"Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you realize your standing on another trap door".....


"Tae i think we got a clue" i beam in happiness, he looks at me confused "i will tell You at home for now lets find anything that can help to find more about this mountain" i start to look around the dusty cobwebbed room? am not sure it's even a room.

The rest of the team set out the ropes then climbed down "You guys.....whoah" Mr.Bang's expressions changed dramatically "wow another tomb?" he asks looking at the silver barrow which was in the centre. By the look of it i think that was their way of carrying out the ceremony, this tomb is different and designed in another different way 'interesting' i think as i scan it from a distance.

I take a closer look at the rocky wall which looks very old and dusty it must have been decades, i blow the dust away with my handkerchief and am amazed, there are some graffiti [inscriptions or drawing] which have been craved onto it. Taking a closer look i seem to find it familiar looking for my phone in my pockets 'damn i forgot it' i facepalm mentally "Tae pass me your phone" he throws it to me not minding if it missed the catch.

I take a few pictures then go towards Tae he seems to be excavating the ground [process of digging archeological site,removing soil and observe] "What have you found out?" i ask as i squat looking at the soil "digging it deep, this soil is wet" he says showing me the soil "could there be a water source down there?" i ask "well if we don't dig up we wont find out but for now let's focus on the rest" he says looking at the barrow which was made up of rare rocks "we need to be more into ethnography" i say as Tae nods at me, culture does matter and helps us more into discovering what makes these kind of tombs.

"We are opening now" Mr.Bang announces as they hover around the silver barrow but me and Tae stay back he knows why, being an archeologist is fun but dangerous at some times don't get me wrong i also have my fears "you sure?" i ask "you know what happened last time" i remind them of last time, once we opened a tomb in Koguryo and the big spiders crept out running all over it was a worst experience ever "don't worry am here" Tae says as the big brother he is and i smile at him but maintaining my distance from the tomb.

The rock is pushed to the sides slowly since it was so heavy dont ask how i know yet i haven't pushed it yet well i can just say by how the energy they are using since everyone was sweating bullets and with a loud thud the rock cover hit the ground as i look carefully for any spiders but nothing crepts out....phew

The inside of the tomb was still blurry due to the dust that gushes out so it takes a few seconds and it's clear, to our dismay there isn't any bog man [body of a person found preserved in a peat] but we see something else, taking my gloves i walk to the barrow scanning it.

There lay a rare flake [thin flattened piece of chip of stone removed from the core rock by chipping it] Tae takes out a small bag and carefully takes the flake putting it in "i'll do a cross dating in the lab" he says and the rest agree to it too because we are the best among all of them they trust us enough. I continue to look around as Mr.Bang and the rest do the same.

I see a very old brown paper like those they used in the 90s i almost mistook it as an old brown cloth, carefully i take it out it was rolled up and tied with a ribbon which of course looks old too.

I first examine it but nothing much to see from above, i untie it holding it open in my hand and blow off the dust, the first thing i notice are the drawings, i see rocks, nature, weird kind of house drawings well dealing with ancient things you must learn culture including the basics. The symbols are curving at some point the other looking at the different direction it's really confusing none of us here can interpret it at all, we did have one who knew but he is not available today so we have to look for someone else he is too slow.

"i guess we have to go with the components for a better research am out take what is needed, Jimin and Tae this is your project do update me " Mr.Bang says climbing up the ropes man so flexible his weight is nothing.

I look at Tae and he smirks, we love finding out things which are unusual. Looking down to the paper and Tae joins me i realize i did see the small compass direction on the left corner "Tae i think it's...." i come closer to his ear "a map" i whisper as he looks around for no one to have heard me "this is very delicate, pack it and we look up to it at home" he whispers back and i nod.

We make our way up from the soukerrain [an underground chamber or passage] and the boys cover it properly that no one can say there is something down but Mr.Bang aint a fool so he puts guards at the entrance no one to come in without permission.


At home we are done refreshing, night came in really fast that i didn't realize it. I took a sit at near my small table with papers all scattered then i lay the papers in order, brought the head lamp nearer to take a closer look and i realize half the page was tore off this adds to my curiosity. Tae too sits opposite me with another head lamp taking a closer look at the flake it really looks mysterious but i see it glittering in the dark when Tae had set it aside "Tae move it to the dark" he does so and it flickers blue light "to the other side" i say again and does so but it doesn't flicker "i think it's showing us something" Tae stands up following where the light flickered.

It stops at a certain big old book on the shelf we try again but still is the same spot so i take out the book flicker the pages but i don't see anything, while holding it up an old paper falls out, picking it up am confused "never seen this before" i say as i open it only to see the same graffiti on the paper, i ran towards the map then hold it closer as Tae observes.

"Oh my God Tae, it's the missing part of this map" i happily say not believing it yet "this is a clue i was talking about i had this dream before calling you, the same cave appeared in my dreams" i try to explain to the dumbfounded Tae "are you possessed?" Tae asks in disbelief [A/M:Hey Tae wake the fuck up bish *Tae glares* am kidding Mochi proceed]. "well i guess your dream came in handy, so now we need someone who can interpret this" Tae says folding the two papers "let's keep this safe there are many eyes around" he warns and we wrap up everything, flop onto the bed and cuddle together [A/N:Aww so cute you sure y.....JM&TAE;wanna join? ...pfft am out of here... *runs away in embarrassment*]


"Hyung they found something in the soukerrain and the two boys took something along" a man wearing a mask all in black says as he stood far from the dark mountain "Good job, let's wait for the next move since they are well trained they will be of much help keep me updated don't let them out of sight" the voice from the phone said as it chuckled the man stood looking at the big glass in front of him looking at the beautiful scenery of the night which beamed light from the skyscrapers. "from this point i guess we will be meeting soon doll" he says as he took a sit swirling around smirking.

[A/M:Wow what a view you got there! *amazed* looking back meets the coldest eyes she ever saw UNKNOWN:What have we got here *smirks* A/M:Why do you look like a pervert in the dark? UNKNOWN:I can show you gorgeous *smirks more* A/M:such a perverted pervert *disappears in thin air*...]

"Just when you think you've hit rock bottom,you realize your standing on another trap door"