The counterattack starts

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Thanks to the help of the backup that arrived, the demons were quickly dealt with so everyone were finally able to take a breather…

"Everyone, you did well surviving for so long" Kakashi commanded everyone for their hard work, and they all responded positively. Meanwhile, Bakorio who just returned with the recovering Sogetsu shot him a look and nodded 'Surprisingly, Kakashi grew even stronger after he gave his Sharingan back to Obito… It is good to see that he finally put his past behind him and started growing stronger again'

Then, he turned his attention to Sogetsu and frowned slightly 'I should find a way for them to use those demons better…'

As Bakorio was deep in thought, Guy suddenly approached him and asked "The demons are attacking much more aggressively lately and we already started sustaining casualties on other fronts… Do you have any plans to deal with them?"

Hearing this, Bakorio snapped out of his thoughts and handed Sogetsu to Sakura to complete healing him before he said "We are fighting 4 different worlds, and considering how strong we've been growing, it's only natural they will increase the intensity of their attacks as well"

"At this rate, those ninjas that can't keep up with the growth speed of the others will slowly get eliminated…" Kakashi spoke calmly after joining them, and it was indeed one of Bakorio's concerns. Still, he smiled slightly and said "I guess it's time to launch our counterattack…"

"You mean…" Guy was slightly surprised and so was Kakashi, but Bakorio calmly nodded at them and said "It's time to put an end to this war"

Guy and Kakashi stared at each other in shock before they nodded and prepared for the coming future…

A few days later

The news quickly spread that Bakorio planned to start a counterattack on all 4 fronts, Beast world, Demon World, Hell, and pure land…

For this, a giant meeting was held, and it was attended by all the leaders among the strong ninjas groups that slowly showed their potential throughout the years, The hidden villages, The Academies, the samurais, the Akatsuki, and the mercenaries, as well as the six sacred grounds… They all sent their representatives to this meeting!

"Bakorio, how do you plan to attack them? We are barely surviving right now" Fugaku was the first to speak and he directly expressed his doubts regarding the situation but Bakorio calmly nodded and said

"I currently have 400 Dead hunters under my command, they will split into 4 groups of 100 each, so we will have an immortal sand army of 10000 members that will act as the front line, and you can't forget about the dead hunters themselves, I'm sure you all know how strong my clones are."

The people nodded slowly and some were even scared when they heard how many of those clones Bakorio actually had…

'This man is a monster… what will happen when the war ends? Will he try to take control over our villages?' The fourth Raikage wondered, and some people in the room had similar doubts, but Bakorio directly crushed them and said

"You think this will guarantee us the war? Ignorance truly is bliss" Bakorio spoke mockingly and the Raikage was the first to lose his temper and yell

"What do you mean? If you have information that you are hiding from us, you will pay the price for it!"

"ENOUGH RAIKAGE, who do you think you are talking to?" Fugaku's eyes instantly transformed into his Mangekyo Sharingan and he started releasing an ominous aura… He was really ready to kill him!

"Calm down everyone, I'm sure the Raikage is just worried that's all" Onoki tried to mediate the situation as best as he could but it didn't stop Fugaku from glaring at A until the latter started feeling uncomfortable…

"It's okay Fugaku, don't bother with that weakling" Bakorio said with a slight smile on his face and it caused veins to appear on A's head and a lightning chakra cloak instantly covered his body before he asked coldly "What did you call me?"

"Oh… Is your hearing that bad? I called you a weakling" Bakorio replied with a toothy grin and before anyone could react, A disappeared with a terrifying speed and sent a punch right at Bakorio's head while yelling "Don't underestimate me, BRAT!"

"NO, STOP" Onoki yelled but it was too late as A's punch was millimeters away from Bakorio's face. However, A suddenly felt the world darkening around him while the people in the room only heard the sound of something slamming into the floor, and when they lowered their heads, they noticed that Bakorio's foot was planted on A's face, and he still had the same toothy grin on his face as he asked "Anyone else wants me to pay the price?"

The room fell dead silent as they all couldn't comprehend what just happened, only those with gifted eyes like Fugaku were able to tell… 'A was aiming at a mere after image… At the moment he sent his punch, Bakorio's foot was already ready to smash him into the ground… He's grown too strong, and yet he's still not confident in our victory… This is worrying'

The others had similar thoughts, but they didn't say anything so Bakorio kicked A back to his seat and continued to explain his plan…

Meanwhile, somewhere in a dark throne room, the being called Jashin was staring coldly at this scene and smiled slightly "So you decided to oppose me to the end huh? You will have only yourself to blame for this little brat"

Then he calmly sent an order to all of his followers "Be prepared, the final fight is finally upon us, kill them all, torture them all, and most importantly, make them feel helpless, until they lose their will to live!"

"Yes, sir" Doji, Seiryu, Izumo, and Amatsu responded immediately before they started making preparations… However, surprisingly they weren't the only ones that responded to Jashin…


At one of the fortresses on the border of the land of demons, Sogetsu and Kazuki were currently discussing how the former basically lost against the two demons and almost lost his life if not for their teacher saving him when suddenly, Bakorio approached them while carrying a large box on his back and said

"How are you doing you two?" His gaze was mainly fixed on Sogetsu since he was the one that suffered a defeat lately… Although it was actually a great achievement for him to be able to fight that level of opponents at his current age, but the kid wasn't satisfied…

"Teacher… I'm fine, thanks to you" Sogetsu replied calmly, and Kazuki not liking his brother's attitude, tried to liven up the mood so he asked curiously "Teacher, it's rare to see you carrying something on you, what's that?"

Bakorio stared at Kazuki with a slight smile before he said "I have a gift for the two of you"

"Eh? Gift?" Kazuki was excited and even Sogetsu grew curious and felt his heavy heart becoming slightly lighter.

"Yes Gifts, Check them out yourselves" Bakorio spoke calmly before he put the giant box on his back down and opened its lid revealing two well-designed Katana swords.

The handle of one of them was red, and its sheath was black and had white Sun symbols engraved on it while the other's handle was blue and had Black Moon symbols on its white sheath.

The brothers were captivated by the two swords, and they couldn't get their eyes away from them to the point that they almost didn't hear Bakorio say "These are the sun and the moon swords, two of the best swords in my collection, but I still need to make a slight modification for them before you two can have them, and hopefully put them to good use..."