Tae squats down to touch the black dirt trying to study its texture "wow this is amazing this kind wasn't up but actually from down here maybe the further we go the more discoveries we make" he said to the group who were also looking around.

"Now tell me what did you find?" Jimin whispers as he knows well what his friend is up to "actually you were right someone's already down here" he too starts to look around but not to scare the others they didn't want to seem scary about the information they will have to tell them "well guys carefully let's start the journey to this mystery" he announces and everyone gets ready with their tools and torches as it was pitch dark.

Everyone gazed up at the rugos and rough hewn of the mountain path in a sense of awe, the catacomb was mysteriously quite and frightening but that only raised their curiosity.

Slowly taking their steps, they inched closer to the path looking at it's rough walls and the muddy soil which already had covered their boots.

But the more they took their steps the feeling was changing slightly "do you feel a change?" Jimin ask Tae "no I don't with the way you dressed me up like a stuffed plushie" he pout which made Jimin giggle to his cuteness "well your damn cute" he pinch his cheeks "aiiish stop it" he push away his hands "ok seriously what I mean is it's getting cold with the further we go oh wait, what's that?" He asks looking ahead.

The insidious mist had blocked their view further from where they stood "wait" Jimin stops one of them "what if it's dangerous like maybe poisoned fog we can't be sure" he tried o reason "speak for yourself" one of them arrogantly says "you don't tell me what to do" he was being cocky. They haven't even covered a mucher distance but someone was rather acting smart "am not telling you what to do am sharing my view" he turns away uninterested "so what you think your so smart" he spats "so you think you are?" Hobi having enough interrupted "whatever" he turns away "if anyone is interested join me" he announces as five of them join him.

The rest decided to watch from afar as Tae was indulged in reading a certain book. They move into the mist and their figures disappeared into it as Jimin and the rest watch attentive "maybe it isn't poisoned" one of them said trying to take a step " wait I see something" Namjoon points to a certain direction which a figure was seen.

*cough.....cough....* Is what they heard as the figure was finally visible and seconds later he fell to the ground. Taking a closer look his eyes had rolled back, skin all red and veins visible "he's dead" Namjoon announced as he checked his pulse.

"I got it" Tae who was reading attentively shot up from his book "in order to pass through that mist we have to cover our nose and make sure not to breathe ok now we go" he was the first to cover his and leads them "I will go first" he takes a step nodding to Jimin who nods back.

He moved through the mist and disappeared, about 20seconds they heard a voice "I made it, just make sure not to breathe" Tae shouts from the other side. Jimin and the rest do the same making sure to hold their breathe.

Jimin slowly walks into the mist he wasn't even running, looking down he could see three bodies down their smart asses led that to them but he realized there were only three out of five one is missing.

He was lost in his thoughts forgetting he was holding his breath, he felt someone pulling him making him fall down along with that person "oh hello if your thinking about dying right now then not probably here" Tae scold him from below him.

Standing up he glare at him "aww my soulmate will always save me" Jimin showed his puppy eyes so not to be scolded. "That won't work on me" Tae turns away so not to be trapped in those eyes.

As they were still bickering they heard rumbling and roaring sounds "what's that?" One of them asks "everyone silent" Tae shush them as they were in the center of where they stood, everyone looking at their sides on alert.

The sounds stop suddenly but they remained on guard until a bullet was heard "I was right someone is here but who?" Jimin whispers to Tae who holds his arms out trying to protect his baby "hey I can protect myself" he whines "says the one who was going to die seconds ago" he scoffs.

Another bullet was fired and men in black masks came out holding guns aiming at the centered people. "What the..." Tae was getting annoyed I guess they hoped for a simpler journey which was not in plans.

The men came closer each one holding a hostage "don't touch me" Tae struggles but they were strong. Three of them remain untouched Jimin, Namjoon, and Hobi and now it was time Namjoon's worries raised up.

The two already know what was happening and Jimin was still confused. A man wearing black pants, and black shirt which has straps holding the guns into place walked towards them. His big biceps were bulging out of the shirt which was tight on his masculine chest showing off his atoned body and arm tattoos. His body was now visible, Jimin looking up after checking him out, his jaw almost dropped 'so sexy' his mind shouted as he facepalm for his thoughts in this kind of situation [A/M:Is he an alpha or what? *stares without blinking JM:Am not sure, but his mine *licks bottom lip* A/M: *never stop starring* JM:*glances back with a glare* Hey stop starring or.....A/M:or what...JM:i'll poke your eyes out A/M:what...the...] "Jungkook" he calls as the said person smirks walking towards him looking all like an alpha with his commanding voice. Tae who was struggling stopped as he too stared at Jungkook in shock.

"Hey doll, we meet again" he hovers behind him as he said that in his ears with his husky voice not forgetting to bite his earlobe, Jimin was stiff he couldn't even breathe nor move his senses betrayed him......