Bakorio with a hint of killing intent flickering in his eyes but Isshiki wasn't fazed and calmly replied "Ah, unfortunately, he was a failure… Hopefully, you won't turn out the same"

Before Bakorio could respond, a man wearing a scientist coat slowly approached them and eyed Bakorio silently before he said "Would you like me to perform the same tests on him, Jigen-sama?"

Hearing this, Isshiki calmly nodded and said "Yes Amado, be careful, this one is even more dangerous than the last one"

"Yes sir" Replied Amado stoically before a cloaked person beside him pushed the restrained Bakorio into the weird prison and he could instantly tell that the latter's strength was no joke…

All the while, his eyes never left the doctor-looking person, his hair was white and he had a trimmed mustache and was wearing glasses, and he was sure that he never heard of such a person before 'How's he related to Jigen? This guy feels strange' wondered Bakorio as he was dragged through a strange hallway.

It had many rooms on both of its sides and each one of them was filled with deformed monsters… One of them was even a Dragon looking beast that was emitting a horrible aura and there were even some Devils and demons in the mix as well…

'It seems like they are doing similar research to mine...' Wondered Bakorio as he followed after the scientist silently through the howling-filled hallway.

However, the giant cloaked man pushing him suddenly froze in shock as he felt Bakorio's body transform into something akin to a mountain as he stood still in place and it brought a frown to Amado's face 'He can actually resist Boro's strength despite all of his injuries? This person is definitely a monster in the outside world… Maybe he can... I will have to test him first!'

However, Bakorio didn't care about all of this as he approached a small cell with a single human inside chained to its walls.

His body was full of scars and it had weird scales emerging on some parts of his body. His long white hair was covering his face, but how could he not recognize his old friend… especially when he saw that singular activated Byakugan on his left eye that had a crazed look on it.

"You know him? This test subject was pretty good, but the experiment eventually failed and he lost his sanity… what a pity, we were almost able to integrate the Dragon's bloodline into him and turn him into a suitable vessel" spoke Amado calmly while observing any changes in Bakorio's expression.

Bakorio's eyes started shining with a blood-red light as the aura of a predator started gushing from his body and it silenced all of the beasts in this prison while the giant Boro instantly caught him in his arms so that he doesn't do anything.

However, Bakorio didn't care as his sight didn't leave the chained Mukai, and they soon locked eyes only to see the pure insanity in them before Mukai leaped from the wall and tried to attack them with a crazed look on his face, although his chains held him back…

"Let's keep going…" Spoke Amado after seeing this and Bakorio didn't resist as he lowered his head to hide his expression while Mukai kept trying to attack them wildly…

Meanwhile, back at the south of the land of fire, Naruto had just summoned two shadow clones and was preparing an ultimate attack under the protection of everyone else.

And as this was happening, Kazuki shot Sogetsu a weird look and asked "Brother, are they telling us the truth?" Right after he said this, a giant hand came crushing at him and it was covered in a dense layer of rocks making it resemble a small hill!

Clearly, he would be squashed like an ant if he doesn't do something quickly so Kazuki instantly sent a giant Lava release Punch to meet it and buy him some time as he tried to retreat but the giant Gorilla directly swung its other arm at him and opened its mouth to attack Sogetsu with a terrifying wind release that could even cut through the armor of a Susanoo!

However, Sogetsu wasn't fazed as he muttered "Water release: Giant Water Mirror Jutsu!" and right after he finished saying this, he waved his hand causing a Giant circular mirror to appear in front of him and absorb the attack. Then as if by some sort of magic, he rotated the mirror and the attack came out of it again and it went right at the other hand of the beast that was attacking Kazuki forcing it to retract.

Then, he calmly spoke "For Suija the Peaceful Demon to lose his calm, I don't think they are lying, that brat that just came is definitely similar to us… He's a descendant of a Demon!"

Kazuki's frowned slightly when heard this before he turned his attention to the giant beast that was holding his hand in pain… However, It wasn't heavily injured thanks to the rock armor it was covering most of its body with which made them feel slightly helpless.

However, a voice suddenly echoed from the distance "Oy, You two, try to restrain its movement to the best of your abilities!"

"Shikamaru huh? I wonder what's Naruto planning" muttered Sogetsu before he nodded at his brother and they stood side to side for the first time since the start of this battle, they weren't going to run away anymore!

"Lave release: Hungry earth!" Spoke Kazuki before he put both of his hands on the ground and started pushing all the chakra he could muster into it.

The Giant monkey smirked at him mockingly after seeing that only small cracks with lava flowing through them appeared under it… however, the earth suddenly parted in a huge circle around it and the beast found itself falling into a pit of Lava that was threatening to swallow it whole if not for its quick reaction and grabbing the edge of the hole with its giant hand.

However, before it could drag itself out, Sogetsu calmly muttered "Ice release: Ice Age" Then, he directly plunged both of his hands into the hot lava causing it to start solidifying at a fast rate, and before that Gorilla that was almost 100 meters tall could bring itself out of the Lava sea Kazuki created.

It found the resistance increasing by the second until it got stuck completely by the time it got its head out of the hole, but by this point, both Kazuki and Sogetsu fell on their assess completely drained!

"It's up to you now…" Spoke Kazuki through his gritted teeth, and he wasn't disappointed as right after, a strong wind suddenly hit them and caused the army of monkeys to freeze.

Then, Kurenai and Ranmaru's Genjutsu both dissipated to show a small Naruto with his right hand raised in the air, and above it was a giant rotating Shuriken-looking Jutsu made of wind!…

"This is…" Sasuke stared in shock at the weird Rasengan his friend created and he suddenly felt the distance between him and Naruto had widened significantly without him even noticing!

But Naruto didn't notice this and he simply yelled "I will definitely finish it off with this one attack!" Before he started rushing at the beast while yelling "RASENSHURIKEN!"