Fighting is all about strategy

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The link is also in the synopsis


"Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash, it's a pleasure to be fighting you... and killing you" Hokusai spoke calmly while holding his sheathed sword in his left hand and facing Minato…

"Can't we talk this out? Why are you devils attacking this world?" The kind-hearted Minato tried to reason with Hokusai, but he only received a sword slash as an answer

"There's nothing to talk about, the two of us live in two completely different worlds" Hokusai spoke calmly to Minato who dodged his attack and appeared near another one of his Kunais.

'It seems like it won't be easy to reason with this guy' Minato thought with a frown before he turned serious, he's got a mission and people to protect, and he won't let anything distract him from that…

"Fine…" Minato spoke calmly before he took out one of his special Kunais and rushed at Hokusai and they started exchanging fast attacks to the point that Hokusai was shocked 'This guy's combat mastery is no joke, Tsk talented people always have it easy…'

"Devil Kenjutsu: Deadly sword dance" After saying this, Hokusai approached Minato at a frighting speed and slashed at him with what appeared to be a normal attack.

However, Minato's instincts almost went highwire as he took out another special Kunai and infused them with as much chakra as he could before he used the one in his right hand to block in front of him and the one in his left hand was raised to his left side where nothing seemed to be happening.

However, at that same instance, sparks started flying from both directions and Minato could hear Hokusai say "Your instincts are frightening, but they are not enough"

As he said this, Hokusai stabbed his sword forward and Minato instantly realized 'This time, there are 2 invisible attacks, and they are all thrusts like his original motion…'

Forced to fend off three attacks at the same time, Minato didn't panic and simply took out another Kunai and created a chakra hand to hold it and used it to help fend off all the attacks…

"Admirable, but let's see you keep it up" Hokusai said this with a slight smirk, and it gave Minato a bad feeling as he could feel Hokusai's next slash was followed by three invisible ones coming for his back front and sides!

'This deadly sword dance of his, just what's its limit?' Minato wondered before he created another hand and as before deflected all the attacks before he tried to make some distance between them… However, Hokusai kept stuck on his trail even when he uses the FTGJ!

The ninjas of Kumo were only able to see sparks with increasing quantity flying not far from them at frighting speed with no sight of the two fighters showing their frightening speed… That's until they suddenly appeared in their vision and they noticed Minato standing still with 9 chakra hands behind him and a few injuries on his body, although they were quickly healing.

Meanwhile, Hokusai appeared completely fine and he said calmly "The next attack will be your end"

Darui felt a chill when he heard this and he couldn't help but frown 'This is bad, if the fourth Hokage falls here, it will be the end for us… What should I do?' However, he knew the level of that fight was too high for him and he wouldn't be able to interfere in it… In fact, he didn't even have the time to help as Hokusai disappeared right after he said that and attack Minato again.

Minato stared calmly at Hokusai and thought 'His limit appears to be only able to create 10 invisible slashes at a time… So his next move will probably be trying to take me by surprise and slash twice with his sword!'

Just as Minato guessed, Hokusai slashed twice at him sending more than 20 invisible slashes coming from all directions his way… However, in such a despair-filled situation, Minato calmly smiled and hid his Kunais before he said "Indeed, This is the end"

Then Hokusai watched as Minato disappeared from his vision, however he quickly locked in his next position and was about to rush at him but something strange happened… They were a few 100 meters away from the people, and he thought that Minato was leading him away so that they don't harm the people, but he would never guess that it was actually to set an intricate trap for him…

Suddenly, Every single stone, ground, and tree around him in a 10 meters range started lighting up with weird orange light in the shape of seals 'This bastard, when did he…?' That was all Hokusai could think before a giant explosion engulfed him and everything around him like a hungry beast! This is the Roaring Thunder God Jutsu!

Meanwhile, As Minato was fighting against Hokusai, Bakorio on the other hand was messing around with Shu…

"Hell's Ash Rain!" Shu said coldly before he waved his hand causing weird dark ash to start falling from the sky at Bakorio from every possible direction

'This must be Lava release infused with hell's energy, this guy is finally getting serious' Bakorio thought calmly before he smiled slightly and said "Hell's Storm" and right after, an eerie dark wind cyclone formed around Bakorio and blocked the falling Ashes heading his way…

As for those that weren't blocked, they fell gently into the earth, but whatever they touched, it would turn into a 3 meters wide and deep hole filled with magma!

"You are not just copying me, you can actually gather hell's energy! How's this possible?" Shu asked with disbelief clear in his eyes as he can tell that Bakorio didn't go through hell's Baptism… This Baptism transforms people's hearts, and the weaker the person, the more their bodies will transform as well, as for the strong ones, they retain their original features and only gain certain devilish characteristics such as wings or horns.

Bakorio however didn't have any of those which confused Shu, but Bakorio wasn't going to give him an answer anytime soon and simply retaliated by using his Mangekyo Sharingan and using its Yomi no Kuni ability!

4 deadly chains rushed at Shu, but his body suddenly become covered in Red lightning and he said "Hell's lightning Chakra Cloak"

Then, he started moving at unimaginable speeds and dodged the chains before he appeared in front of Bakorio with his staff already going for the latter's head!

'Hmm? He's using it similar to the Raikage… It seems like he developed his fighting style even further…' Bakorio analyzed all of this calmly before he leaned back and dodged the staff before he quickly covered his leg in red lightening as well and used an attack similar attack to Chidori with it before he kicked Shu!

Sensing the Danger behind the kick, Shu frowned slightly and dodged the attack with his incredible speed before he appeared behind Bakorio and prepared to stab him with his lightning-covered staff…

However, to his Shock, Bakorio who was leaning back still twisted with unbelievable dexterity and barely dodged the staff before he covered his hand in red lightning and held it in place, and tried to stab Shu with his other hand.

That's when this devil simply smirked and said "Don't underestimate me!" Before he swung Bakorio with his staff and sent him crashing through multiple trees…

"You are indeed stronger than me physically… It seems like you absorbed even more of hell's energy after I killed you the last time…" Bakorio said calmly but he suddenly smiled and said "But it's not enough"

Shu watched as a terrifying giant Black Rasenshuriken formed on top of Bakorio's hand and he simply said arrogantly "I'm not only stronger than you, I'm also faster"

Hearing this, Bakorio's smile widened before he said "I don't know about that" Before he disappeared from Shu's vision and he only saw the Giant Rasenshuriken appear instantly in front of him and strike him in the face as if a whole planet was falling over him!



Two explosions echoed at the same time causing the battlefield to come to a standstill…