"The moon reminds me of you, so beautiful, so bright and so far...."


I slowly open my eyes and quickly shut them due to the strong light and the heat on my face meaning it was already morning? did i finally have a good sleep. Opening again all i see is white and the weird smell, looking around me i see the drips inserted in my arm on my other side i see Tae he was asleep 'what happened?' i ask myself.

I pat Tae's hair poor thing must be really tired, he moved a little when he felt a touch and woke up as i just smiled at him "morning alien" i greet and suddenly he wakes up pulling me in a tight embrace "Oh chimmy you scared me i thought i lost you, don't worry am here" he kiss my face hair i don't know why he is worried this much "not so tight" i try to breathe "oh sorry am just excited" he breaks the hug "Tae am ok no need to worry" i hold his trembling hands "now calm down" i give him time to breathe "how are you feeling?" he asks "feeling great, so what happened why am i here?"i asked confused "last night you passed out" i what? now am more confused the last time it was this bad was years ago why now "then you're here" he adds but am still confused "let me call the doctor to check on you and bring some food" he went out as in seconds the doctor came in.

The doctor told me everything and about my condition and i should look out for my health, sitting in silence i try to remember what happened, yes someone was choking me how did a nightmare feel so real and then i remember that certain scent, those lips i felt them there is no way it was a dream right?, i couldn't wake up but i felt him so near yet so far "i miss you Kook-ah" i look out sadly remembering the good times we were together then hear Tae came in.

Tae comes in with my favorite snack and can't help than sit up as soon as he handed me i dig in "whoah take it slow, what an appetite you've got" Tae teased but food matters "mhmm...mhffhhg" i say cheeks full "sorry what was that?" he asked but i laugh "sorry..i want to apologize for making you worry" i say but he side hugs me "don't....i will always be here for you ok now eat" we continue to eat and suddenly his phone rings "who is it?" i ask "It's Jin hyung he is calling on a video call" he answers the call "Hi hyung" he waves "Oh hi Tae" he smiles back "wait..where is my baby?" oh no he's asking about me he will be worried, too late Tae turned the camera to me "Hi Hyung how are you?" he looks at me in horror "My baby are you in a hospital gown, oh my God are you ok? Why didn't you tell me?" he more like rapped.

"Calm down hyung, he just woke up we will tell you more when we meet today" Tae tried to calm the atmosphere "Hyung don't worry am fine look" i show him my famous smile "Please come soon i wanna take care of you, and another thing i called is that i found someone who can translate the map" hearing this i felt my body regaining the lost energy "we are on our way" i say looking for my clothes "but.." he tries to protest but Tae beat him to it "we will see you soon" and he disconnected knowing pretty well no one wins hyung's arguments.

"Jimin you sure?" he asks "Yes i am" i stand up only to loose balance, before i hit the hard floor Tae catches "well am not sure about that" i stand straight "feeling weak in the legs but am ok, you will hold me right?" i show him puppy eyes "trying to soften me?" he asks "is it working?" he smiles "Yes of course am going to hold you i wont let you fall now dress up" with that i put on my clean clothes which Tae brought i dont know when 'so caring' ready we head head out with me holding onto his arm for dear life.


We reach to a decent cafe which looked really cozy and that heavenly smell of bakings and coffee which was making me already hungry "Lets head in" We walk to the door with Tae holding me tight so i don't trip, before we open Jin hyung already opened with a big smile on his handsome "aww my babies" he opens his arms taking both of us in a tight embrace "hyung...not..so..tight" Tae literally like dragged the words and he breaks the hug "welcome to my world" i turn to Tae as he got what i mean "come here Jimin let me hold you" i more like cling to him "thanks hyung" he smiles back.

"Hyung this smell makes me hungry already" i pout "Didn't you just eat a while ago" i give him a glare "aww..wait i will bring you something" he walks up to the counter as i show my tongue to Tae playfully "aigoo such a baby" i only laugh "yes Jin's baby" we both burst into a laughter, "here" hyung brings some cookies two glass of milk and a coffee i head for coffee but Tae stops me "no coffee for you" i pout then take the milk [A/M:uuhmmm....i smell delicious coffee, then its definitely mine *takes the coffee cup* and receives a glare from Jin] "not you either" Jin hyung takes the cup "now tell me what happened?" he asked and am also curious what happened to me i remember bits "yes Tae i want to know too" i look at him.

Tae explains and i become really worried too "aww my chimmy had to suffer this much" Jin hyung hugs me but he receives a call "oh they are here" he announces as we see two tall young men coming in one probably around my age and Tae "hi" they greet and we greet back all of us taking a sit, Jin introduces them to us and vise versa "so here Namjoon is my boyfriend you can trust him" i wiggle my eyebrows trying to tease him and it worked with him getting red ears.

We didn't waste time as i took out the map then lay it on the table as Namjoon hyung takes out a very big book and Hobi hyung does so. Namjoon will be interpreting the drawn graffiti as Hobi hyung will be reading the map after getting translation. Twenty minutes later we are only quarter way Tae already dozing off he must be really tired. I get up carefully and stand beside him "here, hold it" i offer my hand and he does so, with slow steps i take him to the sofa beside us "rest here ok, i will tell you everything in details" i dont give him chance to protest and i cover him with his tall jacket seconds later he is already asleep then tried to stand up but i can't this numbness is killing me, the three were already looking at us and Jin hyung already understood "oh wait let me help you" Jin walks up to me and held me up then to my sit.

"Jimin you ok?" Hobi hyung asks "oh it's nothing weak in the kness but will be fine" i smile to assure them "don't worry i will take care of you" Jin hyung pats my shoulder as i lean my head to his broad shoulder "that's why your my favorite" the others seems to smile too seeing our connection "your shoulders so comfortable" i lean more to it "all yours" he says "really" i tease he is already red "let's just continue ok" he changes the topic as i smile in victory.

Finally after hours of searching this and that we are almost done, Jin being the amazing compass reader he is was a big help because we needed to know the start of the map "this compass isn't in the right order maybe this was done to confuse anyone who had hold of it" we nod to his amazing skills, Hobi then re-sketches the path on the same map now all readable. I sigh in relief "wow everyone thanks for the amazing work" i try to stand up to bow only to fall back "oh sorry guess i will do it sitting" i bow repeatedly "All of you are so amazing such great help, can i look forward to working with you?" i ask nervously we really need them in this journey "only if your intre...." they stand up and bow "it will a honor working with you" i felt relieved "same spot" we schedule and they head out as they have other things to do "your sleeping at my place today" Jin suddenly says "no arguments i already said" i smile great full "i wanted to say i would love too" he side hugs me..."let's go then"......[A/M:Me three *tags along....JM:it will feel good when you sleep on the floor.....*glares back* A/M:first reach takes a spot *runs to the room* JM:you dare *screams*]

"If you'll never try you'll never know......."