Undead Army

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


During the clash between Bakorio, Minato and the devils, Bakorio made sure to command what remained of his sand army to escort the Kumo ninjas away from the dangerous battlefield.

However, despite his timely reaction and his best efforts, The ninjas from Kumo still ended up suffering many casualties whether it be from the devils that kept pursuing them or the explosions after Jashin's trap was set into motion that turned this part of the land into a wasteland that would probably not bear any life for decades to come…

"How are the casualties here?" Bakorio asked after appearing in front of the surprised Minato whose eyes widened slightly before he asked "You survived?"

Bakorio nodded at the question with no intention to hide the truth from his friend that had just fought to the death alongside him. Especially when his enemies probably has an idea regarding this power of his.

Confirming his doubts, Minato almost smiled but the moans of pain soon reached his ears reminding him of the hellish scene behind him…

The ninjas that survived were in agony as many of them were suffering from lost limbs or crushed bones… It was a scene out of hell with all of the mutilated bodies in sight.

"Ironically, this is the best we could have done…" Minato replied with a sad look on his face but Bakorio simply patted him lightly on the shoulder and said "It's already good enough"

Then he started to cast recovery spells on anyone he deemed on the verge of death and summoned many shadow clones to assist him as well… After all, he wasn't a miracle doctor for nothing…

As Bakorio was busy dealing with the injured after this huge battle… The jovial atmosphere among the higher-ups of hell had suddenly turned cold and eerie as the leader Amatsu was shaking in anger… And how can she not… For Bakorio sent a middle finger in her direction before he went to assist Minato.

"How! How did he revive? This is impossible, is he really human?" Shu couldn't help but yell in disbelief at the scene they just witnessed.

A land filled with nothing but death and destruction managed to give birth to the annoying human they worked so hard to bring down… they even had to resort to one of their trump cards under the assistance of their lord… The blood revenge Juinjutsu.

This Jutsu allowed someone to inflict all the damage they suffered during a certain period of time to their opponent under the condition they are in the range of their blood seal when they activate it and manage to collect some of their blood which they worked hard to do so amidst their fast-paced battle.

Yet, Despite all of this, Bakorio still managed to use a similar Juinjutsu to theirs called Forbidden Sacrifice and absorbed all the damage that Minato was supposed to suffer and focused it all into his own body!

They still felt chills at how quickly he realized that it was already too late when the blood revenge activated since even if he teleported to the ends of the earth, both of them would still die… So he chose to save Minato instead and relied on his hidden trump card to revive himself!

This even left Jashin slightly speechless as his mouth widened slightly, but it soon turned into a wild smile as the darkness surrounding him started to shake in excitement… He finally found a worthy prey, and he kept giving him more and more surprises every time!

Meanwhile, all the anger on Amatsu's face suddenly vanished and it transformed into an eerie coldness as she stared at her followers Shu and Hokusai that failed her one time after the other before she said "I gave you the power and trained you to fulfill your mission, and this is how you repay me?"

"Amatsu-sama, please give us another chance, we will do better next time!" Shu yelled hurriedly as the whisp he was made of trembled slightly and so did Hokusai's… And it only got worse when they noticed Uwabami who was supposed to resurrect them take a step back and ask

"What should we do with them, Amatsu-sama?"

"I don't need weaklings, you can eat them" Amatsu replied coldly before she left to the dark pool of hell to relax slightly, and a cold smile soon came to her face as she heard the wails of Shu and Hokusai While Uwabami toyed with them before he opened his mouth wide and devoured them…

'Young man, you better get ready, soon you will understand what true terror is' She thought ominously before she disappeared into her dark pool…


Was the only sound in this hellish palace as Uwabami cleaned his mouth with a handkerchief elegantly as if he just enjoyed the most delicious feast of his life while the aura of a devil around his body increased by leaps and bounds…


After this incident, The situation started to get more turbulent as the attacks of the devils grew more active and so were the attacks from the resurrected people of the hidden village of the dead so Bakorio decided to reveal one of his trump cards!

Inside different underground bases all across the different lands of ninjas, countless eyes suddenly started shining eerily in the darkness!

Such a situation was so eerie to the point that it would give anyone goosebumps as multiple shadowy figures of all kinds and shapes started emerging from the bases and into the outside world…

At this moment, a group of 3 unsuspecting Jonin level ninjas who were resurrected thanks to Izumo was currently heading toward a village in an isolated part of the land of fire that was far from the known bases and the hidden village.

Their mission was simple… capture everyone in that village and take them back to get tortured so they can generate more dark chakra…

"Be careful you two, even if we are far from Konoha and their other forces, we might still encounter people traveling around here" The leader of the two seemed to be a ninja from Iwa, he was an experienced ninja that fought in the third ninja world war so he was used to doing infiltration missions.

That was until he encountered Minato and he understood the true terrifying might of the yellow flash… that day 1000 Ninjas from Iwa were annihilated in his hands in mere seconds which started his legend and earned him the label of a highly dangerous individual among all hidden villages!

This ninja was still holding a grudge against Konoha so he wanted to finish this mission successfully, and one person beside him, a Hyuga, frowned slightly but ended up using his Byakugan reluctantly and said "I can't see anyone in the vicinity"

Hearing this, the leader heaved a sigh of relief while the third member, a ninja from Kiri grinned and said "What are you two being so scared for? This mission is going to be a breeze-"

Just as he finished his words, a dark shadow passed by them, and they only saw the head of that ninja from Kiri flying in the air with an expression of disbelief still on his face…

"Impossible, I didn't detect anyone with my Byakugan" The Hyuga didn't understand how someone could escape the detection of his still active Byakugan, he still couldn't even see the individual that did this so he was forced to deactivate his Byakugan and stare at where the shadow landed…

There he saw a lone knight, dressed in dark armor that covered his whole body from head to toe, with the only thing visible being a weird pale light shining under the helmet…

"How dare you attack me!" The ninja from Kiri yelled before his decapitated body moved on its own and created multiple water slashes which he sent directly at their assailant.

However, the knight simply dodged all of them before he arrived in front of him again at a frightening speed before he shopped his body into pieces and took out a special jar that absorbed it before he could regenerate.

Then, the knight turned to the remaining ninja and stared at them coldly sending shivers down their spines…

"Who are you?" The Jonin from Iwa asked as he prepared himself to fight, but both he and the Hyuga felt a breeze pass them before they both got decapitated and their bodies were swallowed inside the special Jar the Knight carried…

This was the Death knight… Bakorio's undead army suddenly made its appearance all over the world and started flipping the well-established chess board!