Space Control

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"This is amazing" Kazuki muttered with a shocked look on his face as he stared at the sun sword that was now releasing a hot reddish aura… It was also turned into a living weapon by Bakorio and he could already feel strength coursing through his body just by holding it in his hand.

"Let's call this Infernal Sun, make sure to show the world its true power… I'm sure plenty of beings are going to burn under its might" Bakorio spoke with a slight smile and Kazuki nodded hurriedly.

Then, Bakorio started explaining to them "These swords were already strong before the integration of these demon's power granting their user 100% increase in power to water or fire techniques as well as having a unique attack called Sun slash and Moon slash. Now however, those abilities might have grown stronger thanks to the demons' gifts, so make sure to test them before you use them recklessly… This is especially directed to you Kazuki"

Kazuki froze slightly and seemed a bit embarrassed and Bakorio could tell that he was about to try out the skill this sword had if he didn't warn him…

'Idiot' Sogetsu thought before he nodded at Bakorio so their teacher finally concluded by saying "The peaceful demon's gift is to create the most destructive form of an element or technique, as for the infernal demon's gift, he can enhance the power or quality of his attacks by a certain factor… They seem similar but they are different… Make sure to use them carefully"

"Yes teacher x2" Kazuki and Sogetsu replied seriously as they strapped their new swords that were still shining slightly even when covered by their hilts, and seeing this, Bakorio patted their heads slightly before he disappeared.

That true clone of Bakorio's that helped the two brothers grow stronger wasn't the only one on the move, in fact, he was preparing as best he could before the start of the final war!

'The tailed beasts are basically useless… I already gained the friendship of all of them and earned a part of their strength… we will have to make better use for them…' As Bakorio was thinking this, his body slowly moved closer to the gate of hell situated in the land of lightning.

This place was guarded by the strongest ninjas that Kumo had to offer, but most importantly, Minato Namikaze was also keeping an eye on the situation in the dark along with one of Bakorio's true clones.

After all, he couldn't trust a hidden village with such a monumental task, especially when the power of the devils has been increasing steadily throughout the years, so Minato was tasked to keep guard here after Kumo decided to stop their hard-headedness and joined their alliance.

"Bakorio-kun, do you need something from me?" Minato who was sitting in a meditative position and appearing as if he had become one with nature suddenly opened his eyes and asked Bakorio curiously.

Bakorio wasn't trying to hide his presence in the first place so Minato's discovery didn't startle him, instead, he calmly approached him and asked "How's the situation here?"

Minato's cheerful face dimmed slightly as he shot the giant gate in the distance that was oozing with hell's chakra a cold look before he said "The devils emerging are growing stronger and stronger and I had to interfere a lot lately, so far, the weakest devils emerging are at least Jonin level…

However, we managed to turn the situation into a stalemate after we discovered that they could come back to life as their souls seemed to be returning to hell when they die and get stronger bodies each time…So we started sealing them instead of killing them… I'm sure you are aware of the general situation"

Hearing this, Bakorio nodded at him with a frown on his face and stared silently at the gate so Minato couldn't help but ask him curiously "You didn't come here just for this right?"

Hearing this, Bakorio nodded at the perceptive Hokage and said "You are someone that has an affinity for space, something so rare that It can only be found on a handful of people in history, which is why you can use the flying thunder god Jutsu. However, that Jutsu relies on seals to manipulate space so it's not perfect"

Minato seemed slightly surprised as he could tell where the discussion was going and he couldn't help but ask Bakorio curiously "Did you manage to learn how to manipulate space without seals?"

Bakorio nodded calmly after hearing this, but this simple gesture made a tsunami of emotions explode in Minato's heart…

Sensing space is almost impossible, in fact, even someone like Minato could barely do it… This's because the other elements are covering it like a multi-layered blanket making it harder to sense, so the best one can do is sense the faintest trace of it, but it's not enough for them to be able to manipulate it with their chakra.

But Tobirama, the genius who created the flying thunder god Jutsu didn't allow this fact to shake his confidence and he tried multiple ways to enhance his space affinity so that he could decern space much better and create a Jutsu that can manipulate it… Yet no matter how much he tried, he found it impossible to increase his affinity with space.

So, he started looking at it from a different perspective, if you can't make your hearing better, you just need to increase the sound… And he applied this same principle in his research.

The FTGJ he created made use of seals to develop some sort of amplifier for space, so just like an anchor, he can now always sense that point in space that he marked even if he's far away from it, but it wasn't perfect. That's only after Minato managed to make it possible to use it to create several "Amplifiers" so to speak without them interfering with each other which greatly improved on Tobirama's limited version of the Jutsu.

However, no further advancements were made to this Jutsu afterward showing just how hard it was… Which's why Minato was surprised by Bakorio who appeared to find a way to achieve such a thing!

After a slight contemplation, Bakorio calmly explained "The reason we can't sense space is because of the veil that hides it from our perception… So, all we have to do is remove that veil!"

"That's easier said than done" Minato replied with a helpless smile but Bakorio's face didn't change at all as he said "Wind, Fire, Earth, water, and lightning… these are the elements that are affecting our perception the most, and indeed, trying to remove all of them is close to impossible… However, I created a method that makes use of one while only requiring to remove the other 4!"

"Make use of one of them to manipulate the other 4?" Minato asked with an absent-minded look on his face while his mind worked on overdrive to figure out what Bakorio meant but he simply couldn't find anything… Manipulating the elements individually is useless since more would take their place so what possible way did Bakorio came up with… curious he directly asked and Bakorio simply smiled and responded

"First of all… Absorb the lightning element into the body to enhance the nervous system and the perception of the user and use it as a guide to direct the rest… Then use this enhanced perception to merge the rest of the four elements and make a tunnel through the exposed space with them!"

"This…" Minato was shocked but Bakorio wasn't done explaining

"Merging Wind, Fire, and Earth allows a person to control particles… when you add Water to the mix, you can manipulate space! And I already found the perfect ratio for this kind of operation" Then Bakorio raised his hand and the lightning in the air was instantly absorbed into his body and he started gathering the rest of the elements and merging them together until a blackhole-like thing appeared in his hand and Minato can see a passage made of lightning swirling inside it but he didn't know where it led…

"This is the way to manipulate space… Although it consumes a lot of chakra"

"Amazing…" Was all Minato could say as he stared at the opening in space over Bakorio's hand in wonder!