Fighting in a helpless situation!

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


After three years of constant training, Sogetsu's body grew to become both tall and very muscular, However, even then, he still looked like a tiny ant compared to the two giant demons in front of him.

One of them Was 10 meters tall, its skin was crimson and had a metallic shine. He has 3 pairs of hands, The right ones held giant black clubs and the left hands each held a giant black shield…

It had three heads, and two short horns grew from their foreheads and his eyes were full of brutality and madness. Sogetsu could tell from a glance that it couldn't wait to rip him apart and sink its giant fangs into his body.

Meanwhile, the other demon was a woman, She had long flowing green hair with a horn coming from the top of her head and slitted pupils in her eyes, but what was even more eye-catching about her was the fact that her lower body was that of a snake, a very long snake!

In her hands was a Black bow, however, she wasn't holding any arrows and it made Sogetsu frown slightly…

"Human, why do you have this smell… The smell of a demon coming from your body?" The giant demon Akami spoke with a rough voice while the demoness beside him simply observed Sogetsu with a playful smirk on her face as her long snake tail kept wagging back and forth.

"Who knows…" Sogetsu replied aloofly finding it beneath him to talk to this kind of brute but it got on Akami's nerves so he directly rushed at Sogetsu and swung one of his giant clubs at him…


A giant explosion sound echoed throughout the battlefield and the ground where Sogetsu was previously standing now had a giant deep crater!

"HEHEHE You dodged, not bad brat, but that won't be enough" Spoke Mimibe with a teasing tone…

'I can't take this guy's attacks head on…' Sogetsu concluded with a frown after seeing the destructiveness of Akami's attack, then he did some quick hand signs and said

"Water release: Giant Dragon Jutsu" Suddenly, a huge quantity of water manifested itself around Sogetsu in the form of a 30 meters long horned Dragon which he directly launched at Akami.

"Little Brat, are you underestimating me?" Akami yelled with such ferocity that it shook the earth and almost uprooted the trees near him before he swung his three giant clubs and crushed Sogetsu's water Dragon…. However, just as he did, Sogetsu did some quick hand signs and said "Water release: Deadly rain Jutsu"

Akami and Mimibe watched in amazement as the water droplets transformed into sharp kunais and started falling on them.

However, Akami was quick to react and raised his shield to defend the two of them…

"Cunning kid, you are ruthless, just like a snake… I like it" Mimibe licked her lips slightly, but suddenly, Sogetsu felt a terrible sense of danger and he was barely fast enough to react and jump backward to avoid the deadly snake tail that emerged from the ground under him without making a sound…

'She sent her tail underground when my vision was obstructed by that demon's shield… This fight isn't going to be easy…' Sogetsu thought with a frown…

"You got quite the instincts, I'm liking you even more kid, how about you become my pet…" Mimibe spoke with a seductive smile but Akami suddenly shut her down with a yell from its left head "Don't waste our time here Mimibe, let's quickly get rid of this kid" Before he started rushing at Sogetsu again, but this time they noticed that he had an eerie aura surrounding him as he glared coldly at them and asked "Did you just say you want to make me your pet?"

"HEHEHE That's right, what are you going to do about it?" Mimibe asked mockingly and Sogetsu simply replied by doing hand signs and saying "Boil Release: Acid Vapor"

Akami realized something was wrong with the water he was stepping on and was quick to react and jumped into the air while warning Mimibe who had most of her body submerged in water "CAREFUL!"

However, it was too late as the water that was covering her body started boiling and transforming into a deadly gas that could even melt the defense of a Susanoo causing Mimibe to hiss in pain as huge patches of her hard skin that was covered in scales melted away…

"AGHHHH, Damned brat I will kill you" She yelled hysterically before she raised her bow and aimed it at Sogetsu before she said "VOID ARROW"

"Eh?" Sogetsu didn't see any arrow appear in the bow, however as she released the string, a terrible sense of dread hit him, and when he lowered his head, he noticed a huge hole has formed in his stomach….


Meanwhile, As Sogetsu was facing the two SS Rank demons, His squad found themselves faced with 10 S ranks demons coupled with countless As and Bs following behind them…

Lee instantly opened 7 gates and rushed to take on three S-rank demons on his own while Neji stood in at the front of the group to defend everyone like a giant impenetrable fortress... Behind them was a small mountain and it helped to lessen the direction the enemies can attack from...

Luckily they weren't fighting alone as this squad was made of 20 highly trained Ninjas, that had Asuma, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, and so on, and they were currently fighting as a group to keep the army of demons at bay… Asuma was fighting an S-rank demon on his own… he was far stronger than his canon self but he still barely managed to achieve such a feat, while the other were working in groups to stop the rest of the demons…

However, they knew this was a losing battle so they were buying time… Time for their tactician to find a way out of this situation.

Currently, Shikamaru was biting his nails and analyzing the battlefield from every possible angle while thinking 'It will be a miracle if we can leave this situation alive… Think, Think Shikamaru… quickly!'

Countless thoughts and ideas flashed through Shikamaru's head, but suddenly he remembered something Bakorio once told him "Teacher, in a fight where the odds are 100% against you and the opponents vastly outnumber you or are simply stronger than you… How can anyone win such a fight?"

"That's a good question, and the answer is simple… you don't" Bakorio replied with a slight smile which made Shikamaru pout slightly and complain "Then what will you do in such a situation?"

"Hmm… If I were facing someone stronger than me, or if I'm outnumbered, such a hopeless situation, as I said, I will consider the fight lost… In other meaning, I don't mind taking high risks that might actually flip the situation or at least make it equal, after all, the worst that could happen is death… War isn't meant to be played fairly, and I will even bite my opponents or spit at them if it increases my chances of winning by a fraction, I will use every skill I have, lay traps, and use the terrain until I find a way out…"

'Right, if we want to survive this war, we will have to fight dirty…' Shikamaru's eyes suddenly narrowed before he started issuing commands

"Ino, connect me with the minds of everyone around us"

Ino quickly nodded and rushed to his side and held his head gently before executing her clan's Mind Body Transmission Jutsu!

And Shikamaru instantly started relaying his plan to the other ninjas starting by saying "Choji, I need you to grow as big as you can and cause a landslide at the mountain behind us, Those that can use earth release, help those that can't escape underground… Tenten, follow Choji and use the scrolls…"