"Never forget:we are alive within mysteries..."


"Nice work" Jungkook pats the two males's shoulders that had did what he wanted, he smirk to himself seeing his plan is working out now soon or later he is going to find out anything and he can't wait, suddenly he remembers something "how is he now?" he asks face void of any emotion trying to act uninterested 'it's obvious you dumb ass' Namjoon facepalm mentally not understanding his friend but he is there to support him anyway.

"Not bad as the first day, he's great now" Hobi says excited "uhmm...why are you excited?" Jungkook takes a closer look at Hobi who had his sunshine smile "probably to meet Jimin" Namjoon says in a duh form "why is that?" He asks Hobi who just continues to smile so bright than the sun it's self "Jimin is so fun to hang out with,hes so funny, cute, caring"Hobi starts to daydream and Junkook narrows his eyes to him "What if he is single?" he asks again making Jungkook's eyes widen but he looks away quickly as Hobi nudges Namjoon's shoulder with a smirk knowing pretty well what he means.


Jimin's team including Tae stood at the door of the underground tomb, some carrying shovels, others hoes. It's high time to go to the forbidden places for adventure. It's been around a month since they made out the map and doing more research about the artifacts that existed in the tomb, making sure the map is right they decide to dig the ground since the map says that's the first part in entering another dimension, they haven't proved that there is another dimension but hey it's all about discovering and nothing can stop them.

Hobi and Namjoon were also there as Jimin insisted they need them and they have no complaints at all, "Ahh Hobi hyung i missed you" Jimin hug Hobi as tight as he could and Hobi caressing his back "i missed you too Chim Chim" Hobi says as Namjoon gives them the 'wtf' face "it's been only one day and you behave as if it's been centuries" he tsk "oh i missed you too" Jimin hug him too and the other did the same unable to resist his cuteness, it's been only a month and they all feel so attached like brothers as Tae stood a far eyeing Hobi for a very long time but not approaching as it's been really awkward between the two and they don't know why, they finally get to work of digging.

Everyone was wearing the farm work clothes and Jimin found this really funny and cute at the same time that he was clicking pictures over and over again "Jimin..." Mr.Bang dragged his name and Jimin quickly hid his phone "sorry..sorry" he apologized cutely and started to dig too, no one knows what to expect so they just dig......

As they dug Jimin realizes something being smart he figured it out "hey guys be careful it's getting soft due to the water that means it could topple along with us" Jimin says and everyone did as he says "so smart" Hobi nudges his shoulder playfully and he shows his eye smile, as they dug slowly and carefully the ground was shaking as if it was an earth quake happening "get away" Jimin shouts getting away from the said place not forgetting his Tae by pulling him by his wrists and others did the same, due to the sudden weight the ground opened swallowing in the sand and there appeared the black hole, pitch black you can't tell there is something down there.

Jimin and Tae jump to the other side as the ground split up right where they were "you ok?" Hobi helps the both to stand up right as they brush off the dust "that was epic!" Jimin exclaims as Tae hit the back of his head "that was dangerous you mochi" he scolds as Jimin pouts cutely "aww so cute ok let's see what is there" Hobi drags Jimin away leaving Tae looking lost.[A/M:Is someone zoning out? *nudges* TAE:*turns and sternly looks not blinking away* A/M:"..." TAE:*still zoned out* A/M:creep *stomps away* TAE:".."]

The ground was big enough as the whole room was occupied by the dark hole even the barrow that was in the center fell in 'thud' sound was heard after all that time "just how deep is this?" Hobi asked "light sticks" Tae suggest. Around ten of them held the light sticks hitting it on the ground and lights up and on the count of three they threw them in as Jimin and Namjoon sets their timers calculating the time the lights will hit the bottom.

"That is 5 minutes when it reached the bottom" Namjoon says "approximately 701 meters" Jimin smartly adds "two IQs we must be lucky, scratch that we are lucky" Mr. Bang smiles along with others all impressed.[A/M:sorry if the time is wrong i really have no idea what time it takes but let's say according to here that is the estimated time].

"The map here shows the next destination is near a water source and from where we are it's pretty far" Hobi says holding out the map "and we can't go and be back at the same time we will be like wasting our time" Tae adds "this calls for 'Adventure time" Jimin squeaks making the others laugh "Those are my boys" Mr.Bang smile in satisfaction.

Everyone heads out the mountain brushing off the dust and form a circle for the next plan Mr. Bang clears his throat "so...everyone i thought about it we are getting ready in three days by then we are heading to the mountain, who is ready for an adventure?" he asks and everyone shouts "we are" they put their palms in the center and together shouts "Adventure to the Wunu yay" they throw their hands in the air all feeling refreshed and energetic time to rumble the mystery......

"Feel the fear_Do it anyway....."