"It's like the mafia, once you're in, there is no getting out."


Being in the mafia might sound thrilling and maybe interesting as fuck but it's more than that, it means the more dangers, more stunts, life thrilling and definitely life threatening but i got used to it that am even greateful to it. I have been into the mafia for long time now that am used and also thanks to my hyung Namjoon who also supported me through alot, fought battles together and always there for each other like brothers do right? after that worst encounter i don't trust anyone not even my guardians i don't trust anyone or that mr.love or whatever his name is, doing that i came so far though i really had to lie to my doll sometimes but what he did was worse.....

I swirl on my chair as i remember the good days, actually the good days were with my ex, those are the only days that seemed better then but now they feel so bitter than gourd it's self. We did have fun days like literally all were amazing until one day when i decided to drop the mafia shit to be with him only to find him kissing another guy right in front of me, i was really angry and i needn't any explanation and that's when i dedicated myself to the mafia.

I take out an old newspaper that had a kid ten years old, a survivor kid from the wunu mountain why am i interested? well my father was once an archeologist but mostly into mining but a few knew about this and that's how he taught me many different kinds of minerals and also i studied archeology secretly no one has an idea at all but suddenly he died that day too only leaving a ten year old survivor but i was always curious if that kid is still alive grown up maybe....never mind.

I sigh in frustration as i look at the pictures i have been sent from inside that mountain. I still want to find out why exactly my dad went in there in the first place, he never told me because i was young then but i still have all his researches everyday i look into them but find nothing at all which is frustrating.

"Namjoon hyung" i call out to him on the phone and good thing he isn't that far a few seconds he comes in looking all serious for any orders "i think you have to look at this" i hand him the pictures i also couldn't figure it out what it was some unusual drawings but hyung is good at that "seems like some kind of route" he say rubbing his chin in deep thoughts as i continue to listen at him suddenly i get a call "be there right away" i say as i hang up "hyung am going now while you figure out what that is" i say as he nods still looking at the picture and head out.


I drive to the mansion i had got a call from uncle as we need to handle our business rivals accordingly he has a short temper so he might kill the guy yet he is still needed. Aunt and uncle took me in when my dad disappeared who we all think he is probably dead and they were in the mafia already and that explains why i become one. I learnt pretty quickly as i used to see all what they had to do while i imitate them or maybe not.....there is always more to the story.....

Awhile ago we had this meeting with the board in JK empires, you must wondering why my name well my aunt and uncle are getting old and since i manage everything it earned the JK titles so during the meeting this man in the blue suit wouldn't stop asking stupid questions mostly about the mafia bringing it in the business meeting, everyone who works with us know about the mafia and wouldn't in their lives mess with until he came along.

He was humiliating uncle without the slightest fear of what will happen to him later and the furry my uncle carried could be seen in a blink but the man wouldn't stop grinning well let him have the taste of his own medicine.

I went in greet aunt then headed to that special room...of course the basement [A/M:The whole JJ, why the boring basement JJ:*smirks* how about i close you in it A/M:catch me if you can JJ:*pulls out gun and points* A/M:ok you win you win *ground swallows her*]....

Coming in the room the man is covered in his own pool of blood and i smirk "so who's loosing now?" i mock him "ple..please ..let..me go.." he begs and i like it when someone begs it feels good to have the upper hand. Uncle comes from behind me carrying the thing we want from him 'his company' he carries some documents and a pen and head towards the almost unconscious man "sign this" he says coldly "wha..whats that?" he asks with all his strength "key to freedom "i answer, immediately he holds the pen in his trembling hands and signs and i point my gun to his head "y..you said, it will be my freedom..." and i smirk more "i did mention freedom but i never said how and this is what i mean, see you in hell!" bang i shoot him right between his eyes and blood splatters all over "here" Namjoon hands me a towel he came back sooner than i thought so sharp, high IQ, then and i wipe off the blood i glance at my uncle grinning evilly while looking at the papers 'so greedy' i know him too well.

"Namjoon let's have a talk in my office" i head out and went to my office inside the mansion all the mafia and bossiness works i do them from here mostly concerned with the mafia. It's a large room with a big table in the center and in between the table there is space but that shows holograms.

I stood looking at the wall as Namjoon walked in closing the door behind him, i stare at the wall it has a painting of a tree nothing unique and that's why i chose this trick i place my palm on the tree trunk and a blue line scan my palm and soon the wall divides itself creating a path, cool isn't it?

Namjoon trails behind and we take the usual sitting spot. Only three of us know this place first because we have the same thing which we look forward to and all of us did a lot of archelogy learning meaning we have the same goals 'wunu mountain'.....My uncle and aunt don't know about it because....i never trusted them, this hidden room is full of my father's discoveries, archeology books, historical books, artifacts, just soo many things i can't say all.

I have been looking through every details about his search and what did i find out 'wunu mountain' there is definitely something strange about it and this adds to my curiosity i really want to find out what my father found so interesting about it...

"Hey guys" Hobi beams in happiness, the room is slightly dark but when he comes in it's suddenly bright "my eyes" Namjoon complains covering his eyes "turn off the light please" i tease back and all laugh to the joke, he is the third person who knows and he too is into archeology you wont believe but he is the person who is needed now.

"so guys after we have have found out new information we have to move" i announce as they nod pretty aware of it "well combining the two pieces together we can figure out that map" i say and exchange looks "what do you mean?" Hobi asks in confusion "well they discovered a map, Namjoon hyung can figure out the graffiti on it and Hobi you can figure out the map" i explain "but we will need the map" Hobi points out "well i got that" i smirk.

"Getting back with your ex?" Hobi squeaks in happiness as i roll my eyes "are you asking for a death wish?" i ask changing my expressions to cold "n..no no what is your plan?" and i chuckle "So..you have to befriend them, soon they will be looking for a translator, i know Jimin and Tae can't interpret and they will need one, so you guys will give them an offer and work with them and then you know what next..." they're smart they know what next to do i don't need to explain much "wow we have a genius" they hi-five as i just smile to my only true friends in this dark world.......

"Everyone is a gangster until a gangster walks in...."